/dag/+/bwg/ - Dragon Age & Bioware General #1042

Goddess Edition

Previous: News:
>the BSN now is gone forever (but there's a backup somewhere so it's not really gone)
>Divinity Original Sin 2 is in Early Access (It will have waifus eventually)
>Tyranny is out
>Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire announced (waifus confirmed)


>We occasionally discuss other, smaller RPGs that don't have their own generals. This does not mean we are /wrpg/

Dragon Age Stuff:
>Check THIS before asking questions:
>DA:O Mods

>How do I import my save into DA:I?
You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.

>Where is my Warden?
Thinking of an excuse to not be in DA4

>/dag/ (incomplete) Art Archive

>/dag/ booru

>Help me /dag/+/bwg/, I want to feel something!

Friendly reminder that we made it and Dragon Age is EA's favorite adopted kid now.

where's the >MEA is awful part in news?

Thank you, OP...

Third for love is eternal.

>all of those faces look better than MEA's
w..what did they do for five years.....

Bethany Hawke is best Dragon Age waifu. Her giant mana tanks make her an unstoppable force.

NOT canon

Are you telling me that Varric would lie about tits? That's just insane talk.

>having lewd thoughts about your sister
*slaps user*

All I'm saying is that shes got some magical mammaries, and I'd be very supportive of that.

That has no place there because it's not news!

Well, it's not surprising but it's still news I'd argue.

>20 seconds of unskippable space flight to get to an asteroid and mine it for 2 seconds
just why

I have been replaying Inquisition for a week now and I have just reached Val Royeaux. I can't play it for more than 30 minutes in a single session without getting bored. Exploring the maps with all the fetch quests makes me feel completely disconnected with the Dragon Age plot/world.

Ignore any side quests not directly linked to a companion, whenever possible. And even then, ignore the "destroy red lyrium, collect these books" type things. Even the "bigger" side quests (the Mayor stuff in Crestwood for example) are very lackluster. The mini dungeons most regions have are fun though, despite mostly having zero narrative attached to them.

Hopefully by DA4 they'll have learned Skyrimming DA was a mistake and make a tighter game.

They won't.

I think we have a bit more pressing issues. Now that MEA will flop, what will become of ya boy BioFan and his YT career?

Why does Solas' plans involve destroying the world? Is he going to use time magic?

Yeah, I hope they make more compact maps like the Fallow Mire, in the next game. I also miss the dungeons from Origins.

Do not speak ill of Biofan... or else...

That seems like an easier route than making everyone else on Thedas fry.
If he could create the veil, why couldn't he find a way to to another world via the crossroads and just put his people there.

Biofan should be tossed into a pit with lions, man!

He is going to sunder the Veil, the Fade and Thedas will become one world. I don't know exactly it will affect the denizens of Thedas. Maybe the Elves will regain their immortality and destroy every other race in Thedas? There is also the 7 Evanuris, the entities of pure chaos.

*pushes you into the mud*

what is the most fun class in Dragon Age 2? I'm playing mage and it is boring as shit compared to DAO.


you should be a mage anyway, both for RP and because Merrill and Anders are shit, just switch to Isabela or someone else for fights

Warrior is fun but a bit annoying to play with all the buffs you have to cast

You should probably just stick to mage, force mage shenanigans is the highlight of DA2

Seconding . Force mage is fucking hilarious, and the mage storyline makes the most sense for the overall story arc.

>Look up Inquisition to see if it's worth a go coming from DA:O
>90% Of the companions are gay and/or mages
>only 2 cis male romances with a jesus freak bitch and some literally who


Are your standards this abysmal irl?

Do i want to be lectured about privilege from bald/mustachiod assbandits for 40 hours?

>Do i want to be lectured about privilege from bald/mustachiod assbandits for 40 hours?
Up the time from 40 hours to 4 years and you've given an accurate description of humanities and some social sciences at university.

I like you.
He doesn't do that, but his personal quest is about not being accepted by his dad for doing the gay thing. He still manages to be a better companion than nearly everyone else though.. except for the jesus freak.

>Jesus freak bitch


The retarded DLC character


He means Cassandra.

It's... her! It's Red Jenny!!

HoF was a dwarf



What is this? I have never seen this shop and this item.

Most annoying people in the thread:
>fake /meg/ refugees

>actual /meg/ refugees
>mr. sword
>normal waifufags who don't seek attention (Tulpa included)
>people who is currently playing DA and posting results
>suddenly game/lore discussions fags
>kurwas, rpgs, obsidian, got, etc. fags (no ov*rw*tch allowed)


Leads to nug mounts I think


>Posters: 11

The end is nigh..user.

