/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Fanfare: Chuck Coco&Mimi edition

Official Website:

New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":

Current revealed cards:

All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/016ysnkhenaxkud/sv uncensor 1.4.61.zip

All-in-one Android undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/g3wprejd9foygnr/v1461 Folders a and v.zip

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:


Play Havencraft.

Hear the dragons roar

You're retarded if you think Jungle Warden is actually better than Albert

This thread needs more testosterone.

I already do



Give me a bunny leader and I will.

my wife's sister can't be this cute!


This card looks pretty good

Tell Cygames to release the Banchou Eris skin and I will.

Enhance X - Becomes X/X
Can't be attacked by enemy followers
X/X - X+2/X+2


Shadow needs more dogs, if Sword can be Maidcraft then we should have Dogcraft.

Rahab + ambush


But I do, shes my wife after all.

Literally why, WHY ever play this over a 3/7 ward for the same cost?

>literally a powercreeped genesis dragon
>literally a better enhanced Albert

>turn 1 pass
>turn 2 pass
>turn 3 pass
>turn 4 rahab
>turn 5 pass
>turn 6 pass
>turn 7 pass
>turn 8 20/5 OTK
There is your wincon dragonbros
Just need to have your opponent brick REALLY hard

Fafnir > Bahamut
Genesis Dragon > Jungle Warden

Is Dragon the most cucked class?

Eris was a slut in her early years what a shame

you play both you tard, this can be played directly after a turn 2 oracle or on curve to cuck aggro

>3/7 ward for the same cost

Your opponent plays this curve:

1 - quickblader
2 - Maid Leader
3 - Novice Tropper
4 - Jeno
5. Albert
6. Alwida
7. Albert
8. Cyclone Blade your wards
9. Albert

How the fuck do you win?

Does the ability give storm to both the jungle wardens or the one that is summoned?

t.Forest main

it costs 1 less

>same cost
>4 pp rahab
>5 pp goblinmount
>same cost
It's going to replace grim reaper which some fucbois run
Grim reaper is shit and this is slightly less shit so it'll see play

>Better enhanced Albert
It is 1 more mana. You get what you pay for.

4 = 5

Still dies to Khawy :^)
>same cost
Get your eyes checked.

Orb Dragon > Odin
Dragon's Nest > Dingdong

It's bullshit and you know it.

Easiest (You)'s of my life.

Just kidding, I'm actually a retard. I still think it's a bad card though.

>you get what you pay for
>gold card compared to swords best legendary


Has it been announced if we're getting any new prebuilt decks for ROB once Tempest launches?

This is worthless.
If you play it at the earliest when you have 4pp then it's effect does nothing because you don't have any pp after playing it. You'd need two turns for it to gain any attack. If you play it when you have more PP then it means your opponent also has more PP and thus access to their removals.

What does Eris' groin smell like?

post good cards that people no longer play.

triple may (double is enough) into ae


>I still think it's a bad card though.
You are ACTUALLY a retard, then.

>turn 1 egg
>turn 2 egg, egg
>turn 3 pass
>turn 4 rahab
>turn 5 pass
>turn 6 pass
>turn 7 pass, Heal from eggs PROFIT
>turn 8 20/5 OTK


1 Insight
2 Insight x2
3 Clarked
4 Vomit my hand and play Daria ;)

What are the chances Cygames sells a prebuilt JO Dragon deck? Who here would buy it?

I still play him

Dragon will surely dominate the meta with such power plays

>Just kidding, I'm actually a retard.
I literally just said that. Learn to read, maybe?

>imperial dragoon is probably one of the coolest looking cards
>it's shit
Gotta love this ongoing meme.

>on curve stats
>ward with a lot of health
The attack bonus effect is irrelevant. This is a great tool for Dragon to stop aggro.

Most likely the same as any other female in her mid to late 20's or early 30's

That is pretty much a lot of the dragon cards, like dragonsong flute.

>mfw no Dragon missions

>opponent plays lord of the flies
>gets the 2/3
>my baha kills him next turn
Should've jumped on the khawy train like all the other shadownerds

He'd be amazing if you could choose which insect you want to summon

That's why I used those exact words.

Day one, no questions asked. It'd be even spicier if they added some discard synergies.


