/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #447

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #447

Guinevere Edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E

Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

Mar. 17th - Mar. 19th.
> Roina (Ardor), EA01 Luka (Thunder), Vermillion Bird (Whirlwind), Hercules (Light), Hamerus (Dark), Shu (Ardor, Legendary), Felix (Thunder, Legendary)

Mar. 24th - Mar. 26th
>Angela (Ardor), Hildegard (Thunder), Linmay (Whirlwind), Luri (Light), Gerrard (Dark), Bell (Thunder, Legendary), Presty (Dark, Legendary)

Mar. 31st - Apr. 2nd
>Kyoko (Ardor), Blade (Thunder) Vivid Fear (Whirlwind), Virgil (Light), Lynbell (Dark), Khirel (Whirlwind, Legendary), Jibril (Light, Legendary)

Current events:

Littre Plushie Event Mar. 16th - Mar. 31st
Match the Cards Mar. 3rd - Mar. 20th
Rudy: Mar. 5th - Mar 19th
Litz: Mar 12th - Mar 26th
Nute: Mar 12th - Mar 26th
Fenrir Boss Match Mar. 17th - Mar. 19th
March Scout Event Mar. 16th - Mar. 31st
More info can be found in-game

Previous Thread:

is olev

Should I get Lynbell the NEET, or Lynbell in SPACE?
I love both but can only get one

You will never find a love purer than mine. Your devotion to your waifu is paltry in comparison.


So what you're saying is that you love me?

So, basically, BB will have to make the increased point on draw even every sunday, so people will only roll on sundays
Is it wise to hold back in case they make a better even or I simply don't care for the curent rotation?

I only roll on increased jibril rates, otherwise I don't care for draws.

Is it worth spending money on this game. In which case, what's the best package besides the Beginner one. I dled the game just to look at the art and I've been pulling free draws just for fun for over a year and I'm bored enough that I want to play it for real.

I saw Lynbell and Jibril the same week Khirel was there
I'm sure I'll roll Khirel again so I won't roll that one.

>tfw khirel KO's your whole frontline and midline because of coop defense
Being thunder is suffering. He isn't even that broken.

>Shu destroys your enemy front, mid and back, AND recovers enemy atb, health and spirit with each attack increasing his destructive power and recovering all the lost health
>you're WW
You don't know what suffering is

Trying to put together a team. Currently running:

Haru | Neraziel | Sharr
Beth | Lia | Choi
Gaphyl | Erica | Virgil | Kiki

I guess it's sorta WW/Ardor

Anyway, who needs to be replaced the fastest? I feel like my front line is the weakest aspect. Should I switch out BT for Angela if I find her, or Sharr for Shanti?

>thunderfags in MY /ssg/


Maybe if you asked last year or so. Around the 2nd anniversary?
With the game direction recently, no.

No Im an addict so I spend $5 a month.
Wait until the anniversary and server merge in may

What do I do with this guy

I love Silla.

Erica. Get Kevin, and if you're lucky, Duran.
Replace Haru and Neraizel for Renee and Elaine
BT is good enough, specially with Virgil and Gaphyl there.
Sharr is still cancer but can't deal with Presty's as easy as Beatrice, Hiros or Levs, but Shanti either since she relies on stacking debuffs. She can with the rest of gks though.


use him

Thunder if love though. /ssg/ can't survive without love.
Destroy 6 players in 2 moves.

>when you beat a whale and all you do is spend $5 a month

Really gets your almonds activated.

>be khirelanon
>don't even use khirel
The decision I regret the most in all my time in the game.
You can try out the double hp ardor stone CM Khirel if you want, or if you don't want to, just use him if you don't have anything better

Am I doing this right?

I guess now that I have him I can do all those D-Stone chains that I was cockblocked from doing to get Aiolos.

I'm just starting so I don't know if I'll run into any Presty's yet.

Thinking super long term, if I ever get enough dstones, should I go for Duran or Meta?

I know that feel

>just starting
Well, you never know when you get a luckfag there. Still not to worry that much then I guess
>duran or meta
I'd say Duran just because you have already 2 mid legends

>get a notification that I got a (You)
>see image

why the fuck do you have this saved

does that dood with Jay ace still play
add me pls

No. ychan quit playing months ago.

I've been waiting three years to post him and that was the time
Still can't find an appropiate place to post this one, and I still have other 600
No. She dedd.
I'd help you with that but mine isn't that good.

>Anyone not a wwfag



Already made my mind. One of these days I'll buy the other one

>Still can't find an appropiate place to post pic
This is a feeling I know well.

>added a fuckton of Milky Way Aces
>now they have Elaine, Beth, or some other shit not great for CoD
fuck this
i will use extrakun

About fucking time

>he did not start the game from using 2*-3* units and worked his way up
Disgusting bandwaggoner scum

That's a shame. Well I'll just keep playing it for now just because Bora is a qt.

>anything drawn by REASON

that's a very retarded thing to do, but I did start out with 4 stars such as White Tiger, Kumi and Kri'Veya
Jay is also a 4-star so I don't see why you argue for the use of 2 and 3-star units

Bora's base and E form are really pretty
Unsealed Eye is nice but I'd rather her eye be yellow

>cheetos with eots/bi/milky/kevin
Literally, didn't shot even once

I got this skin for all the random crystals I got for the returning player thing.

Inspector Luka is literal perfection.

y-ychan oh its not you.
fucking phony.

Yeah and the skin wasn't drawn by reason.

Luka E is or rather was also perfect.

