>Where does Veeky Forums play? Create or find a Gathering Hall Passcode: 7243 (rage) In Generations, Objective: Gathering In 4U, Target: Fishing In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9
deviant diablos requires lvling X deviants to 10 and XX deviants to 5 and HR unlock, also ultimate deviant quest for each deviant unlocks at HR100
Jaxon Cruz
what are some games where i can be a jet falcon?
Jonathan Anderson
What are the key quests?
Aiden Rivera
________ _ _____ _____
Jack Peterson
What puts out more damage. Spin to win spam or demon dance spam
Noah Bell
>Dala beam on a normal monster Confirmed garbage fight, there's a reason los doesn't fly around anymore
Kevin Gonzalez
After some disappointment with Gen, i'm probably skipping out on XX, assuming it gets a western release.
Makes me wonder what the next mainline game will end up looking like. Hope it turns out good, whenever it happens.
Lucas Hernandez
reposting for usefulness
Nigger, I already posted it
0. Install MHXX, don't launch it so it doesn't create a savefile. 1. Install gbatemp.net/threads/release-mhx-data-manager.434848/ in your 3DS 2. Launch it and select "copy character" 3. Copy character from MHG to MHX 4. Then "delete all quests" from the option menu (just in case) 5. Launch MHXX and spam A to transfer your char from MHX to MHXX. (if step 3 doesn't work you might need to install MHX and create a character)
I would delete all event armor just in case before doing this, but you can try without deleting them first and seeing if the game crashes while accessing the equip sets screen. Also it doesn't hurt to backup your extdata with savedatafiler or something before.
If you can: Access equip set screen without crashing Use and edit shoutouts without crashing Access event quest screen without crashing
ur done :D
Christopher Lewis
spin to win is more mobile, demon dance does more damage but sticks you in placr
Elijah Foster
DD spam, you don't spin for damage, you spin for mobility
Austin Cruz
James Fisher
It's a shame they really didn't understand what they did wrong.
Luis Wood
Yeah, i just hope the problems don't carry over to the future main games.
Blake Ramirez
>starting xx, skipped gen >all these fucking gathering quests
I'm fucking done.
Bentley Rivera
/mhg/ is shit.
Jayden Ward
Anyone figured out which quest expands your inventory?
Joseph Lopez
Still looking for the Gen best time chart since getting error on moe page.
Nathan Wright
What's the deal with the Wyacademy Cat in the offline airship? It seems like it sells upgrades but what do they do?
Zachary Edwards
No, just XX and Gen.
Aiden Lopez
Warned you. I just hop they didn't pad the game out by adding more. Especially when they have all these fucking monsters to make quests from.
Wyatt Perry
almost none of the gathering quests are key quests you autist just look it up I'm sure they're the same
Zachary Flores
What's the process to pass my file from a physical gen cart to XX? Is that even possible?
James Clark
Not possible
Landon Hernandez
looks like valfalk weapons only have res and white sharpness, no inbetween
Dominic Barnes
You can receive upgrades from him similar to the wycoon from MH4U Also gives access to transmog in G Rank
I'm not sure about the item set thing. I think it might be the acorn drop we saw at the end of trailer 2
Nathaniel King
Cooper Phillips
scroll the fuck up yes it is you fucking retard monster hunter always saves in exdata (SD card, not system) regardless if its physical or digiral
Isaiah Bailey
Only Gen actually, exdata in 3U/4(U) were used for sets, cards and GQs
Juan Lopez
Well, "read the op" is better than nothing, thanks.
Anthony Hill
Meant to reply to this
Nicholas Myers
Oh baby.
Juan Miller
>Want to grind the feather >Remember the gathering quests I skipped
And then I keep fullsuiting.
Evan Peterson
>fullsuiting >in XX Fullsuiters outed as lazy asses instead of fashion hoes been calling it since FU
Christopher Sanchez
What are the issues that Generations has? Things get muddy with all the shitposting in /mhg/, so I'm hoping you'll share your genuine gripes with Generations.
