the bubble had some brigther pixels now is cleaner, see ya tomorrow
Angel Rodriguez
What the fuck, Mirai.
Logan Butler
Future Mirai is hot as fuck.
Gabriel Morgan
Present Mirai is hotter.
Luis Johnson
HATRED FOR EVERY GIRL. Easy to learn, impossible to master.
William Phillips
Maybe if you're 12.
Joshua Garcia
Miray at the store
Eli Brown
Mirai is the store pet?
Chase Sullivan
Most 12 year olds are usually attracted to cowtits because puberty I mean they might have a crush on a girl with that body type, but in terms of just sexual attraction not so much
Christopher Hall
Let her dream.
Luke Clark
How can you deny those dick-sucking lips on future-Mirai though?
Mason King
Smug levels hitting critical.
Josiah Perry
Made to bully
Lucas Hill
Is it time to futapost yet?
Elijah Hughes
Brody Campbell
All memes need to die
Thomas Cook
Yuyaki's voice is really moe. would cuddle with this girl.
Christopher Peterson
You can't cuddle with my wife
Adrian Martinez
The thread just started. Wait until the end.
Its because of memes that we have this.
Chase Phillips
I'd rather bestiality post, thanks.
Jaxson Long
I'm going to take this opportunity to lolipost
Alexander Harris
Do Yuyaki and Leo share a mission or is it Yuyaki's mission with Leo appearing in it?
Jordan Long
Did JADF come out with a new thing?
Jose Roberts
If my daughter is not like lolihomu I'm still going to love her too much no matter what.
Asher Martinez
Future user is hot as fuck!
Justin Morales
Future user is still alone.
Camden Bennett
Shitposting is now illegal
Jonathan Phillips
I did wait for the end o the thread
Justin Myers
This is fucking cute. Do we have more Loli Senrans?
Gavin Myers
Elijah Mitchell
Yes, we do.
Xavier Kelly
B-but Yumi I don't want to, I'm scared.
Luis Reyes
Sorry friend but we haven't been running out of images lately. So futa posting has to wait until we run out of images near the end of the thread.
Logan Fisher
Futa posting would be nicer with images!
Adam Evans
Blake Green
Anyone mind giving suggestions? Normally an OP has a list of info on the games included in the general but since this one doesn't I was curious to get feedback from reliable people who've actually played the games.
Ethan Mitchell
Who said you had a choice puri
Nathaniel Phillips
Yeah, but those are part of the unwritten rules of /skg/. Also this is a blue board. If this was a red board then there would never be any discussion here.
Colton Cox
I'm taking this child to school. Be back in a sec.
Chase Miller
Sorry for missing that post.
Well, all the games are available to the consoles you own. Most people (myself included) would strongly recommend starting with SK Burst then moving onto SV or SK2.
Don't worry about BA and you can play EV if you like the characters but the game isn't that good itself.
Hudson Murphy
I still can't believe sonico will be in PBS. Day 1 pre-order guaranteed now; Ill buy the console if I have to (tho I still would like it for the vita... and not shell out more money...)
Bentley Anderson
I-I just assumed we wouldn't do anything that made either of uncomfortable...
Julian Rodriguez
I recommend starting with both the 3DS games, or at least play Burst before anything else.
Michael Gonzalez
And the one's attracted to a girl like Mirai are usually creepy pedos in their 30's.
Daniel Lee
That kinda just looks like normal Ryoubi with childish clothes.
Mason Green
H-hey, there is a distinct difference here!
Anthony Brooks
What if Loli-Ryoubi had a gigantic butt?
Charles Hughes
Just ordered it like I have with the past two games even though I can't read. So do the card abilities have previews or do I have to go one by one to see what anything does.
Brandon Anderson
Good night /skg/!
Please whatever and your senrans. Will I ever learn too sleep early? Yagyuu would start to get mad at me if she was real.
John Gray
You can't really tell from this pic, though.
Ryoubi was just born with a humongous ass, and it hasn't really grown since.
That's why their mother died, the sheer butness tore her in half.
Jayden Collins
>Ryoubi was just born with a humongous ass, and it hasn't really grown since. That's pretty sexy.
Jace Robinson
I want to PET that cat!!
Justin Davis
Good night yaggot!
Austin Diaz
Fine, I'll post a boob pic then!
Hudson Bennett
is there a loli Hikage?
Noah Edwards
I was gone for a couple of days so I missed some threads. For those who have PBS, how is it? Is the gameplay good? Is it fun?
Lucas Wood
Theres descriptions for the cards but you'll just have to equip them to see what they do exactly. With most of the cards, you already get a good idea of what they do because of the small picture in the bottom left corner of the card.
Kevin Phillips
I will breed with her like an animal
Cameron Diaz
I will breed her with an animal
Jose Walker
How does this image make you feel?
Colton Sanchez
I will cum in her like a lion's roar
Liam Kelly
So EV PC and DLC characters tomorrow. Also a few questions. Is there a level up system in PBS? How many clothes do you get when you beat the game? And is there a difference in each character on how they play or what their stats are?
Dominic Long
I want to defile Miyabi
Aaron Martinez
Do they all have the same gameplay style? Or just tits in common? I saw the pile bunker chick a few years back in the Vitagen and thought the game might be fun based on what I knew then.
Brandon Sullivan
the 3DS games are beatemups (though SK2 is bordering on a 3rd action game) and Shinovi Versus and Estival Versus are musous.
Carter Gomez
Be still my beating heart. My first game ever was Shatterhand, and I haven't stopped playing beat'em ups, musou, and any kind of non-Mortal Kombat styled fighting game since.
