League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra! Edition
Also, lets keep shitposting till the 750 mark, OK?
No need to make early threads.

xth for Rumble and Lissfag is an ugly fucking sperglord

>forced to jungle
>never ganks lanes, never do drag, never ward, let my buffs get stolen and refuse to do baron
>lose every time

Feels good to not be a jungle cuck, the worst role in the game.

>Hey guys I'm fucking shit at League

thanks for taking the time out of your day to tell us, I guess

xth for most lovable wife

>Lissfag is an ugly fucking sperglord
I'd rather be an ugly fucking sperglord than a
beta cuck rumblefag

fluffy tails

>being a jungle cuck

Found the beta bitch boy

if it means anything i only played support when i first started playing around kha/elise release, i dropped it after season 4 though and been a solo laner since. But coming back it feels bad. I can't light up the jungle anymore as a christmas tree.

Is taric a good support? I honestly feel like the best one in the game is Thresh by fucking far, but he costs a shit ton of IP.

xth for Syndra

Sorry about your mental illness

>Not being a toplaner in 2017

>get beaten and wating for the client to load back up
>stuck on "game is still in progress" screen even when I close the client and relog

Nice fucking shit riot

>was able to climb from bronze 5 all the way to silver 5 last season as a soloer.
>bronze again this season
>the climb is even worse.

I know I'm bad and I 100% accept that. But these people. I feel like I'm getting nowhere in this game and should stop trying.

Fizz players.

Whats your go to build and is it better to run scaling CDR or flat in runes?

Just means you need to think better with your wards

How is it in teh S3?

Depends, will you hit max cdr without the runes? How fast? Is that as fast as you want it?

Do you value initial burst or a stronger teamfight?

His laning phase is utter shit but his ult can win and determine games in late-game teamfights.

Sorry little bitch boy, i'm high plat, something you'll never accomplish in your life

>bbbbbbut plat isn't good!

High plat is top 5% of players in the game little cuck, stay mad ;^)


>hardstuck in silver 5
>watch a couple of adc guides
>start picking good scaling ADC like vayne,twitch,jinx
>in lane focus almost solely on CS
>in teamfights just try to attack anyone while focusing on not putting myself in danger
>two weeks later im now Silver 1

wtf is adc really this easy?

Riot doesn't listen to us and only cares about Reddit.

How do we solve EU Barron problem?

Why would you need CDR runes when morellos and zhonyas exist?

Unlike most of the autists here I don't shitpost and play Rumble because I self insert as him or want to fuck him or anything, I just know he's a good toplaner and love being an annoying faggot just like him

however I am 5'11" so I am indeed manlet af

Import DIG players

There's not legitimate discussion in these threads it's all waifu and faggot posting.

If i see one more post flexing elo below diamond im gonna lose it

Do u want to get 1v1d cus this is how it happens u shitcunts

You sound like fatass boosted chimp

Fuck off.

>His laning phase is utter shit
>You have to wait to be useful as a support until late game, enjoy getting buttfucked by brand and his brethen
So he's useless then. Ok. Which one should I use? Soraka doesn't work for shit when people play burst mages down.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

No fucking shit. I wouldn't listen to Veeky Forums about anything related to this game either.

Reddit may be cancer but they also have the benefit of having actually relevant people in the scene posting there.

By nuking it. EU LCS is a bad joke

D5 is not something to flex about, it's basically admitting "I cheesed a strat / champ to climb and now I'm stuck because I'm not actually good"

Play Lulu, strong poke with defensive options and completely cucks assassinbabs

Good laning phase and not many poor matchups, better than Thresh right now but Chain man will always be jack of all trades so if you want a consistent support to play that will always be relevant and allow you to make plays, pick him

How many time is left for Swain before he would be "balanced" out of existence?


About a year, he'll get a rework after Urgot and some other leftovers methinks



Admit it

Who smurfs here?

Can I still play Gnar and get out of bronze?

Any tips or recommendations on playing him?

>Plat 5 supports main
>Make it to promos for Plat 4
>Win first game
>2nd game have camille go 2/23
>Tilt extremely hard
>Been playing nothing but flex for the past few weeks (mid silver)
>Finally muster up the courage to queue up for ranked
>Enemy team remakes on the first game

This is a sign right, it was the matchmaking gods giving me a warning that I should just stick to flex/normals and not play my last promo game right?

and watchem!

