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better build and design quality than Nissan.

this will be a constructive thread

Needs to take some lessons in car design but he did really well in any case.

Although the urge to shitpost and go full /pol/tard is strong, I'll resist it.

That's pretty good for a dude in his garage in Africa. I doubt I could have done better. Respect.

its pretty damn cool

makes me think of the kustoms of the 50s by using parts from different cars to make your vision

shame he couldnt get a $500 LS in there though

>not electric
piece of shit. pretty cool that he can start the car from his phone though.

This is pretty cool. It kind of looks like a GTA San Andreas car design though, but still, as said, it's better than I could do.
Kit cars in genral amaze me and when I finally settle down and have an actual garage, I plan on building a 427 MkIII Cobra and a 289 Daytona Coupe kit cars for my father and mother respectively.

That's actually really impressive for the resources he has to work with.

That's not a kit car, it's a full custom. If the 818 didn't have my heart I'd probably build a Cobra or Daytona coupe, FFR makes *really* nice kits for those.

Oh I know his is completely custom. I was just saying how building your own car in amazes me, even if somebody like FFR has the body and frame done already. It's been something I've wanted to do forever.
I was looking at their 818 and GTM as well, but figured for maybe a little more money I'd rather build the Ultima Evolution coupe. Of course, I'm not doing anything until I've got some land with a workshop on it and I'm probably retired first.

>it was actually a constructive thread

818 shouldn't cost too much more than a cobra to be honest but you have to do a lot of research to set it up right. Like, a lot. Fabrication, aftermarket parts, etc. Cobra twins are on their third or fourth generation chassis, they've got their quirks sorted out.

Anyone got more pics of the frame etc under it all?

The end product is pretty ordinary looking in a horrible amalgamation of existing sports cars, but his frame looked interesting.

These africans are no joke

Is this some kind of parallel parking retard assist device or for cutting niggers off at ankles when they eventually try to swarm and carjack him?

There is something very wrong about how that car was delivering power to the wheels, almost like it was a belt drive that was perpetually slipping or something.

I love how he put the wing on it.
Centrifugal clutch maybe?

>my only specialty is electrical
>30 years old and have never even touched a welder
Not to say I won't change my mind in the future, but I'll probably be only building a kit car for my mom and pop. I realized with the money I would put towards building one for myself (example, Ultima offers free shipping to USA if you order any kit over 41k USD) I could instead use go soup to nuts on multiple old school shitboxes.
Still, the idea of having something that cool with literally 0 miles and you being the first owner, without all the new car depreciation woes sounds so nice.

>Centrifugal clutch maybe?

Yeah could of been, or just a super poorly adjusted clutch in general.

>device or for cutting niggers off at ankles when they eventually try to swarm
Your post made me realize this dude needs to star in a pic-related tier Walking Dead spinoff.

>Still, the idea of having something that cool with literally 0 miles and you being the first owner, without all the new car depreciation woes sounds so nice

I suspect building a kit car comes would come with it's very own set of woes that far outweigh those of depreciation and second hand ownership.

On the upside you would only have yourself to blame for the woes.

>Don't have reliable electricity
>don't have clean water
>build ghetto sports car out of parts to drive on nonexistent roads

Africans and priorities don't seem to mix very well.