/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East


Daughterus when IS

Azura is shit.

Azura a best

I love Azura

Wrong. Shit taste.

Brainstorm with me /feg/

>+Spd/-RES Palla
>Woo Dao+
>Darting Blow
Woo Dao skyrockets her damage, since she has natural Moonbow and she also has natural Wings of Mercy for Teleporting shenanigans.

Azura is ok

Camilla a best!

>waste thousands on a trash mobile slot machine
>still not first place

Azura is stronk! STRONK!




Mae's big Maes!


What the fuck is her problem?


I love Julia!

Severa is a great wife! She's so warm and cuddly!

Cumming on Mae's thighs

>There is no limit to how many skills you can inheret
So what they're saying is that I should sacrifice every single unit I have to my waifu? Should I go full throttle and start being a name/tripfagging waifufag too?

>what is boob armor

Don't make fun of the mentally ill please

>Both -atk + def

Vantage is truly the biggest meme skill in the inheritance meta. Don't fall for its lies.


Kliff is cute! CUTE!

How will meta ever compete?

Oh wow another generic moeblob with kawaii eyes. I can't wait for Sonia to look like shit as well!

If that rank 1 moby dick is still here:

Know of any cheese comps like 2 blue 2 reds or triple mages + erika that works in 4600+ range, assuming I have a copy of every unit in the game?

What use is there for a -spd/+def nino?

She just wants to watch Alm fuck Celica while crying and shlicking, nothing wrong with that

So I've got a -SPD Lucina and a +ATK Lyn, which one gets the most out of inherit?

I started out using Lyn a lot but it seems like Lucina even at -SPD gets a little more mileage right now, or rather right before the inherit patch.

>hand over first place to big black bull
>be happy with second like the cuck i am

Enjoy your vantages.

superior boi

being drawn by Shitdari

Fuck off Kozaki

I want to plow the fuck out of Tharja.

I like Hana

In which Fire Emblem was every girl not a moeblob with kawaii eyes you fucking retard?

Found Kozaki.

I'm going to turn that fuccboi into the world's strongest baron

mfw I put fury on the same Julia I already inherited +3 attack on.

>Lukas went from that awkward guy with the bowl cut to a hot dude

I have 3 vantages to give out. Who do I give them too?

I feel like I fucked io by giving Vantage to Hector this morning

*appears behind you*

>what is RD
>who is Titania

Why do you keep spamming this? You do realize Takumi with a brave bow does more damage an Jeorge does around the same.

>we JUST had an Effie banner
>most likely not going to get another for a very, very, very long time

Haha fuck me right

I was going to run +Atk/-Res with a Sliver+ and Life and Death (44k fucking feathers). She'd be a super budget Lucina that can fly and warp.
Wo Dao is actually pretty neat but I'd need to pull Karel.

Should I pull Erika out for a healer for chapters? Still low leveled but liking the app so far.

>day hours
>shitposter disappears
>post 3 pm hours
>shitposter appears
really makes you think


One guy gave me some tips last thread but that was it. Thanks btw

Because I am having fun, back the fuck off?!
Is ok, we getting best banner soon.

To anyone who has a Linde that isn't -Spd, count your blessings. Even you -atk Lindefags. You are set for the new meme meta. For those that have -Spd, I'm so sorry.

>from bowl cut to a badass lancer

The years were kind to him. Looks as good as Nephenee.

I checked the requirements on those training tower quests and man those are bullshit. There's no way I'm gonna acquire and/or train 4 cavalry, 4 armored and 4 fliers this month. And here I thought I could get all those orbs. Disappointment.

>those muscles

forgot pic

Is Eirika+8(don't ask, I didn't want her either) worth using in a team without blade tome users?

PoR, Fates and SS come to mind

>someone is going to roll on this banner and get 5* Selena
IS are pretty cruel.

>Wary Fighter isn't an inheritable skill
>Close/Distant Counter is

Why was this allowed?

What, if any, of these should I boost to 5*?
They're all giveaways so their IVs are balanced.
Narcian does really good by me as a 4*, the others haven't really gotten a chance to shine yet. What is y'all's opinion?

Oh and rolled 4* Jeorge. He seems really strong, but he's just +HP/-Res, not sure if worth it.

>A horse archer

Surely Sue is usable r-right

I'm doing better this time... I've brought a dancer!

Damn he looks like he popped straight out of an atelier game. I mean, I know this artist did three of those but still looks like you could find him in any of them.

It's just part of Drill's schedule

I've been thinking about putting Death Blow, Rally Defence/Reposition and Draconic Aura on mine. Not sure If I should replace his C-skill yet.


She's not too bad. The other nomad you get later is much better.

Am I missing something, this ain't a bowl cut

Is this the best B slot skill for Ryoma? Should i do it?

Is Moonbow objectively the best Special? Would you ever want to give a unit anything else?

Already posted in last thread, you didn't have to delete your imageless post.

>Ursula and Cecilia are only good for Cavarly memes and if you lack a decent green flier then yeah Narcian is a ok choice.

Whoever has Close/Distant Counter or similar abilities.

RD was probably the biggest offender, honestly
>PoR, Fates, SS
These games were also full of cutesy girls.

I want to roll on it so bad to get a + on my +Atk/-Res Eliwood or +Spd/-Def Selena. Shit even rolling for a free Life and Death 3 is worth it.

Post special quotes we haven't seen yet

Bully~ Bully~ I want to make Alfonse cry!

>Anything but a mage

Oh, cool

I just want a good archer man


Perhaps wary fighter can only be passed between armored units? Svalinn Shield is like that. I do not have an Effie to find out myself if this is correct or not.

What are the best skills to put on taco?

Rate the Echoes girls we know of thus far lads don't know their name because you're a newfag who started with awakening no worry just designate them with numbers personally to me they're Celica, Hufflepuff, young Arete, Slut mage and Cuckquean


Just unequip his weapon you dumbass.

I have a bunch of lovely ladies and hunks for my single lonk to spread his Vantage all over, who gets it?


The girl who fed a nation with the bounty of her breast!

healers are obviously better off using balms
dancers probably prefer miracle
other than that yeah probably

Reinhardt/Olwen/Gordin can abuse Luna if they have dance support.

>fan art
(lol my dude

Rebecca is a cute Otome Heroine.

But like this, I can recruit them both without getting attacked.
