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Buff again when?
Is there a list of what legos will be changed in 7.2?
>ilvl 849 mage
>signed up for a heroic NH run for shits not expecting to be invited, just carpet bombing requests
>get invited
>do shit, bottom of the meters DPS the whole raid
>down gul'dan, get AOTC
feels good boys
Yes, there is.
>25k dps
those were simpler times
>Tfw I seriously can't decide between Frost or Fire
I find both pretty fun
Perfect, thanks.
please be my gf
Fire does shit for damage and you should be playing frost like all the good /Wowg/ mages
Our little two-day raiding guild just killed mythic CA and Trilliax in one raid night :3
Should I prepare our collective anuses for the rest of mythic NH?
You're welcome user.
>tfw never get accepted into normal NH runs at 885 ilvl
I refuse to believe these green texts are real
>Sephuz's Secret
> Now always grants 10% increased movement speed and 3% Haste.
Very nice
Fire is better at AOE and Frost is better at single target.
my guild did that too and we've been wiping on krosus for 3 weeks and people are starting to flake on progression nights
good luck, well you won't need too much because new raid comes out next week so have fun this week
Won't they be shit once they remove the double Ice Lance during Icy Veins?
Krosus is easy if your guild is already executing the mechanics and your healers can coordinate CDs properly
>3% haste
it's fucking nothing
the movespeed doesn't mean that much either
>stacks with windwalker's ring
my feet are ready
3% haste is like >900 Haste you dolt
It's % so it scales.
3% haste is good in a vaccuum
when you realize you're giving up a better legendary for it, it's shit
Depends on the spec, 3% haste for a spriest is very very good.
>inb4 how to reddit sims with unrealistic stats
To level. Unless 7.2 is increasing levelcap, thats what it is at 110.
Good thing thats not the only thing the ring does then, right?
3% is already close to BiS for some specs too
I don't want to him I don't play mythic and am not a nerd. can you just answer the questions instead?
If I play Frost can I at least play Glacial Spike?
What are the stats ?
Mastery > Crit (to 33%) > Int > Haste
>all these people thinking that when 7.2 hits TOS will also come out
Are you people fucking retarded?
I don't know, giving it 3% haste definitely makes you not want to kill yourself when you get it, but I still don't see it ever becoming BiS for anyone, even shadow priests
the ring is already impossible to trigger in many encounters and for many classes, this is just a bandaid
Anyone know where we can download the Chronicle pdf? Volumes 1 or 2.
Fuck paying 40 bucks.
>falling for the bait
>the ring is already impossible to trigger in many encounters and for many classes, this is just a bandaid
Its not a bandaid, its literally Blizzard's intention for you to swap out legendaries based on the encounter. They've said so many times now, so there isn't anything to "fix".
Also you clearly have no fucking clue what is important to SPriests, so please stop.
kys and pay for your shit sub""human""
I can proc it on every NH boss except for Tichondrius, Aluriel (you can stun only the fire adds), and maybe Gul'dan (I never tried it there).
>finally get into heroic Nighthold
>get kicked along with 4 others for doing sub-550k dps (I was 520)
I can't even imagine what mythic is like...
Crit (to 25-33%) > vers > int > mastery > haste > crit (over shatter cap).
If you don't sim youre going to be a shitter regardless. Also the base simc download doesn't have the gs apl so get the nightly push version
>tfw being on hrt makes me a better healer
i want to touch a female pandaren butt
you don't pug mythic
maybe the first boss and even then it's not worth the hassle to arrange a group for 1 boss
me irl waking up for lectures
You cant pug a mythic of NH
My other class does the sims for us by hand
Is the best way to sim to run one of each type of encounter and then just average them?
I don't want to carry 3 sets of gear if I dont have to
I hope your HRT goes well. I have some tgirl friends who've gotten really good results, although it takes time.
redpill me on gigabear
I've definitely seen people look for players for mythic skorpyron, but perhaps that was simply a guild group looking for 1 dps or w/e
probably didn't even clear it
Baine in the spotlight when?
Yeah I literally can't imagine that.
I don't even know what kind of groups could pull it off or how many hours it takes them.