50% is me desu.

y-y-youre shit! SHIT!

Why is Morrigan being such a cunt and bullying Alistair?

If she keeps this up im taking her back to the camp and impregnating her butt.


girls can't get butt pregnant

what about boys

Says you, anus sexist.

Alistair was made to be bullied.

come over here and find out ;))

Wow /dag/..so lewd.

I'm about to play DA2 for the first time, I checked who I can romance and from their looks noone appeals to me.
I played DA:O as a female mage who's for justice and rightful. In DA:O, I romanced Alistair. Which DA2 romance would fit such a player character?



um i'm a polyromantic asexual sorry

play a male who pines for Aveline

don't act so righteous and try to have fun dear, kirkwall is not a place for virtue

I bring justice! Victory through righteousness!

I just read he's a DLC character. Is he avaible throughout the whole game? Or just in the DLC part?

What is he like in DA2? I have to admit, I didn't like him too much in the DA:O DLC

Basically a different character. Goes from fun/snarky who doesn't care about anything to grimdark edgy "freedom fighter" who tries to get you to help him build a bomb.

The DLC Anders was the best Anders. In DA2 he's so incredibly shit for spoiler-y reasons...but srs, he's awful. His personal quest made me want to blow my brains out
Sebastian is indeed only DLC

hes a clingy bitch that thinks youre into him if you dont shut him down, not a bad character though, just has a bad first impression.

because its funny

That's quite disappointing to hear. Shame about Sebastian, he looks quite cute - well before I'm going to romance no one, I guess I'll go for him.

How long are all these dlc campaigns in Origins?

Got like 5 of these bitches.

just a tip: don't let strangers on the internet dictate how you play games, make your own experience based on what you see

Awakening is ~18 hrs long. Leliana's Song and Witch Hunt are both 2-3 hrs long.


Don't worries, who knows which companion will enchant me with their personality, I'm still open for anything! Sometimes it's even the character you expect the least.

DA:O spoiled me with Alistair though. He's just totally my type...

This is our future.

Alistair is made to be bullied but not by Morrigan! You need to defend him, and then bully him yourself. That way you create a cycle of hurt/comfort that cultivates a desperate need for you approval that will make him cute, cute putty in your hands!

y is Merrill so dumb

Wrong! Alistair is for comforting and giving him the love he deserves!

I don't...I don't understand...?

You don't bully such a precious husband! Make him feel loved, he deserves it!

You can make him feel loved. You can also make him feel like you're the only one who will ever love him so he never leaves you. It's a win-win!

*puts cummy in Alistair's bummy*

>You can also make him feel like you're the only one who will ever love him so he never leaves you.
Are all women this insane, or are you just special?

d-don't bully her user!

What if he bullies you instead?

Fawk man I don't want to side with Orsino because of his part in momma's death but Meredith is such a hardass, like she hasn't done anything rediculous yet but she's got all the tell-tale signs of a classic villian
like the bitch even rolls her r's when she's mad

I wouldn't know. But anyway, Alistair is just special! Although this method would also work on Anders, Fenris, Blackwall, Cullen and possibly Merrill and I endorse that!

I couldn't use him like that, he's just too pure and cute... I could never break him!

In a loving way?

>she hasn't done anything
>uses the Rite of Tranquillity on mages for the most minor offences (like sending love letters to their gf), which is literally against Chantry and common law
>denies Alrik's final solution but still encourages her Templars to be beastly with mages
>refuses refugees entry to Kirkwall
>initiates martial law following Dumar's death so she can seize control of the city, blocks any democratic process to replace him and get the city back on track for 3 years
>requests the Right of Annulment from the Divine for literally no reason

No spoilers for the end game but she is more than a hardass before shit hits the fan.

gfdi Anders
what the actual fuck is wrong with you

fuckin REEEEE
why would anyone think this was a good idea
is he actually retarded


Isn't that abuse?

She has reason though. Every single threat in Kirkwall is a fucking blood mage. Honestly Meredith did nothing wrong. Fuck refugees, fuck mages and fuck qunari

We're supposedly master manipulators. Insanity in degrees comes with the territory.
>user says Momma
That's just cute. Usually only see that with country boys.
But yeah, watch yourself and trust no one as Hawke.

This, tbqh.

>Insanity in degrees comes with the territory.
I guess since I'm the thread's resident "crazy eyes" I'm not in a position to judge anyway

It is, and precious Alistair doesn't deserve that!

>can't go a day without telling some user to kys
>women are so insane xD

>everyone is the same person