/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Fuck off jew edition

>Deck lists, news etc

>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ general & tournament discord

>Optimal pack buying / crafting strategy
Save up all gold 120 days before each expansion (6100g). This means saving for the next set starting the 18th of April. You can craft remaining top legendaries without the chance of pulling them from packs.

>Simulate your 50 pack pre-order


Other urls found in this thread:


>vS Data Reaper report
The rise of Jade Druid prevents Pirate Warrior from being countered more consistently. While we have seen an improvement in this matchup from the Druid’s perspective over the past week, it’s unlikely to ever be more than a 50-50 affair. So, Jade Druid can never have a significant debilitating impact on Pirate Warrior’s presence. What Jade Druid does instead is preventing any counter to Pirate Warrior from being ladder-viable by completely annihilating it. In order to deal with extreme amounts of uninteractive burn and weapon damage, you need extreme sustainability and mitigation. Sustainability and mitigation is the exact opposite of what you need in the Jade Druid matchup, which forces you to be the aggressor or lose to inevitability. Pirate Warrior has losing records against Control Warrior, Reno Mage and Control Shaman. All of these decks get completely destroyed by Jade Druid. Imagine a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors where Paper gently wraps itself around Rock, Scissors can cut a few holes in Paper, but Rock…. Rock just smashes Scissors to pieces and leaves nothing behind. This is the current situation in Hearthstone.

Tfw cant lose stars at rank 5


Success breeds jealousy.

Why the fuck did they had to ruin arena?
Now it's even more unfair, instead of outdrafting and calculating for value at all times you just get shit on if you don't get constructed tier synergy.

Why was everyone applauding this shit again?
They didn't even remove flamestrike/abyssal and I constantly see them, they literally did nothing but buff the fuck out of lucky drafts and nerf careful, value arena style of play.

>there's no place for Ysera in any deck
this meta is a fucking horror

>windows 10

Reddit was right
preorder gives you like 90% of the cards you need

>no innkeeper/hearthpwn
>8 year long quest line before I can actually play the game
No thanks, friend.

>Thread takes 24 hours to hit post limit and autosage


Why would you need innkeeper if the game itself has native deck importing/exporting?


Try again my man.

>post nearlewd to bait threads
>uses cunny unironically
Its like you dont want people to play it.

user's first gaslighting attempt.

So I can see what I'm missing/how much dust I need to build said decks?

Try again.

You also failed to address this ridiculous "story"

>play rank 5
>pirate warrior
>pirate warrior
>pirate warrior
>jade Druid
>pirate warrior

8 years is the amount of time you need to farm up as f2p to start building decent decks in Hearthstone




Can i draw reno one fucking time please?

Everytime i play aggro they ALWAYS have reno
Everytime i play this stupid ass deck i NEVER get reno

Fucking shit.

What is a deck that has a positive winrate against pirate shit? I'm at rank

You're confusing it with Hearthstone. Where basically Hearthstone decks completely break down when missing a core card, those decks are far more flexible.

The story gives you a lot of free gold, dust, arena tickets and some basic cards. Takes about 15 minutes per class.

Good luck leveling all classes to level 10 in Hearthstone while only having access to basic decks. It will take much longer than that.

False. It takes maybe a couple days. Plus I don't have to deal with any attempt at a shit story.

>Mulligan Patches
>Draw Patches

Does anything feel worse?


playing against patches desu

I think the only deck that can slow it down is perfect openers by dragon priest

I know your pain

Control warrior is the hardest counter. Enjoy 0% winrate vs druid though

What happened to that guy trying to do his quests?

tempo mage is pretty good against it and can beat druids


If you put Tony in you also beat warlocks

I was just comically annihilated by a raza shadowpriest deck.

Why is this bullshit even in the game? It goes beyond MTG-tier bullshittery with this "unconditional instagib" crap.

Whatever miracoli decks were present in the past, they were always conditional and depended on state of the board, both yours and the enemies and how you and your enemy have played thorough the set. For example, in patron warrior to execute an instakill you had to perform a combo properly, so either you had to wait for sufficient mana pool and cards in your hand, or preset it by seting up a turn before you would do so. If you decided to do the latter, your opponent could always ruin your plans by dealing with the preset patron, preset frothing, preset armorsmith, preset warsong or whatever the fuck you decided to preset a turn before, so you could execute full combo next turn. And even if you could you would still be limited by the board, like you having not enough place on your side, or your opponent having minions too big/with taunt/whatever else.

This priest is completely retarded in a way that all you need is 3 fucking cards that you simply have to play whenever, at any time, sooner, later, in the moment you fucking want to, with the only """"""""condition""""""""" is being that coldarra goes in the turn you go for kill, heh. If it goes lucky, you shadowform on 3, raza on 5 and then coldarra with kill on 6. If it goes less lucky all you have to do is survive long enough until tutor through the deck for these 3. As if priest had no utility to do so with alexstraszas, renos, whatever fucking else.

