Can-Can dance edition
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>Warhammer introduction to MP Lords and Heroes
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Can-Can dance edition
>FAQs and General Info
>Warhammer introduction to MP Lords and Heroes
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Midnight Aristocracy best aristocracy.
Greenskin arti-
Greenskin bosses are best!
Playing as Fey Enchantress on VH/H. I've only played as Bretonnia once before (LL is love, LL is life) but I let the stinking Wood Elves be and they fucked me later on with a birch tree. I want to take them out stat, how do I best do this? I'm on turn 22, Greenskin invasions have just ended and the Beastmen are dead to boot. It's time, but how do I shit on my heritage and kill those stupid hippies?
>No news, not even live stream
Very unusual
flaming archers + the anti-welf decree
That's... the dumbest thing I've read in a while.
I appreciate these posts
>Male dorf but without a beard
Beastmen does are cuter.
Is there an attack ground command for ranged units? I know these Wood Elves are in the trees somewhere
unfortunately no
As Vlad von Carstein, how do I expand my territory without having huge rebellions because of low corruption? Do I just have to go slow and plant agents everywhere, or should I raze the city and rebuild the ruins?
oh god send help they're everywhere
research the techs for corruption, spam agents, and just kill rebellions whenever they pop-up
Fun Fact: The reason the Can-Can was considered so scandalous in the old days was that due to the layers of petticoats women wore in at the time, women underwear was crotchless by default
>playing attila
>download a mod that improves the ai's rate of resettling because I am tired of half the map being desolate every single campaign
>turn times now absurdly long, even compared to base attila turn times, since the map is more populated
>Vlad cheating on his beautiful wife with some young tramp
Dirty old man! Mannfred would never cheat on his wife! Too bad there isn't a single woman in the setting who'd find his bald manlet ass attractive
So I love me some dwarfs, but once I start fighting Vamps things get fucky. I am not really sure how to deal with their cavalry, terror, and large units. Copters don't seem to do a whole lot, honestly, maybe I am using them wrong. They always have so many it's impossible to protect my ranged units or cannons. What do I do?
Posted too soon. Slayers, use them to fuck monsters and cav. In addition, them being unbreakable means they ignore fear/terror outright. Keep a unit near your missiles/artillery and slayers should be able to sweep anything threatening them.
Finally making some headway on my Dwarf Hard campaign. Bloody Spears, (who confederated the Greenskin faction somehow) have been pushed clear to Top Knot territory. Leaving Belegar and some other guy down there with small but elite forces while Grombrindal and Thorgrim head back up north to take care of the grown up stuff.
I thought the last thread decided it was Karl's wife who was the fat one?
Stop stopping.
longbeards are immune to psychology, and ranged units are your best bet to counter monsters. Things like varghulfs/vargheists/crypt horrors are much larger than your dwarfs, which allows quarrelers to shoot them even when they are engaged with your front line. Cav is problematic, but cannons can absolutely devastate them from range, and if you get enough shots off whatever infantry you have should be able to handle them. As far as protecting your ranged units, slayers do wonders, and your quarrelers should be able to handle themselves againsts bats/any raised units
stop murdering your friends
>run of the mill germanic archers have 200 range
>factions w/ supposedly "elite" archers like the sassanids only have archers w/ 150 range
one of the worst things about attila t b h
Warhammer off by 50% and DLC (/{wood elf}) 25% lads
I found that those mods were pretty silly as they sometimes turned the campaign into a race for the ruins for the AI.
>Hey Johann, why is it that the Emperor is the only one who can ride the Imperial Dragon?
>It's simple Gunther, have you seen his wife?
>(Raucous Middenheimer guffawing)
What's the source on this?
yeah I'm finding that out right now
They posted it on facebook/twitter. Will probably roll out in 40 minutes when steam updates
>excluding wood elves
Found it, I regret buying Grim and the Grave on Monday now
>dlc sale
I kinda have everything I want though, which is just King and Warlord. How is Grim and Grave?
>tfw you pre-ordered every dlc and also bought the game for two friends on sale
I am the goodest goy
I feel you bro, good thing the only other game I play is TF2.
are horsecocks worth it?
Blood and gore here i go!