Easton Ramirez
Idk if you're still around but I really enjoyed Shinovi Versus and Estival Versus. If you like waifus, you're probably enjoy the latter more. Shinovi Versus is one of the best beatemups on the Vita. If you buy and install EV over the PS store, be wary that it requires 1GB just in patches.
Adrian Peterson
Characters are just skins I think, they do have multipliers though and I'm not sure what that is.
And yes there is level ups.
Character/Gun/and Cards (Assists/Powerups) all have levels
Charles Lewis
My entering of the series was similar, though my past with the genre was LF2 and DragonBall Advance Adventure
Jose Mitchell
>Is there a level up system in PBS? Yes, you level up by dumping exp into your character and weapons from the cards you earn after a match. How much exp gets dumped depends on the type of card
>How many clothes do you get when you beat the game? Not sure, havent beaten it yet. Maybe the other guy with the game can answer that for you.
>is there a difference in each character on how they play or what their stats are? Everyone plays the same.
Kevin Williams
I love Leo! It's not fair that she only appears in the background of someone else's CG!
Elijah Taylor
Characters level up, but all it governs is HP. You level up everything (characters, weapons, skill/otomo cards) by using duplicate cards (1* 1EXP; 2* 5EXP; 3* 10EXP; 4* 50EXP; 5* 100 EXP).
You start with everyone's normal clothes, swimsuits, and school clothes unlocked already. You get the unlockable character's when you unlock them. More costumes are unlocked in the store by playing through story, for a total of 27 in the store. For hairs, you start with everyone's PBS and normal hair styles, with 9 in the store.
Every character is identical except for their melee attack.
Are you referring to the number under the portrait in the deck screen? That's the average cost of your cards.
Ayden Martinez
Marvelous hates Leo. This much should have already been obvious. Doesn't even get her own mission, and is instead an NPC in Yuyaki's.
>next batch of merchandise is for Yuyaki >then Bashou >then another set of Yumi >meanwhile Leo never gets any
Robert Diaz
>some kind of senran game with supersoakers WETTER IS BETTER
What's your favorite musou and favorite non-musou 3D beat'em ups? Yakuza series doesn't count, it's a current staple of the genre.
What's the biggest difference between SV and EV?
Liam Young
Miyabi is happy! HAPPY!
Brayden Hill
I know they were trying to put in popular girls because $$$, but they should've just put in Shinozuka. I mean they already got cameos once, they should've been next in line.
Isaac Murphy
Leo isn't popular though, at least not anymore. They probably wanted to put Bashou in but some executive liked Leo and forced them to use her. Thus they gave her the awful voice and made her the only female who doesn't get any sort of mission or CG.
Daniel Wright
Note that Leo, Yukaki and Souji's ninja outfits are already in Estival Versus. They're already planned ahead of time for the future game.
Ayden Mitchell
Leo was popular as some point but trends change constantly with who wave.
As it's likely she was planned to be included in PBS' early planning stages.
Julian Ward
That sounds awful. I feel sorry for the Leo fans
Justin Morales
Is there supposed to be an update that makes the ikkitousen set work, cause I bought the DLC and it's installed and nothing.
Carson Torres
Musou would have to be Shinovi versus. i haven't played many of the type desu My fave 2D beat-em up? hard to say. They all have their strengths and shortcomings imo.
Landon Taylor
Make sure it's installed, shut off your PS4 fully (no sleep mode) and unplug it and plug it back in.
Not kidding, the PS4 is a complete cunt about recognizing installed DLC at times and EV got it bad..
Juan Perez
SK7 is actually about Senrans killing all of the BullyAnons or those who imply they are bullies (especially Jasmine).
This will be canon.
Ryan Ramirez
I don't think most Senrans have individual missions in PBS. As far as I have heard for example, Souji and Homura share one, as do Yuyaki and Leo. Granted I haven't seen them and am not sure if it works by letting you select which one you want to use or not, but that's what I gather.
Is kind of ashamed that Leo appears way off in the background of the CG though while Yuyaki is in the foreground though, so I do suspect that Marvelous favors Yuyaki if nothing else. If anything I figured Leo and her group had a better chance to actually play a larger role in a future game due to their rivalry with an actual Yoma cult.
James Bailey
>>Leo isn't popular though, at least not anymore Stop making stuff up. Leo continues to top polls.
Cameron Reed
I want to lavish Hikage with praise even though she has no emotions
Kayden Foster
How can you day one preorder the game when it's already out? Also they didn't add in the better girl being super pochaco.
Gavin Martin
Yumi's hobby is calligraphy. That's pretty fucking lame but what if we gave it a western twist? Yumi's hobby is now graffiti! She loves tagging and representing Gessen like a real nigga! Also forget her traditional dancing and singing she breakdances and raps. So now that she appeals to a western audience do you like Yumi? Will being a wigger make you love her?
Matthew Gutierrez
Actually, no, it is true. Souji's mission has Homura appear in the CG, but the mission revolves around Souji. Likewise, Leo appears in Yuyaki's but the mission revolves around Yuyaki with you playing as her. Leo just kind of appears in the ending. So yeah, sadly Leo did get shafted as the only one of the Who Waves who doesn't get a mission.
So yeah, I kinda feel bad for people who liked Leo because she gets shafted really hard it seems. Which is kinda weird since last I heard she was both more popular than Yuyaki and had more cards.
Robert Cook
We've been over this, Yumi's hobby is shipping and she uses calligraphy as a cover.
Nolan Sullivan
No, she was fine as she was. There is no point to pandering to the western audience since I bet they would complain if they did that.
Kayden White
I am starting to think user wants to fap to Jasmine but has a hang up over it because she is not "pure" and has a husband.