/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

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>Gear Design Contest (Ranged Magic DPS/Healer Edition)

>Patch 3.55b Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Red Mage Teaser:

>Samurai Teaser

>Stormblood Trailer

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>New info on class changes for 4.0

>3.5 Gung Ho for GARO Collaboration

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

Previously on /xivg/ :

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If you could delete one race from the game which one would you pick and why?

Hyur because they are boring.

normalfags would quake in fear at not being able to just play human in an MMO.

Those yaoi hands in that image

[16:25][GM]Gm Skirata >> You are very welcome.

Unique pm system sound is scurry.

Miqo'te (male)

is there a single genuinely nice person on balmung

Is it still super lame to use meme names ingame?
I kind of want to change my name so that it's Not Important...

Hello I am nice, how are you?

no . . literally everyone is manipulating others at every single moment . .if you have a friend you're not the puppetmaster of, then you're already their puppet . . .

>not naming yourself Tallest Man

I am



yes me, but i dont play primarily on balmung

Does anyone know what River Shrimp are for?



I'm going to marry her...

Hunny Bunny

turnin for zhoe

Nice video game related post

I thought about changing my name to Arnold Shortman, Longman Ninetytwo/Ninetwo, or just something basic and non-memey, but I can't decide on one...


I just like to help people and be nice, but I'm also quiet, so people just write it off as me being a friend collector


What's your GP at? You should be working to get 600 minimum. You can do lower end collectables until you can afford some of the stuff from this vendor to help boost your stats.


I normally go Discerning Eye, Methodical Appraisal, repeat, then Utmost Caution, Methodical Appraisal, repeat, harvest for stuff I need 515 and above on and don't want to mess around with fudging stuff. This is only good for unspoiled or +2 gathering nodes, though. You can wing it with +1, but bring Cordials.

Elliot fairchild

I... May have fucked up and read gathering instead of crafting. I'm an idiot ignore me.

It looks like every other cat

He is on Gilgamesh now

>she's coming back

Smolshi Pumpman

RNG bannings edition




Game discussion this way. Leave the retards and their shitposting in this thread so it can get deleted for being a duplicate.


Yes, the futa red Xaela is coming back.

Name FIVE nice ebins

im in love with NORIKO MAKOTO

Stop pushing your stupid ff14g shit thread and shitting up this one

Happy day brothers


>retards and their shitposting

no one is nice without ulterior motives on balmung.


Yes, at last our suffering can come to an end

i just started playing almost a month ago
im still nice

then you aren't ebin

Anything I can gather in diadem at 55?

Why is it exclusive to Balmung? Aren't people just like this everywhere?

Lol fuck off you dumb cunt

whats an ebin

That's cool and all but I'm going to make IRIS RHEYU my wife!

Point out 1 post that was banned that shouldn't have been.

I want to be liked?
Thats not a bad ulterior motive is it?

Don't count the days froggies.

Dont steal my idea

Why did Dame get rejected from EM multiple times?

How about I point out the posts that should have been banned but weren't instead? Same difference.

because Balmung is a congregation of all of the worst people. people who act nice for erp, to get named as nice in thread even though they talk shit about everyone in private chats, people who act nice to you because they think you are thread famous and want to ride on your coattails. everyone is shit.
a brand for shitty people which newer players mistake for fame and popularity.

what the heck don't fold to dumb posters of frogs

what possess someone to craft outside a different FC's house

what possess someone to idle next to them while they're doing it

what possess someone to take a screenshot of it?

Matoya wouldn't have abandoned her frogs the way you did.

go away felix

>implying EM means anything
Check parses. Check medians. They have solid, very good median ranges whereas there are tons of string groups in EM who are absolute ass at this game. Most of the people in EM shouldn't even be there.


Not everyone on there is bad, stereotypes arent true
I'm asian and I'm not good at math

post stomach



Have you tried reporting them instead of complaining like a cuck

Dame you and your static are the butt of every joke in FC chat. There's a reason why every one of your piss poor attitude static members are avoided serverwide. You're basically Ippiki at this point.

You're right, the gilga ebins totally never erp or act like complete assholes behind your back and we already know Odin is full of saints ready to shove you in a second class public ls while they enjoy their private fc. Absolutely none of them erp no sir even tho a good number are balmung alts.

try rath's crafting rotation and HQ your mats if you can

>guilds in this game
It's all about who you know, not what FC you're in. A lot of top EM raiders actually left because having the tag on your name is a symbol of shame, almost.

are there bots to level crafters i want to die


I'm saying not to count the days because I'm staying non-xaela for a while.

I will never fanta back to red xaela if people keep implying I'm a futa.
Yes I am a bitter fuck.

Have you tried instead of sucking mod cock like a faggot? I bet you main a male miquote PLD.

Diadem at 55?

So you haven't?


i've already saved that one tho

boys and girls of all ages please join us on stage for the {/pet}s

I understand that you probably can't even do half my damage but it's no reason to start shit flinging in the thread. Maybe one day you can.

Probably not though.


thats not felix..

>A lot of Balmung alts on other servers
>These servers are shit too!
See the correlation?

cutte catte

A lot of balmung players are alts to begin with. What exactly is your point again because your balmung only theory is falling apart.

If you start talking about yourself in third person then I suggest you follow through with the rest of your posts.

>slut c@girl to my one corner of Ul'dah
Whatever I need to do my roulettes anyway

The naaki clone? yeah it's felix

>one frog has ruined it for us all


So you do AND haven't?

naaki who

I want to go on adventures with and put together levekits for this cat so we can quietly craft and make cute things for each other.

Seekers! You're cute.

