Spessmen on a Spess Station /ss13g/

Last Thread:
Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>casualmed is bad
>plasmaman reproduction
>everyone hates waifus

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

there is literally nothing wrong with wearing cat ears

first for layering

ye nice man u got me xd

Make a bug report.

what the fuck is wrong with your font

6th for I've never played this game but I love reading the absurd round recaps

we need more of those, I haven't seen any lately

Fun Fact Admin insider edition

Probe wants to make the thread obsolete and make it so all discussion is on the discord and github so that he can control what people say. lmao the skin thinned faggot really got that offended people made fun of him in the thread.

>his skin is blue
>he looks sick
What the fuck is this casualization of triage?
We TG nao?

>join round on tgstation
>ratvar, swarmers and spec ops all in some freakish war
jesus fucking christ

>he got pissed off because some user fucking cross referenced his reaction image file name with Fireden

Why do we hate the fact they have more roundtypes than us again?

What the fuck is Fireden?

because we're permabanned from there

Grass is greener shit

>the thread is necessary because otherwise we're just going to become VG
>wow the thread is so off topic!(read: not sucking my dick while I namefag constantly for no raisins) we need to remove it

And what is the significance of that? We know a couple of posts he made anonymously now?

Shuttle corners are some awful multi-turf garbage that breaks if they ever move. Right-click one that hasn't moved yet, and you see they have both the shuttle wall turf and space turf on the same tile through some arcane mapping wizardry. When it moves, the proper space turf is lost and all that's left is the shuttle corner, which has a built-in space image for the "transparant" parts that doesn't work with parallax or the transit areas

Their roundtypes are genuinely better man. All we really have is running smooth which is slowly going away with cluster gone and Probe "If you don't suck my cock your pr gets the lock" being the new big collaborator.

I'll have to take your word for it, it's been years since I've played on TEEGEE, back when it was still Veeky Forums.

When you save an image it gets a certain file name or something, you can cross reference it to /ss13g/ and see all the anonymous shitposts he's made

They have shit like gangster, blob with variety, clockwork, devil which is pretty neat and wizard with a fuck more spells (they need to get rid of ei nath though)

What new shit have we gotten in the last 3 years. Revsquad.

The coders need to get their head out of their asses with their "balancing" which is just making everything weak and boring unless its zas related deaths and then writing it all off as "well it was power creep"

Vorestation seems to be down.
What a sad day for Space.

ei nath is pretty gay. Honestly if people want it, go ask them if we can port it over

gangster is a mode so terrible they removed it from rotation, blob with variety is basically 'use this chem or this chem or you're fucked', clockwork cult as an idea was taken from Veeky Forums, and devil was never finished and is only very rarely bussed in (and ends badly).

wizard is nice too but i prefer our stuff being different from theirs in that regard, gotta be individual.



People have been begging for a port of abductors for ages.

>a decent portion of these gamemodes were removed from rotation/the code due to being a mess(gang, hand of god, shadowlings, devils)

>the unique ones are shit balance wise(Variety blob, wiz, and our old borers)

>the remainder are basically the same short of changeling and abductors(the only actual good)

blinded by the shiny honeypot reddit features


>tfw sawbones is probably too dumb to know what he meant

>IC name is apologyman

Skeleton is probably named "Papyrus" like the skeleton shitter he is


>Have a hard addiction to the game
>Playing hours and hours at a time
>finally get clean
>two months later
>still have dreams about the game
>Reinstalling byond now

I wish I had never fucking started.

you want me to permaban you buddy? might help

I server hop a lot. It wouldn't help.

But you raise a good point. Maybe I should just try to get banned from all of them.

Am I the only person on this planet who can play the game without getting super addicted to it?

Have you ever stopped?

For months at a time, sometimes climbing to over 6 months

My uncle stopped heroin for 8 years. When he came back to it, it killed him.

Please leave friend, for your health...

don't be gay user, it's a video game, not hard to distance yourself from

>be journalist
>have no idea if anyone reads my articles

why live

Whenever I play and there's someone writing shit I always check it out.
It just feel great to sit your ass somewhere with food and reading up what people make while everything go to shit.

for the scoops. Set up a station-bound radio next to the newcaster so when you update your reports it alerts the station

Oh god, I just had an evil idea

>turn one of your ace reporter intercomms to sec channel
>put a station bounced radio next to it

>Probe shitposts about a player anonymously but uses an image he always does
>Somebody shows it is him on the archive
>Probe tries to shrug it off with "b-but I didn't mention any specific player"
>Probe now hates the thread

This man was headmin you know

metaclub is attempting to manipulate us with psy-ops

don't forget to print out the paper that has the freqs and give them out

Another thing I like to do is torture asimov AI's by law 2'ing them over the private AI channel to "get me hot scoops"

to anyone who considers asimov the best, I will direct them to this torturous affair

That's not how radios work

It isn't? Why wouldn't that work?

If radios worked like that, a station bounced radio with the speaker and receiver on would endlessly loop everything said over the radio.

