/tbcg/ - The Burning Crusade General

Tyrranis is a cool guy edition

HellGround 2x

>Where can I get game clients?
>How do I connect to HellGround?
1. Register on wow-hellground.com
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page. (logon.wow-hellground.com)
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
5. Have fun XD!

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it

previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Just run SM for ten levels straight.

VoA > Hellshit

>Vault of Archavon

WHy do i keep getting DC'ed in que? does the server keep going down or something?

so now that we know that outland content is just as bugged as vanilla, raids/dungeons are undertuned, some class mechanics are bugged and pathfinding will never be fixed, why do we play here again?

to find our class and build bonds with people for gummycraft

Because there is no other alternative, and there won't be for another few years.
>inb4 gummy
Yeah, can't wait for him to close the server after 2 weeks again.


>f-f-fucking finns

>le server shutdown face

>le bug the boss on the door face

>not posting the door strat screens

free to leave when you please shitposter

How long?

>wasn't able to play yesterday because muh ddos
>sit through 1,2k queue today
>server goes to shit after 10 minutes

why does alexsensual keep dossing this server???


>Move up 300 places in queue
Fuck me.

Time to go watch some old pvp videos, I guess. Is warcraftmovies gone? Everything on youtube is shit quality. Here's some classics, post more.


>watching shitters from retail

But there isn't a queue?

lmao dude what are you doing.

Collecting poop.

Private server players aren't better than retail players, just more pretentious.



Absolute classic

>Swifty-tier trash

has anyone dc? because im stuck inside an instance i cant leave and cant type chat or use any abilities for about 10mins now

Lagging like hell but not DCing.


ok i guess ill come back later.

Fuck me, the constant lags and dcs are actually worse than nostalrius. Bravo poles.

i dont get it is anyone on ?
it says the server is locked to me

keeps disconnecting me immediately when logging in

it means youre locked out, only the poles can play here now.

same here actually i cant get even get to the server select screen now

i see the ddos attacks have been rough on you lately my slavic friend
surely there must be a way to acquire a gold™ premium™ monthly™ membership™ isnt it sir ?

you are the jeb bush of the wow private server scene

>Server works perfectly well the entire day
>DDOS starts at murrican hours
>Murricans whine and cry

Guys a message from the otherside.
Theres currently no DDoS attack, I will type again NO DDoS currently, The server issues and instability are coming from a recent lowering in the Pop cap that was having ill effects on the server.
Bascially they were trying to fix something that wasnt broken and managed to break something

>Day 11 of HG, still not proofs of this supposed bugged WF


de burden of brooof is on u tho :-DD


>can't log into server
>website isn't working

What is the proper amount of quotations to put around the acronym "ddos" ?

Funny how this shit only happens at murrican times huh.

>Day 11 of HG, we still did not move on yet, even though it has been cleared out the server is dogshit


seems appropriate imo

>day 11 and has not cleared a single heroic yet

is this a fucking joke lol? what a bunch of shitters

>all this random finnish circlejerking
>they poopsocked on hellground

gummycraft cant come soon enough

not even OHF?

>want to play after work
>rolling DCs that send you back 8 minutes in time each time
>want to play on days off
>server straight up won't run
>check things while at work / can't play
>people doing full clear raids, 50ms, uptime 100%

Can't be -just murrica things- right? They wouldn't check IP logs to only do tests and fuck with the server when majority are coming from Freedomland, would they?

>leveling takes skill and not time
is this a fucking joke lol? if you have anywhere near 4 days /played you're a complete fucking loser

t. not in

t. eu cuck


Fact is that it works perfectly at euro peak times though.


Pretty much the exact same here except i dont check on things while im at work , you should quit fucking around on ur phone at work.
But its the reason im still just a levle 18 warrior.

The server has gone to shit during EU times since it fucking opened. Now it's just shit at all times.

And it works perfectly after you foreign pinkos go to sleep.

Has anyone been able to do fel reaver maintenance quest?


EU times is literally 4h ago. It goes to shit at murrica time without fail though.

>implying there aren't people with 2.5 days /played at 70

if I could do it in 2.5 fucking days as a priest of all classes, you have no excuses. Im sorry you're so shit at a 12 year old game that you don't even know how to efficiently level. Don't blame anybody but the fact that you're a shitter.