>Still no Dragon legendary

>Lord of RNG

no thanks

no concede~

if she loses her pantyhose on evo im literally sudoku myself on strim

how is cudgel priest balanced? dragon warrior is already strong and he is strictly worse

It's a bad card, you stupid



Does anyone have the picture of Wolverine missing Otohime?

>Dragon legendary comes out
>10 pp spell
>Lose the game

Right here blind guy

>people vote Vania(Vampy) because xD she's a vampire and periods are bloody!!!

shit voters who dont even account for character personalities

Say they have a 5/7 Albert, Dragon warrior can trade 1-1, Cudgel can't.

delete this

>not dropping khawy after bahamut

The fuck?

Cannon is the card I want to be good more than anything but its going to be unplayable. Literally turn 5 do nothing.


Many people have already ellaborated on why it is good. Your dumb post with no arguments just makes me thing you are the stupid here.

Other cards were nerfed before foest deck were. CF and cursed soldier.

Speaking of forest nerfs, they were completely unjustified. Every other late game deck was running shit like lucifer and satan as their win conditions. Obviously random shit thrown in would be useless against a deck well constructed around it's win condition. They didn't even nerf the "problem" just the core cards that every forest deck would run. Just imagine fucking aggro blood getting nerfed and having vampy cost 4 mana and imp lancer costing 8 mana because banner swords struggled against yurius.


Someone pls halp


This is what they used for her evolved art.

hyped for dark jean d'arc because she was so badass in that

That's way too late.

And that you have to play 2. So basically you end up having to play 2 mediocre worse cards because otherwise you get removaled into dust

>Hand clogs
>Play a 2 drop and buff last turns 2 drop
Gonna be aids.

No, because it's basically a you drew oracle only card. He can't be emissary'd, If you cavalier him, there's little to no pp left to do anything with him so he's just a dingdong that doesn't draw for all intents and purposes, outside of t3 he has to be evo'd or they have to have used all of theirs or he'll be obliterated like angelic shield maiden's shitty 2/6 is. And this is on top of the eternal conundrum of if you don't play 2 or more removal/evo trade/rush trade/storm trade or die cards a turn, you just get removal'd to oblivion. Single thick cards don't last t. 6pp Inferno dragon/4pp lightning behemoth. You might get some use out of him with shapeshifting mage

At best, he's a pressure card in flute decks so you're not as obligated to kill yourself flooding the board right into a board clear. Or in wyrm spire to act as a cover while you drop 1-2 cheap cards as a substitute play letting you build up a dragon board while pressuring without mulching your hand into board clears to do it.

>When the 2/1 snowman turns into a 16/1 snowman next turn
[Autistic Shrieking]

It's enough to kill and survive offensive 3 drops and defensive don't really get anywhere

You can't emissary hippocampus and ramp for t3, 4pp

Only if it's animated and come with the new neutral wind god grimr


Nah, i still see this in play, tho

Dragon lego when
Tempo dragon is gonna be a thing
Just need a good lego

Rahab is better than Grim Reaper
Hippocampus is worse than Goblinmount

All allied not all other so yes.

>Running over my deck lists
>Found an animated admiral I missed
>Angry blue man will now be the last thing people see from my memer list
Feels good.

It's not that bad against control decks, I'd think.
You lose out on a turn but get a lot of value until they bahamut/odin it.
>T4 Gawain
>T5 Cannon
>T6 Roland/Frontguard
If you are lucky enough you can easily clear their followers with just an evo then.

But we will have to see what the meta turns out to be and if it will slow down enough to see Cannon being played.

Thanks, anons

I wanna support those cannons

It's not gross, it's realistic. People in a feudal fantasy world won't have any actual reason or way to shave their armpits. Armpit hair would just be a normal, everyday thing for them

Hippocampous is only might be played for the evolve effect
The pure temp gain might be enough

>Play Blood Moon
>Play Righteous Devil
>Play that new 5pp blimp
>Suddenly 2 Wolves/Yurius/Imp Wards
>Take no damage from Wolf/Imp fanfare, assuming fanfares doesn't trigger
Did anyone discuss this yet?

>dragons new mechanic is minions that buff themselves every turn

>Many people have already ellaborated on why it is good

That's the same as saying "multiple reliable sources said", literally fake news


>if Overflow is active for you
fuck you, my sides hurt now