Luke King
Gabriel Sanders
valfalk is an elder dragon user
Daniel Gray
2 questions.
1. How do you take a screenshot on an O3DS 2. How is CB from X -> XX?
Carson Cox
Whats the new limit on Box pages in XX?
I just bought the first 3 pages but I assume we'll get more?
Tyler Hughes
Sure, but not a Large Elder Dragon. No normal Elder Dragon has a long wait+dive, only Dala and arguably Mohrans.
Hudson Fisher
>1. How do you take a screenshot on an O3DS needs CFW, look up NTR CFW >2. How is CB from X -> XX? better
Brody Ward
and a cute girl!
Landon Sanchez
Excessive padding quests Flashy hunter arts Now transmog
MH is becoming more and more a generic oriental MMO. It's losing the thing that made it so different from other games in the first place.
Luis Sanders
ok and? teo has supernova, kush has tornadoes, chammy has poison breath (although who the fuck gets hit by the poison breath)
those are all attacks you can superman through.
Jeremiah Hill
>NTR CFW Is this like Luma?
Camden Kelly
>transmog is bad ok shitposter
Blake Foster
Cool sharpness, brah.
Colton Perez
cuz other elder dragons don't have jetpack wings as weapons you fucking retard
Aaron Walker
In your eyes, the things that made it different from other games were...?
I enjoy Generations, and to my eyes little has changed.
Brandon Nguyen
Terrible performances Technically terrible Removes QOL from 4U Aims guns from the eyes instead of the barrel Oversized UI Dubious game design Dubious monster design Terrible quest lineup Deviants being very hit or miss with the best one being weak as fuck Deviant quest system being shit Requests and Deviants acting like Urgents Disconnecting when you visit the villages online Tickets for everything Those don't last as long, that attack is specifically like Dalamadur's breath attack, a wait and dive, it cuts in the action for no purpose.
Hunter Watson
valfuck weapons?
Benjamin Gomez
Easton Jones
worst blos*
Chase Gutierrez
piratefags OUTTA MY GENERAL #MHXXforthewest
James Bell
>half black so all deviant blosses are female?
Ethan Nelson
Connor Powell
Uhh? Does it just skip yellow, green and blue?
>Removes QOL from 4U Which QOL? >Aims guns from the eyes instead of the barrel I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean how shots in scoped mode are slightly offset below the reticle?
Tyler Watson
>transmog is good
way to take away the fun in mix and matching sets to get your skills. it's a fashion contest, or a hunting game?
Nathaniel Edwards
someone tell chinks to leak deviant blos shit
Jacob Green
are more elder dragons hiding behind the [?] icon? I need to know is Promised Namir is back!
Connor Kelly
>way to take away the fun in mix and matching sets to get your skills how is that gone in any way whatsoever?
also how is it intrinsically fun in any way?
Jaxon Rodriguez
>needing skills >not hunting naked
Carter Morales
All or nothing sharpness?
Ayden Peterson
streams where
Sebastian Martin
You have to dive akantor's charge most of the time
Chase Russell
Tickets going to the box I can't think of more because I just woke up That, from both reticles. Making sets was part of the game, while you made set you could settle for something even stronger that looked terrible or something worse that looked better, you could mix pieces you would never mix together and get a set you'd love, now people are going to use full flagship/deviant sets.
Daniel Moore
how do i unlock transmog?
just got through Diablos urgent and already unlock the 3 extra box pages
Ayden Sullivan
Congalala, Baroth, Lagombi, Giadrome in Village. Talk to the scientis cat and do a gathering quest.
Christopher Barnes
You still will mix sets. You'll just make the mixes not ugly.
Seriously, I hope you're baiting. No sane mind would be complaining about this.
