This thread is now blessed by Gravelord Nito and the Pardoners of Velka.
Kevin Long
Anyone else worried about all the DLC weapons with generic movesets?
Julian Gonzalez
Splitleaf, RKSS and Aquamarine already have pretty unique movesets. The doors are their own fucking class.
Apparently Harald lets you do the Yhorm smash, only as a combo.
William Williams
Ryder Harris
Is the meta 120 or 125?
Robert Miller
can anyone give me a quick run down on ringed knights
Julian Scott
Michael Clark
William Taylor
What's the most build to play the DLC blind with? I know the spoiled weapons, but not their scalings or anything. So would quality be the best?
Was going to get the character to SL80~ or so and go through the DLC in NG.
Samuel Cruz
>Is the meta 120 or 125?
depends on if you want to play with redditors or not
Cameron Bailey
ancient knights of the ringed city who come from the same cloth as gwyn, using the same sword technique as gwyn, which involves lighting the blade on fire using the soul.
their souls were sealed by the old gods, but the seal has been temporarily broken by the linking of the flame.
Andrew Sullivan
Unless it's causing them great misery, I'd rather not.
What's the meta for /dsg/?
James Murphy
It's 125
Isaiah Russell
just started 3. why does it get so much criticism for being inferior to 1? 1's hitboxes were frustrating in comparison.
and why do the Souls games have worse review scores than Hyper Light Drifter despite being the same thing but better in almost every way?
Carson Cook
Where should I stop leveling STR if I'm building for Ringed Knight Sword? I initially thought going 66 STR would be nice but now I'm not so sure. Any other B/D scaling weapons in the base game so I can fiddle with it on Mugen?
William Nelson
redpill me on the painted world
Grayson Robinson
>Splitleaf >generic halberd moveset despite saying it's a greatsword with only a spinny WA that will just make it a worse version of Gundyr's >unique
Dylan Hughes
There are birds there.
Logan Ross
>implying a free win is a bad thing I really enjoy slaying helpless looking players. And I'm sure anyone who goes to Veeky Forums or a subreddit for a videogame is pretty much on the same level, so you could find some good fights.
Xavier Anderson
Either is acceptable so just stop where you need too desu.
Matthew Russell
>in contact with Darkwraiths >Gods bow to the Ringed Knights >rumored to possess Dark abilities >control the Ringed City with an iron but fair fist >own bonfires all over the world >direct descendants of the Pygmy bloodline >will bankroll the first cities of the Age of Dark (Ringopolis will be the first city) >Knights said to have 60+ Int >ancient dragon scriptures tell of angels who will descend upon Lordran and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented progress with them >these are the Ringed Knights >they own Humanity R&D labs all over the world >first designer Hollows will be Ringed Hollows >you likely have Ringed Humanity inside you right now >the Ringed Knights are in regular communication with the Serpents Kaathe and Frampt, forwarding their words to the Sable Church >they learned fluent Japanese in under a week >all lands entrust their gold reserves to the Ringed Knights. There's no gold in the Profaned Capital, only the Ringed Capital >The Knights are 1000 years oldfrom the space-time reference point of the base human. >In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Age of Ancients to the eventual Age of Deep Waters. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
James Morris
125. 125 can pair with 120s anyway.
Jayden Smith
the only cancer in PvP is healing items
I can at least fight my way through most of the other bullshit.
Ayden Flores
>Clothes that were worn during the age of Gods. >age of gods
wew, did from just invent an entirely new age?
>age of ancients >age of gods >age of fire
Gwyn's major betrayal plotline is coming. gwyn = pontiff 1.0
Samuel Garcia
Did you not pay attention during DS1 or something? The Age of Gods was when Gwyn et al were at the height of their power.
Jaxon Rogers
the first age of fire was the age of the gods
Christian White
i thank you for this
Angel Russell
ringed knights fought for the gods of the ringed city.
gwyn was the captain of the ringed knights
gwyn staged a coup, stealing the flame of the gods for himself
used his new found powers to slay the dragons
and you know the rest of the story
Samuel Flores
>>they learned fluent Japanese in under a week
Austin Sullivan
Jeremiah Davis
Reposting from the last thread: What are some good programs for video editing? Preferably cheap ones, or even free. I want to make some DS3 PVP videos, but I've never really done it before, so if anyone here has experience with that I'd appreciate some tips.