>11 days out
>2.5 days played
>literally only 5 hours a single day

again, blame your garbage ass.

The server had a bit over 2000 online when it crashed just now and we know there's no DDOS. It's just sheer slavshit incompetence.


Have fun playing during DDoS my murrican friends. im going to bed t.finn

you do realise ddos will break it even if there's 2 people online, right

>30 people

Even stock mangos is superior

you've still never posted proof you hit 70 in 2.5 days. it went from 2 days 4 hours to 2 days 6 hours to 2.5 days now lol

There is no DDOS, it's just the standard incompetent private server excuse that explains away any issue and requires no proof. They could just as well say a wizard did it.

If it was incompetence it would happen at all peaks. But it's only happened during NA peaks the last few days and it always gets laggy as fuck right before it drops. You should learn a bit about servers and systems before you give your blatantly retarded opinions and treat them as facts.

>log in
>run to quest area
>its not being farmed!
>kill mob, get rare quest item on first try
>hell yeah!
>server crash
fuck me its gonna be rolled back. FUCK

im rounding, autist supreme. I know the thought of 2 days 5 hours seems surreal to you, but your average joes can even do 2.5 days /played, hence I used it. The fact that you think this is some amazing impossible feat speaks volumes, shitter. Stay in .

not him but post a screenshot of your /played cause I dont believe it either you turbo lying autistic freak

>stay in
>explicitly said i'm not in
nice reading comprehension. and you didn't hit 70 in 2.5 days /played.

>what are breaks
Look pancho, not all of us work in textile sweatshops. You get 15-30-15, an hour worth of time to check minor info at my work, not hard. Regardless, US neets seem to agree it's down more US primetime, than EU. Though being a EU somewhat based server, seems understandable if when they sleep, we're up, and they can't do shit about (((ddos))).

For the past few days it shat itself around 6 EDT with the exact same pattern. Growing lag issues into crashes.
This doesn't happen at all during euro prime time when the server is full to the cap with a hundred+ people waiting in the queue.
This implies that either it badly needs a reset after a day of uptime or there actually is some DDoS going on.

garbage server

Am I the only one who thinks it's the poles ddosing the server at NA peak hours to keep Americans out of the server?

Yeah, all the 100 poles care about that deeply. I specifically asked every single one of them.

Why is this meme being pushed, theres no ddos attack at all.
Its not even a funny meme. its just remedial.

what do you think is happening then if its not ddos attacks?

Because surprisingly US timezones aren't the only ones in the world, and US peak isn't the only peak that happens on this server.
Even more surprisingly, the server has 0 lag or crash issues during Euro prime time, which is ~10-11am EDT.
If it was incompetence, it'd shit itself at euro prime time when it's full with 900 people in queue. But it doesn't.

ya its gummy DDoSing so he can have the muricans playing his shitty server before shuts it down like scriptcraft1 and 2 lol

not him but this was my /played and i suck ass and fucked around a lot


Meme ddos tracking show a total of 0 (zero) attacks from or to poland. Though that's understandable to see that the server is most likely hosted in France, which is getting a mere 12 at best attacks in the past 5 minutes, all of which are based form china ofc. Again, this is meme tracking for large scale attacks, but we haven't been shown proof of any attack at all to begin with other than "dude, lol, just believe everything I say, why would I lie xd".

No I think katoosh is in on it too. He's always "asleep" when this goes down.

Can't wait for gummycraft.

Because the in game broadcast that said pretty much this

fuck off alex

if it was fine before, usually when it comes to tech shit it usually means something changed before the issues started. So if it isn't DDoS, they may have made some changes and it broke it.

Not any of them, but you think if you leveled profs too, it would take a bit longer? Currently lvl 52? I think, with 240 mine, and 200 BS, and at around 1d14h played or so. Mostly only done questing, with minimal ganks against me, but still feel kinda slow (even though I'm out leveling people that have been playing day 1).

So why doesn't it crash during euro peak?

this server sure is down a lot

idk, just tossing it out there as a possibility. that would be something to consider when diagnosing the issue as well.

Katoosh is trying to kill the NA pop from his server.

Yeah I bet he just hates money.

I've spent approximately 8 hours "afk" playing trivia in guild chat and another 15-16 farming mats for my professions. I don't see the benefit of rushing to 70.