You literally cant make a group for mythic NH in the group finder
I pugged 3/10 with half guild group and the other 10 were trade pick ups.
>honestly care more about HOW to get that big than if it makes any sense whatsoever...
>it is now my ambition to outgrow this guy. I don't know how yet, but I'm going to figure it out.
Edit: His full form. Pretty sure I've already beaten his comparatively small avatar.
in trade chat*
should have mentioned
anyway it's suicide not having an organized group for mythic
>they buffed the shadow priest helm which is the one utility legendary I have
Oh baby. Spriest legendaries are all close to one another anyway, adding a 3% damage buff in void form would actually make me take this in tough fights over the legendary shoulders that I have.
>tfw actually wishing for Prydaz to drop since all I have are dps legendaries
>wq with core stats
>item upgraded
>warfoged +10
I got to 851 ilvl really quickly after dinging 110. Is there any point in doing WQ's anymore? Do they scale over 845? Doing LFR now but it's pretty boring and toxic. Also, it takes like 3 hours to do it all and then what? Wait a week? Am I already fatigued by endgame content?
I have no intention of finding out considering there's literally zero benefit to grinding it for 9-12 hours a week when you can smash through heroic in a couple hours for the same gear.
Sort of? I mean, 99% of the time no, but i got a 890 titanforged with a socket once. So...your call really.
1-3 pally
4-6 warrior
7-9 shammy
0 first reply
>Lore bows to Gigabear
>In contact with community managers
>Possess panda-like abilities
>Controls the forums with an iron but fair fist
>Will bankroll the first guilds on Mars (will be be the first guild)
>Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer pandas will in all likelihood be the BIGGEST PANDAS EVER
>Gigabear said to weigh 400+ pounds
>He owns pug raids around the world
>You likely have Pandas in your guild right now
>Learned to speak fluent common in less than 1 week
>All races entrust their fat reserves with the panda. There’s no fat on blood elves, only Gigabear
>Endgame content
When is 7.2 coming out? I notice I can start dling it now so it must be soon right?
Good roll
>Call south american servers out for being retards
>"i report you"
Its like their natural state is the stereotype.
Anything aside from skorp, spellblade and arguably you're better going gs. Even in bad gear and low paragon gs is around 30k behind TV on sims for me. In reality it's on par as I'm in japan so it's impossible to double IL with my ping.
hey /wowg/ big or small today
*eats mcdonalds*
Guys my guild is going for heroic gul danio tonight wish us luck :3
Arguably tich*
huehuehuehuehue i report
Stereotypes exist for a reason. Niggers are degenerate animals, americans are fat retards, australians are master shitposters
May many good pulls come your way.
Godspeed bro, I hope you get some good loot.
lmfao oh I get it your making fun of mexicans since they're one of the few ethnic groups even fatter on average than americans
goddamn those hispanic monkeys are the laughing stock of the whole fucking world rolf
My guild is too! Good luck
best belf reporting in
Link logs. I bet you suck
Can't be worse than ion
hormone replacement therapy?
That's not fair though.......
i just heal when my girlfriend doesnt wanna
>not including krosus
???????? If you dot get orb it's a free 700k+ dps
>tfw no one will never ask ion about his grey parses in Q&A
Why not make a thread on the general forums about it? That tablet guy got a lot of heat from forum shitposters.
Sup ya'll
tablet guy?
Because it wouldn't get chosen retard
Because you can't see the shame on his face that way.
tfw when you can relate to the current legendary items since you know the guys they are based about
>/wowg/ talks shit about this guy asmongold and how he a shit
>just take it at face value because I don't know anything about him
>randomly searching for some wow shit on youtube and find a video on it
>watch it and found it pretty helpful
>see the name of the uploader, asmongold
>watch more of his videos
>he's absolutely delightful and a pleasure to listen to
how did /wowg/ have it so wrong?
Big of course small is only a once in a while ; )
He's hilarious. He is probably pretty intelligent, just introverted and maybe a bit autistic.
Asmongoy pls go. You're /reddit's guy/.
Also look into mastic gum and stop mouth breathing you chinless wonder.
>the mentally ill kraut samefagging about his twitch crush again
can you please kys yourself lad?