>be Shitvald the Trashnificant
>rout to some spooky skellies
>be Chosen, warriors destined for glory and chosen by the dark gods
>rout from terror when you still have 55 models
>be strong marauder from the frozen north
>get killed by skeleton spearmen and zombies
Why is Chaos so shit lads? I had 2 Chosen, 4 Mauraders and some normal Warhounds and Forsaken in Sigvald's army but they all died except from the 2 Chosen units and Sigvald who could've single handily killed their entire army, or what was left of it.
But they routed due to muh army losses and muh spoopy fear and terror.
My main doomstack of Chosen and Archaon are in vampire land razing as they go, but how the hell am I supposed to build a 2nd army without it getting rekt halfway through?
I could just give some Chosen to Sigvald and then recruit more with Archaon but then the upkeep will be so fucking high.
Should I bother building multiple armies or just zerg everything with my 20 man doomstack of Chosen and Archaon?
Marauders are so fucking garbage holy shit.
pic unrelated, just some dead Kislev shits
>still playing hat fortress
What is your major malfunction?
>playing attila
>have an onager
>enemy has to march through forest to my line
>switch to flaming shot
>ground target where the enemy should be
>kill 240+ men in just a couple of volleys thanks to the burning forest mechanic
It's still fun.
Minotaurs are bretty gud, they look awesome and they add a nice brute force tanks, some of their other units are pretty good as well. If you only care about fun and not lore it's better to use a mod that adds beastmen to another faction, then play that faction as their campaign and play style is somewhat lackluster. The units themselves are fucking awesome, but many wouldn't consider it based on the prime. If you do want to play a beastmen campaign there's also plenty of mods to expand the roster anyway.
That is objectively wrong.
t. Grizzled Veteran
They're a more fun Chaos with better campaign mechanics and Minotaurs. For fans of shitting and rape.
>you'll never get back from school to play TF2 with your friends ever again
Where does our youth go?
I bought beastmen two days ago
feelsfuckingbad man
Yes. There also one of the only fun horde factions to play on campaign in total war.
Well, I'm not playing Overhype like my traitor friends.
>elves brought hawkriders
>expect that they're shit at melee combat, so I position my handgunners nearby and begin the duck hunt
>mfw they dive in and rape my gunners
I bought the whole game at full price while it was still being sold at Humble Bundle. Then I bought all DCLs. I am a good goy.
>TF2 is almost 10 years old
I wanna go back.
Here is some nice catharsis then
Playing less mainstream stuff is the only solution.
They are shit at melee combat as soon as the charge bonus goes away, but the charge can do quite a lot of damage.
So what DLCs are you buying /twg/?
None, for I ascended to the level of /goodgoy/ many moons ago.
Tips for ork Very hard? Im going whit Grimgor.
And as far as i know i should aim to take out the main dwarf faction as early as possible. But im having trouble trying to take them out before they start confederating the sea stunties
tfw already have all dlc
Get a Waaagh going as soon as possible and use it to take all of the Silver road.
>mfw DLC finally went on sale
Grim Grave, if /twg/ tells me it's really good.
With VH/legendary combat the easiest way is abusing auto-resolve and waaaghs, due to how superior dwarven infantry is to yours.
>tfw I literally just bought the chief and the warlord full price
It's good. Shouldn't be DLC though.
I think you can refund it and rebuy it.
>playing on VH/Legendary if you're just going to auto-resolve
What is the point?
I just provided the easiest way. Playing with that combat difficulty as orcs is pretty masochistic seeing as it makes the morale/damage disparity between orcs and dwarfs so much worse than it already is.
Don't have chaos, rerollin
It's time to buy them ;)
Rolling, will pick up most of the DLC when the sale rolls about so fuck it, rerolling if Wood Elves.
I don't have beasts either
where are the discounts tho
Tzeentch wants it, get them dlc sale now!
Steam is being a piece of shit at updating the store.
>50% sale on DLC
Expansion announcement soon
Vlad von Carstein
march 31
I hope
it's fun though, although only worth it if you pick it up on sale 35% or more.
After a day of hard fucking I finally got the game working again, gimme something to play.
t.can't run total warhammer
Oh shit, Feet Enchantress. I was thinking about doing a peasant-focused Legendary playthrough and she looks like the best candidate for that. This time I'm gonna smash the fuck out of Orc shits.
They already confirmed they are announcing the future of Total War Warhammer at EGX on the 31st.
What is this fuckery?
I just lost one myself, watch out for Leadership issues. My Peasants kept breaking and routing when an Orc farted in their direction.
The Sound of Defeet
>the future of Total War Warhammer
What if there is no future?