Oh did I mention it doesn't fucking matter how much armor you possibly have?

Because there's like a 1% chance you get Coldarra from Kabal courier?

haha shit you're right

what did i expect from a children's wizard poker

That makes it balanced :^)

armor does matter, you can only hero power 30 or so times a turn before running out of time

>you can only hero power 30 or so times a turn before running out of time

this is comedy gold

Don't forget that hero power is bugged and every time you use it too fast or skip turn during an animation there is a probability the game will fuck itself up and won't even let you rejoin

You do realize what the chances are of getting Coldarra Drake, right?
He hinges his entire deck on an OTK combo.
Raza priest is a joke if they don't curve well during the first 6 turns.

You got RNG'd, much like Shredder giving your opponent a Millhouse and you a fucking parrot or Doomsayer when you have a considerably larger board than them.

is this a fresh TempoStorm.com recommended tech choice?

hey that happened to me a while ago

>complaining about brawl
What is this, 2016?

look at the board, does it look like i'm complaining?

>its a 3 quest day
uugghhh i just want to play Faeria man

So who did everyone choose for the tournament?
Who is the best bet for the free packs?

>get a mage quest
>decide to play freeze mage
>queue into the only control warrior on ladder
are there people who honestly believe this game is not rigged?

roll a dice 5 times and divide by the 6th dice roll. Pick whoever is that number

Pavel, since he has the highest winrate of all the pros.

What is "vS Data Reaper report"?

Otherwise seams right

how does he match up vs the people in his group

Honestly, i'll take some bullshit losses if Blizzard allows me to get bullshit wins to legendary ya know?

Its an even trade

can you spot the fun interaction?

you wipe the whole board with spells
that seems pretty fun :>

this is the kind of bullshit that would have me ragequit for the day

I haven't researched it to that extent. I just saw a video on youtube talking about why Pavel is the best player.

Hero power on Jaina



he should have hero powered an extra turn and he would have lived.



he hero powered most turns but I kept pinging the armor down every time I had the mana
I wonder if he wasn't running feral rages - thought he was just being greedy and waiting for alex

but Pavel is a trash player that lucked out big time

no player in the history of hearthstone has had as high a win rate in tournaments, over any reasonable sample size, as pavel has for the last few months

>lucked out in multiple tournaments
lol yeah okay

calm down there Amnesiac

>even in casual I run into nothing but pirate warriors
>pirate warriors aren't losing shit during mammoth
great game blizzard

How far can she go, boys? Keep in mind I've got like a 4-5-win average. :V

Has anyone who calculated the probability of Yogg-Saron kill/silence/transforming himself after X+1 spells and X+1 minions on board posted a chart or anything?

I guess 10

Next game you'll run into a Wild deck who curves otu perfect, including going first and a chow on 1 that never dies.

Your mulligan hand and draws will all be 5+ cost

fuck only two

Wait what? Are people still encountering Wild decks?

Who are you even replying to, fag???

It happened to me yesterday lad. That exact scenario.

are you blind retard?

The loss on this run was against a super-aggro Shaman that rolled me by turn 7. Got a bad Mulligan and pretty much instantly lost. Whaddayagonnado.

lol look at this kid he got caught replying to no one like a looser and now he mad

I got 3.

You're actually too stupid to be on this website, and that's a low bar.

i didnt reply to no one moron. i replied to someone.
ugh, are you seriously blind??? omg

for arena, who should I pick? druid warrior or shaman?


Free 80 gold anyone?

Not that I know. All I know is that the last time someone played Yogg against me he buffed my minions then mulched himself and gave me a free card.

NA or UK? Added you.



which class?

>have brawl quest
>literally every single retard is roping and "thinking" about their moves


thanks for the 80g homie

Yeah I honestly, couldn't give a shit I just know Pavel wins tournaments quite a bit. Hey that rhymed.

Sorry some user claimed it already. Thanks to everyone who added me though!
Yeah, nice potion btw ;) I was fucked anyways but it was funny.

I haven't kept up with this dead game since memezan, where can I find all the revealed cards for new expac?

on leddit
there are only like 4 cards revealed already though, spoiler season starts tomorrow with a blizzard stream

it's the thinking man's brawl.

Has anyone won going first in the brawl? The extra party crasher going second gets is fucking OP.

get good

would it be possible to make a bot that creates 1000 battle net accounts, logs on to each one once every 24 hours to refresh the daily quest until it gets 80 gold and then challenge you? I don't care if you steal this idea as long as it costs the greedy merchants some shekel

Do you go first?
Do you have the coin?
Win by default