Gnar is an extremely difficult champion that requires absolutely god tier positioning and relies on hitting one key skillshot consistently or you will get ass pounded in lane

You also have to manage your rage, orb walk, the whole fucking lot. Gnar isn't even good right now, don't bother.


Hey buddy, good luck. Better hope your laners shove hard so Graves doesn't walk into your jungle and give you the assriding of your fucking life.

I don't think he's going to be touched anytime soon. He's in a weird spot now due to the fizz buff.




I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Hi there.

Sure, but unless you really, really love Gnar I'd recommend just playing something else. see>Pantheon

fuck that kid who told me not to play after masturbating

Does Ryze's Q passive shield proc Athene's passive?

>Worthless ranged top bitches literally cannot walk into lane because I'll fucking rape them the moment I do.

God I fucking love the new Aatrox.

Sounds like 3 little KEKS that can't stand the heat of being in the presence of someone greater than them. Kneel before a real man little boys.

hi nidposter!


not even

Kinda sad we didn't get a big Demacia lore update I hoped we would

Stop being a faggot

>an entire nation built upon anti-magic trees
extremely based

>dont want to mid because its usually home to the most autistic mid mains
>bot is a shitfest that's not fun for either side
>top is generally quiet and is my domain

why cant i fucking top/top when fill protected instead of top/literally anything else

I want to hug Nami!

I think we will get them later in this PBE cycle? That's what happened with WW and the Zaun update.

no user its is for allies only

explain your memes user


hi :3!


Ok. I should have read the wiki before asking

Any toplaners who take Redemption?

anyone that can force a fight to happen in a small area and is supporty in nature

>look mom I can post fake pics on the internet xDDDD

Start being useful and maybe you wouldn't be a benchwarming faggot for a shittier team

What would you do if VaynexVladimir becomes canon?

What should I do?

...Us fromal secret OP?

>reading the wiki before finding out the hard way in ranked
what are you some kind of tryhard fgt?

Riddler has used it on shen after sunfire and if your are some kind of degenerate lulu top can use it too.

>get into ranked game
>suddenly bugsplat before the loading screen even pops up
>150000 bug splats later the game connects and they've remade
>-15 LP


You can try it on Ivern and Tahm

i hope your having a wonderful day ^-^

>when riot gets sick of your winstreak & just gives you literal inbred teammates not a single person in the world could carry

>playing ranked

I'd rather be a PSquad monkey for 3 years and make more money than you probably would in 30 then try to stroke my e-peen over not even being that high of a rank :^).

That's true, We'll see when the time comes. I've been reading the dev diary they released on him it's pretty neat

>What would you do if VaynexVladimir becomes canon?
brace myself for your storm of unrelenting "i told you so" autism and move on with my life

>What should I do?
not explode into a storm of unrelenting "i told you so" autism by limiting yourself to a single "true love confirmed" or "it was fate/destiny" post a thread.

>playing legolegends

>thinking I give a shit how much money he has

Speaks volumes about how your fragile little cuck boy feelings are. Stay worthless benchwarmer user :^)

>get this during champ select in next game



How do I get a qt league girlfriend?

try not to wake up

nice worlds championship NA friend

oh wait LMAO

you let them kill you first!

break into his house & kidnap her, obviously

i dropped back to diamond1 over the weekend, got 2 accounts to diamond 5 with just ryze


climbing silver is fun!


>Swain nerfs incoming

>Anyone giving two shits about an era where lanes weren't even a concrete concept and pre-gooks

literally no one gives a shit. This is like Packers fans circlejerking about shitty meme titles before the NFL was formed

>have account in silver/bronze
>smash games beyond belief
>get friend requests
>sift through and find females

wah lah

EU is the only region to realize playing aggressive nets you sweet fuck all, unless you're good. EU isn't good.

We're a macro region, NA is micro. You can win easier with macro, hence why EU > NA all this time.

Gook do both, hence why they win.

yes, adc is the easiest & least impactful role

forgot pic


Any Shyvana mains here? I was thinking of buying her, how is she right now?

>Lose teamfight


Tell me the last time you saw Tahm use his ult to transport a teammate/for something other than running away.

real good shit my nigga

say hi to weldy for me

Kled nerfs when?
he's cancer top lane.