/eagg/ - East Asian Genocide General - Liu Bei did nothing wrong edition

Last thread:
Pastebin for newcomers: pastebin.com/d4kmz03P

What we know so far:
-Dynasty Warriors 9 confirmed, Zhou Cang is playable, Shu officer.
-DW9 will be open world. We may or may not get a lot of newcomers. Everyone from 8XL and Xun Yu from Empires will return.
-Musou Stars is slated for March 30th in Japan, William is the last character.
-Warriors Orochi may or may not be phased out.
-Berserk Musou is out. Thirty frames of carnage at your fingertips.
-Fire Emblem Musou confirmed, Chrom is playable.
-Fate Extella: The Umbral Star is out.
-Sanadamaru confirmed for localization, named Spirit of Sanada and no Vita version
-Godseekers is out. Vita users abandon ship.
-Toukiden II is slated for March.
-People from /v/ don't know we're alive. Rally them when the threads pop up.
-As long as no one has a problem with your posts, feel free to discuss anything you think belongs to the general.
-Xiaoqiao poster kill yourself

>-Xiaoqiao poster kill yourself

why are the DW7 outfits so much crazier than the DW8 ones

dlc ones or the regular?


get in here WUbros

is berserk east asian genocide

Leave him alone. He could be a Baofag, or worse; a Lucinashitter.

Sima Yi did nothing wrong

>Guanqiu Jian declared his rebellion in the first month of 255, taking up arms at Shouchun. He was joined by Wen Qin and a about 60,000 loyal soldiers.
>Guanqiu Jian sent a long memorial to the throne explaining his actions and calling for Sima Shi to be deposed. In it, he praised Sima Yi, Sima Fu, Sima Zhao, and Sima Wang and clarified that his issue was only with Sima Shi and his control over the government.
>Guanqiu Jian actually recommended merciful treatment for Sima Shi and called for him to be exiled to his fief rather than executed.
>Further, he suggested promotions for Sima Zhao, Sima Fu, and Sima Wang, urging that they be made Grand General, Grand Tutor, and General of the Capital, respectively.
what a human bean, post real human beans who you'd be friends with