Nathan Carter
Age of the Gods was from when the flame was first found to when it started to fade. The fading flame was basically supposed to be Ragnarok.
Nathan Adams
that's canonically called the age of fire, and it took place in anor londo.
the painted world was created using the blood of a human in possession of the dark soul, an art form that is apparently passed down by a very benevolent mother figure who is probably the woman constantly featured in statues in all three dark soul gameswho is probably the furtive pygmy
Noob here, is there a way to "invade" other players as a friendly phantom to help them? (DaS3)
Chase Cook
Sure, where do you want my sign mate?
Nolan Flores
High wall, password is dsg.
Ryder Baker
High wall, password is dsg.
Josiah Bell
>03/16/17(Thu)20:29:46 >03/16/17(Thu)20:29:46 High wall, password is dsg. High wall, password is dsg.
Justin Ward
I don't know what just happened, but my sign is down.
Mason James
Yeah, my phone had a seizure and that somehow happened.
Jack Cooper
just beat the boss n00b
Andrew Hughes
>Yeah, my phone had a seizure and that somehow happened.
hiroyuki has granted the phoneposters access to unlimited shitposting speed
Logan Torres
Truly a believer that the best way to contain a fire is to make it butn out faster.
Charles Stewart
What the FUCK
you have breached the 4th dimension
Adrian Sanchez
Moundmakers I guess?
Jonathan Garcia
I died to that stay demon and can't get my souls back, RIP me.
Sebastian Brooks
Charles Roberts
Anyone on PS4 wanna help me out with the Nameless King? Password is dsg.
Luke Parker
I know it's necessary for fighting giant monsters and stuff, but I wish there wasn't any rolling or dashing in these games. The only one where it seems kind of appropriate is Bloodborne because you're playing a superhuman vampire anyway. I personally like to watch HEMA, and there's no rolling in that. I just think it would force the devs to look more closely at weapon interactions and pvp.
Brayden Ortiz
>taking a picture of your screen in the current year when taking screenshots is easier than ever
Did you not read the global rules? Low quality posts are not permitted.
Brandon Mitchell
The person behind that post may be a console owner.
Brody Fisher
I'm playing on my Xbox because I don't got a controller for my computer at the moment and I'm laying in bed
>not owning a console and a pc scrub
Kayden Powell
The PS4 literally has a screenshot button on the controller, and xbox has microsoft cloud sharing for photos and videos. NO excuse.
Nicholas Hughes
What's your SL? Don't want to be scaled down, especially against the casual filter.
Anthony Turner
SL 67.
Blake Sullivan
Wyatt Garcia
I'm way out of your level range, but I can try to help. Don't know how much good I'll do being scaled down and all.
Carson Hughes
Everything harder than Pinwheel has been called a "casual filter." I remember fuckheads calling Gerhman a casual filter. The phrase has little meaning anymore.
Owen Garcia
That's fine. Any help helps.
Brandon Fisher
Just placed my sign down at the belfry bonfire.
Zachary Lewis
Fuck me. I'm gonna take a break from him and go soul farming. Thanks for the help.
Blake Wilson
My man.. It's not hard to share pictures on the xbox. double tap the guide button while in game next time and you'll see buttons right there on the screen that say record last 30 seconds and screenshot.
They'll update and show up on xboxdvr fairly quickly. I use the Xbox all the time, It's the only console i own aside from PS2 and earlier consoles.
Juan Rodriguez
I'm down for another go whenever, I'll be on all night. Btw, I like the artorias cosplay.
Nicholas Martinez
Ah thank you, just gotta be the best knight in the series. Same to you.
Dominic Parker
the fucking lag in online play makes this shit almost unplayable
Aaron Gonzalez
Stop being Brazilian.
Jordan Howard
Australian, which is probably even fucking worse. Our current leading party should all be hanged for permanently crippling us.
Colton Torres
>fighting a darkwraith on a low SL character >go for the backstab just before he starts the grab animation >get locked into backstab animation but he turns 180 degrees and grabs you
Quality gameplay.