Base Luka is best Luka

Neither Luka is good
and her voice is shit

>found a team with anael/jin/presty/duran/alice backline
>was surprisingly decent
Proof Presty can make miracles
I'll finally be able to use Khirel unironically

>he doesn't fap to Luka's voice
what incredible shit taste

>find presty team
>start the match
>forgot to take out elaine/shura
Fuck me.
>only have evylin and neraizel as my other passers
Fuck this baltheon or lose meta

>fapping to any ss character
I think you're the one with shit taste bud.

>Find Presty
>OHKO her
What's the problem again? YOLO

You being a bronzie

>tfw got btfo'd by a Uriel
Nerfs when?

Come at me bro.

I was away from the game for a good while but I was barely back a few days when someone else posted a screen of my ace last thread, feels good man

>check my esports
>see that I have a victory

Welp guess it was me.

New batch of legends and achievement in may screencap this.

no shit, you dont say

>serestia skin
Why is this allowed?

>tfw no qt girl to do qt things with while talking about qts in ss

Post your Balths, I need to see where mine stands.


I really need to reroll my teamwork hearts for pass.

>qt girl
You're looking for a guy

>Post your Balths

What manga?

>what is reverse image search

Suicidal anime girl

fug cod 44 angela is strong got her done to 1k hp then timed out

>current top 5 league
Guess this is why the ww is cancer shitposter hasn't appeared

>evylin wants to leave the game because of personal reasons
Even she knows she's garbage, fuck that's pathetic

>meet my first ESPORTS Presty
>whatever, business as usual
>active pass, active shoot
>200 damage crit

Oh god how does that even work. That's not even 10% of what the usual damage in that case would be. Granted, Duran was there too granting his bullshit auras.

>like 60 natural dr
>crit damage resistance
>pen resistance
That's how.

>reached that place in league where i can't advance because every team is a turbowhale cancer team
>game penalizes you from not playing FOR A WHOLE WEEK
Nice way to change things while changing nothing in the progress, retards

With all the tools at its disposal, how is WW/Dark not THE METAAAAAaaaaa in its entirety.

Same could be said of ardor/dark, ardor/light and dark/light
And yes, thunder isn't there because no one wants to combine with those faggots

>BI/Serestia/Alice midline
Just kill me senpai

Mostly because dual element aces are so weak you may as well go rainbow at that point even if you just splash a unit or two.

Dual element aces are the same as they ever were, and rainbow aces (read: Silla ace, because there are no other rainbow aces worth using, ever) are slightly worse.

They overtuned mono-element aces hard though. I feel kind of bad for ever suggesting it back in the day. I'm sure it's a coincidence that they implemented it in a way close to what I suggested (I said the ace's effectiveness should scale by the number of on-color players), but I still find myself wishing I had kept my mouth shut.

>They overtuned mono-element aces hard though.
Yeah, that's why there are so many mono teams around huh

Turbowhales go rainbow so they can field their team of 10 legendary players (plus Silla).

Normalfags go rainbow because they can't afford to build a mono-color team.

Only middling players go mono much. They spend and play enough to draft a single color team, but not so much that they can just blow a few thousand bucks every time the meta changes.

Yeah that's about what I meant, Duran, the most common rainbow ace at high level, is 10% less HP and AP than the usual dual ace has, which is not very significant, while a mono ace can be worthwhile.

>plus Silla
Go check how many Silla aces there are in top100, why would anyone waste a spot when Duran ace exists?

>find yolo team
>make myself a yolo mid with 3man back with khirel there in case i have a chance to penetrate
>it actually works to avoid being killed by these teams either in mid or back
So, what's the problem with these?

>So, what's the problem with these?

Having to rebuild you mid and back each time you meet one, and then change back to your normal team after.

A Yolo team will win an entire tourney in the time it takes you to win a single match, and that is without having to change your line around and add IC players just to counter them.

>not willing to adapt to enemy threats to overcome them
This is the perfect example of bronzie mentality.
Don't be like this user.

I'm talking about high galaxy ranking.

In the last few hours there will be a massive crystal spam. YOLO teams will be winning a match every 45 seconds real time.

Other normal teams will be chipping down each others prestys and trying to out-buff and out-heal the enemy team in longer matches. They will win but they won't win fast enough.

All the high ranks will go to yolo spammers due to the speed of the teams alone. Even if they lose one in 10, they can win 9 times and lose once in the the time it takes a light team to win once.

When reddit sees yolo teams take 20 of the top 20 spots they will all bandwagon harder than ever before. Within two seasons the nubmer of yolo teams will triple.

Just make a decent fast midline that steals everything/fast front passer and you instawon.
Adapt your strategy to different situations, and you won't lose.
Spoiler: Kevin and BI are great to kill these midlines. Get them, get another two good players and stop being a bitch

>meiran attacks duke
>488 crit damage
>that's good I guess
>she receives 480 no crit from him
I hate him so much

>just add kevin to your midline
>and BI
>and an IC

Fuck off.

>give him the solution to his problem
>doesn't want to follow it because he has to do work for once to achieve this

>not having all of these players
feels good to have started rainbow and just superb'd all the good players along time ago

YOLO is going to be obliterated at the end of this season. PvE teams are going to be so fucked because of the fixes bigball will come up for PVP exploits.

>IC will become a 20% speed stone
>Kevin will literally lose quickstart. It will turn in something like a 10% defense buff that stacks twice and people will recall him
>Celus will lose his debuff totem and gain a weaker/slower stacking effect
>uriel ace will be changed to "when under 80%"
>yeon will lose teamwide attack buff

>implying devs care
>implying they'll change anything
>implying they won't fuck it up worse somehow

Bet he's a thunderfag. They're the only ones not willing to change their units and instead only cry for buffs or nerfs instead of actually stratergizing and flow with the meta to survive it