How? Probe has been speaking about trying to stop the thread because of people not liking him here.

how could he stop the thread? it would keep on going anyways with or without his consent. Or it would just encourage a real metaclub.

Proofs user.

Basically probe and pain do not trust the thread because they explicitly blame all shitposting or dislike of them on a certain banned player. They speak about this in the admin discord channel.

The two admins with most power on the server can not handle criticism so they've invented a boogeyman they blame for all bad anonymous feedback.

moderation makes the game more fun

get a speaker assembly instead, it can be picked up by radios and set to be annoying

As an AI with no borgs, how do I get the humans to agree to mortal kombat to decide the ruler of the station?

Who're they blaming for shitposting about them? Solarious or morena.

ahelp "i'm a gigantic faggot and this game is ruining my life, please ban me 5ever and never ever unban me even if I beg"

Veeky Forums archive

All will be revealed soon, let's just say the "pain train" has reached the end of the line

That's a shame, I've grown to like pain. If he's gone then that makes the thin skinned faggot probe absolute power.

pain is the thin skinned faggot though

That HoP was out for blood man holy shit

Probe isn't much better and Aurx is still headmin, pain is only headmin as Aurx is not on a lot.

Does dunking donuts give a visible message to those around? If not, why not?


Aurx exists still?

I learned this round you can get anything if you politely ask for it

Julie Hwang: Crew Founder
Wayne Kent: Too Tough for Anesthetic
Carrie Loyce: Vault Veteran
Devon Campbell: The Prodigal Son
Blue: The Ace Apothecary
ZERO: Turnkey, GPS, Medbot, Friend

ZERO here, how did you salvage bros do after you left for the final showdown?

I lagged out something fierce.

Was the supermatter shard plan gonna work if you had more time?

>deathsquids don't get magbutts
>watch in a mech as my comrades fly out a breech in the hull as soon as we arrive

>play an anxious, new nanotrasen worker randomname
>hang out in the comfiest maint bar i've seen, and chat about life, food, and work
>stick together through thick and thin
>get into mishap but escape with my life
>eventually end up nearly being killed by a psycho HoP out for blood
>us 3 bar patrons and Don the bartender hide in the bar closet to keep away
>it works, he buggers off
>deathsquid comes (it's our fault for recalling over and over)
>we hide
>and continue chatting, just the 4 of us, whispering in the closet for a solid twenty minutes
that was so comfy holy fuck
not to mention the salvage shuttle which was apparently a whole new level of comfy that we never even saw
>that entire round
fucking ace, and i arrived late even

we walked out, placed the super matter shard in the same tile as the door to their ship
stepped back a bit then SMELELELELE

it wasn't that, it was the button to enable them, wasn't there

I also arrived late. That maint bar was the shit

we planted it by their shuttle in hopes of them walking into it, then boom happened.

You damned kids and your stolen communications console got us all murdered

That's a shame. I would have stated the shard idea sooner but my lag was giving me delays of up to a minute and a half at some points.

At least you had the hearts of heroes.

fun to hang with you guys, glad you liked the bar, and goddamn that was such a fun time

Yes, he isn't really headmin though as he's never around. I wonder who should be headmin when pain is gone

that's even better

>Sergeant Screw "They didn't engineer an "on" button for these things?"
>You hear a horrible noise as though flesh is being torn open!

>psycho HoP out for blood
What was with that guy? He was cutting off peoples hands and murdering others. He must have been new to the role or something and thought it was free pass to be any head he wants even when there were other heads

I kinda feel bad about ZASing you guys now

>all that shit on the table
>tools on the floor
>didn't replace the reinforced floor with something nicer
2/10 for the space pod

>I'm gonna recall the shuttle for an hour!

>latejoin engineer
>be recruited into a rag-tag exploration vessel
>go off for adventures and salvage missions
>raided dire station, vox outpost, etc.
>hear station having tug of war over comms
>CentComm fucking snaps
>deathsquad arrives
>we switch on the cameras and watch on a stolen computer monitor
>it's an absolute massacre
>CMO is now being hunted
>we formulate a plan to save the CMO and get the fuck out
>welderbomb and shard ready just incase
>split up
>I find the CMO
>nuke sploded

Really comfy round, you guys.

Pic related
He actually totally had justification to cut off my hands, I helped recall the shuttle for the second-to-last time and got Don exploded
It's fine. We managed.

>I wonder who should be headmin when pain is gone
Me t b h

We had surgery in progress. Here's a cleaner one.

>mime starts to play nuclear when the deathsquad comes

That doesnt change the score because reinforced floors are anti-comfy.

Fair enough. Will change for the future.

>anonymous shitposts [Probe] made
Oh, now this sounds spicy.

Everybody knows real comfy comes from who you share a room with, not what's in it

I'd rather be welded into to a maint firecloset with good company than relaxing in the Metaclub cap's office

That's good fucking miming right there.

Ckey? I'm Aurx and will do it

I don't think I have played an assistant round that hasn't ended up with me getting all access on my ID