Aaron Cruz
>Be shit >Get fucked
Quality gameplay.
Adam Mitchell
Shitty internet is the least of the crimes that Turnbull and his cronies have committed. From what I hear about your One Nation party, you fuckers have it almost worse than us here in the States.
Jaxon Martinez
Fuck the NK man, holy shit.
Jose Powell
git gud faggot
Luke Perez
If you're having trouble, try equipping a Lothric Knight Shield. It does a really good job of negating the chip damage from his attacks, so if you can't dodge some of his attacks, you may as well try to block them instead.
Grayson Cruz
Use Dorhys' Gnawing from a distance
Hudson James
>decide to try the arena >not a whole lot of PvP experience >try to get some practice >W:L ratio is 1:30 Should I just except that i'll never git gud?
Logan Hughes
First time playing Dark Souls 3
i'm doing good?
Cameron Nelson
I'd take One Nation over Turncuck and friends any day. Even though Pauline is an anti-vax wingnut who has a habit of saying the wrong thing which makes it harder to gain credibility.
Fuck, I actually miss Tony. At least he was entertaining. Turnfullofshit is the same thing at his core but without a spine.
Alexander Rivera
His windups have delays to mess up your rolls. He'll hold his spear for some moments ready to hit before actually doing it.
His Lightning Stake attack will catch you most times, so avoid it like hell.
Those are generally the things I had to learn to beat him.
Eli Gonzalez
Not really, there's absolutely no reason to bump up Int and Fai unless you're actually going to be specializing in one or the other. That's two more points that can go into Vig to make you less squishy.
Armor is worthless, and so is investing in Vit. You're taking barely less damage than if you were still wearing your K***ht Set, at the cost of fat-rolling in the game that has the most broken rolls in the franchise. Strip everything down until you're under 70%.
Henry Fisher
Mason Stewart
PC FC at Blood Wolf / Demon Bridge pass: dsg
Isaac Powell
Female Knight that's a Sunbro is the default on MM, nobody bothers changing gender and covenant since they don't matter for discussing a build.
The things my friend has told me about your Mad Monk makes that very hard to believe. Then again, we here in the US never thought that we'd miss Dubya.
Isaac Sanders
>horribly unoptimised dual wielding qualityfaggot build >beat NK easily >Lothric Knight cosplay build with equip load it the arse because the armour is heavy as fuck >get him first try >swamp witch pyromancer pvp character designed to shit out enormous damage and be mobile as fuck >can't even bloody touch the boss, seriously considering summoning help This fucking boss.
Connor Ward
It has nothing to do with skill, they're not hard to beat. They're just damage sponges. I even parried him instead of going for backstabs and it STILL HIT ME despite the parry going off.
I don't know if that's unique to the one darkwraith below the tower on the wall bonfire, but it was annoying as shit.
Bentley Bennett
The two points i wasted on Int and Faith was for the Darkmoon Longbow (Also i didn't have anything to do)
Evan Morgan
Sorcerer or Cleric? (Dark Souls 3)
Jose Martin
Didn't you start this thing 6 hours ago? Still up?
Jason Edwards
David Perez
Elijah Hill
If you get hit during a parry, it means you mis-timed it and parried a bit too late.
Mason Ramirez
i already have a pyro
Robert Perez
yup still up
Michael Williams
See, I'm going for a GS/Spear build, so super generic and all that. The Dragonslayer Spear destroys his mount, but I can only get decent damage when I manage to hit NK himself with my WK Great Sword. I need to learn when I can manage to get good hits in.
Carson Butler
Cleric. And by cleric I mean quality but with the 15 faith for blessed weapon.
Andrew White
best way to farm Proof of a Concord Kept?
Is it really just farming those Silver Knight fuckers in Anor Londo, cause I've been doing it all day and have 5. Get summoned once every couple hours.
Gabriel Williams
Yup. Slap a Symbol of Avarice, Gold Snek Ring, Crystal Sage Rapier and Coin and you'll triple your drop chance for the things. To a whooping 3% or so
Luis Nguyen
I've never seen that before where it didn't end up being a partial parry. I mean he went into full riposted animation, and I got the critical. He just hit me anyway.