Adrian Martinez
Wait and dive means you can't do anything but that. Rath world tour, Dala Beam, Mohran Jump, Valfark's thing. I'm not talking about diving through attacks but being forced to wait and dive with no means to get fucked(Drilltusk) or to fuck (Amatsu)
Cooper Gutierrez
>people get to have good skills and look good >this is bad
Owen Williams
Frontier as fuck
Austin Wright
I don't complain, I'll miss it but I don't care. It's bad because decision making is important, games are meant to be fun but they're also meant to train the mind and build yourself, streamlining everything dulls that. New players won't be proud to pull a great looking set with good skills when everyone looks ugly with the same skill set, or even carry people with starter gear, that kind of things, it's not much but it'll be missed because it was fun and satisfying.
Jose Wood
>It's bad because decision making is important, And it won't change in any way whatsoever. >games are meant to be fun but they're also meant to train the mind and build yourself, And it won't change in any way whatsoever. > streamlining everything dulls that. Should have been complaining since 4 for that.
Leo Diaz
>games are meant to be fun but they're also meant to train the mind and build yourself criiiiiiiiinge
Ryan Collins
>wahhh muh clownsuits can now look fashionable
Easton Bennett
But it will, there won't be set variety dictated by the player's preference. There won't be quirky guys using a fullset because they can pull it off.
Levi Gomez
>wahhh frontier is badddd
Juan Cox
Why not?
What's stopping them?
Hudson Taylor
Transmog. There's no reason to gimp yourself now that you can have the looks AND the skills.
Aaron Mitchell
>But it will, there won't be set variety dictated by the player's preference. how not?
Jaxon Davis
So did anyone try how sheathing speed affects brave style?
Jayden Watson
I get a "Unable to open extdata" error when trying to copy to MHX
Brayden Flores
But if you want to gimp yourself you can just go and gimp yourself.
Are you upset that other people choose not to gimp themselves?
Samuel Green
>gimp yourself How? What?
>now that you can have the looks AND the skills. So?
You're not making any sense.
Connor Bell
Just don't use it if you don't like it Like, close your eyes
Wyatt Johnson
hi dad
Cooper Mitchell
>dad >not grandpa
Brody Myers
Impact Pulse charges super fast and lasts for easily a minute or two at level 1. This art is amazing.
Lincoln Lewis
Before >Build Set >Set A looks like shit but gets one extra skill >Sets B to Z look better and are all varied but perform worse >You can pick from A to Z depending on how you value performance and fashion Now >Build set
Leo Miller
What a nightmare.
And looking ugly isn't gimping yourself. Going into a hunt without Potions is gimping yourself.
Refusing to wear good sets because they look ugly is a personal problem, not some hallmark feature.
Samuel Cooper
How is Brave HBG allowed to be this good? All hunts are finished under 5 minutes.
Levi White
>(if step 3 doesn't work you might need to install MHX and create a character)
Grayson Perez
You got it wrong, gimping yourself is running a set with less skills and potentially much less defense (LR/HR parts) for the sake of fashion. People made that decision because they valued fashion over performances or because they were confident in their skills. I'm not crying or calling it a nightmare, I'm saying it's sad to lose something like that because it made the whole MH experience more unique. You won't see people running sets with little useful skills because they like them and see how they manage to beat the harder quests with it. You won't see variations in the way people build their sets because there's no more decision making.
Josiah Ramirez
the biggest mistake capcom made with generations is that instead of putting 1st and 2nd gen monsters in the trash, they put them in the game
Gavin Taylor
Are MVs unchanged in brave?
And yeah, I can't wait to see how does a death squad of 4 brave HBGs look siege-ing a monster
Hudson Wood
hey dad
Daniel Phillips
This might as well be how sharpness actually works in g-rank.
Ethan Miller
You're right. You won't see any of that shit because this game is a joke when you have more than one hunter in a hunt.
The point is to have fun, and now you can look good doing it too. And the people that want to gimp themselves will continue to do so.