>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe) youtube.com/watch?v=UdGlN0aEG2k
>Has a handsome and manly body >Helps in trials more than Ishitmaru >Is the one to give the final clue necessary to give Mondo what he deserved >Top tier taste because only cares for the 2d >Top tier sense of morals and decency seeing as how he killed the monster Ishitmaru after he raped Celes and stole Alter Ego >Made Celes fall head over heels in love with him because of his heroism >Rejected her because of his pure live for 2d >Dies heroically giving the survivors a new clue so that they can catch the murderer >Survivors would rather regret his death than worst boy Ishitmaru >BTFO's /u/ in HGW >Is a winner unlike, Ishitmaru >is /ourboy/
Ishitmarufags and normalfags need not apply to based Yamada
Austin James
Normie Saihara is a blessing! Blessing!
Evan Evans
Chiaki is still and will always be best girl Her tulpa and robot self also won the Hajimebowl and nothing shall convince me otherwise not even Kodaka himself
Leo Gray
*a slut
Luis Clark
>you will never suck on tulpaman's tits Why even live?
Ethan Sanchez
Never forget
I genuinely like Hifumi
Ian Cox
Fuck off Celes.
Ian Morgan
He's a canon slut. Does he pull off the mask and pretend to be his sister during one night stands or will that make him feel like he's being cucked?
Colton Long
I'd say honestly that by this point it's almost certain the HICKSHON plot twist was not a plot twist at all, and this new arc starting off with NDRV3 is probably going to deal with what the hell happened to make SHSLs the hunted ones.
Ian Jackson
BASED It's more like the Umineko hiding the hunger games that is used by the 1984 but i really think that the games started after the gifted system collapsed and everyone blamed the shsls and started putting them into killing games
Logan Rodriguez
Matthew Young
I feel like it'd be suitable if the series ended here. Everything post-DR1 concerning the overarching plot of the series was full on retarded and made me wish it was left ambiguous.
Brandon White
I actually really like her voice and design, and think she's really cute. If she wasn't the mastermind I would love her despite being wallpaper.
Jason Sullivan
I really like Junko
Logan Stewart
I'm not Celes but I wish I was
Christian Martin
She is really cute. I don't like her as the mastermind either really but I post her whenever I can nonetheless.
Daniel Robinson
Could it be that the normies don't trust the SHSL to lead the world and rebel?
Gabriel Smith
That doujin is great. Will any V3 ones surpass it?
Wyatt Kelly
What said the plot twist was just bad and really instead of tying up loose ends it made a whole bunch of new ones that will probably get retconned in the next game but really if there was a next game i would prefer it to be it's own self contained story and not have any connection to V3 otherwise it will end up as DR2 and DR3
Jeremiah Jenkins
Amami-kun...I am ready for our marriage
Mason Clark
V3 doesn't have Yamada in it so probably not.
Kayden Bennett
uh who are you
Jose Lee
I'm sorry did you forget about /ourgirl/ Shirogane?
Camden Kelly
I really wish things could trun out differently...
nobody requested it, but I'm posting it anyway here's the quick rundown
Lucas Harris
She's getting a doujin too
>being tsundere
Chase Perry
He probably just unzips it
Bentley Wright
Yeah, to be honest, due to the mastermind twist, I don't like her, but her design, voice and constant references are adorable.
Lincoln Bell
I agree she is /ourgirl/, but she pales in comparison to Yamada's sexiness.
Nolan Rivera
Delete this! Kaede belongs to me only and nobody can ever satisfy her as i can
Charles Thompson
Best HG ever
Lucas Hernandez
Jordan Myers
Poor sleepless Ouma just wanted a small rest. Not an eternity ;w;
Julian Allen
Akamatsu-san is mine!
Jeremiah Ross
I fap to it daily
Lucas Smith
I want Nee-san to fuck me in the ass
Jonathan Bell
>New arc please no DR games should be their own self contained stories otherwise we'll get shit like DR3 again
Colton Cooper
Could be, yeah. It's really hard to say for now one way or another.
I would disagree. There's evidence already pointing towards how a game that continues on forever is anything but a killing game everyone's dying to sign up for and Kodaka's problem with DR2 and DR3 is that he wasn't prepared to come up with something as a sequel to DR1.
Could be, and plenty of other series have had discrimination against the gifted as a central point of the series.
But again, what if that wasn't a plot twist? The problem is it's easy to get misled when you think a big plot twist always happens in chapter 6, but once you look over it again you can see that contradictions like wrong info in the official file and incorrect DR1 and DR2 facts proves something fishy is actually happening.
Xavier Sanchez
Hifumibros I just woke up and got the great news that our boy ruined /u/ and won the last hunger game. Please let this not be a lie.
James Anderson
What about DR2?
Ian Ortiz
>DR games should be their own self contained stories I really want this. But knowing Kodaka, this is impossible.
Easton Butler
What a bunch of otakus.
Jace Collins
>Amami called Saihara a creepy loser Kek.
Levi Morales
yes, he is the winner of the 4th /drg/ hunger games
Oliver King
Jack Jackson
So which characters have confirmed doujins? There's Saihara, Kaede, Tsumugi, Ouma, Korekiyo (non-lewd I think). Wasn't there also an Amami one? And a Tenko futa one?
Asher Martinez
Was a mistake.
Jonathan Garcia
DR2 was good but it's best moments where when it was on it's own when ever they brought up DR1 again everything turned into shit
Hunter Lee
Not really. Trying to tie it up with DR1 was a mistake.
Benjamin Anderson
I agree that it could've perfectly worked as a standalone game, but I actually really liked the twist that they are all Ultimate Despair.
Julian Powell
The parts of SDR2 that are praised are the bits that are only loosely connected to the main plot.
The ending is criticized all the time, and the whole moral message is ruined by the next plot-oriented installments.
Colton Robinson
Post your own murdergame ideas.
Liam Garcia
>smelly otakus >bashed fujobait's head in >got their heads bashed in out of the blue It's not fun being a killer otaku.
Landon Lee
Fuck off she's mine
Justin Sullivan
And then they ruined it with DR3...
Jayden Parker
they could still have that twist without tying it up into DR1
Alexander Howard
DR3 was a mistake.
Joseph Williams
Honestly, I'd say DR3 was the real mistake. Neither side of the anime did enough to offset its downsides, and I'd be happy just knowing what the FF did without all the stupid pandering that happened at the end with the SDR2 cast returning and having basically no issues.
Levi Walker
really if DR2 was an AU with someone else as the mastermind (like Chiaki or Sonia) it would still be praised and nobody would have complained about it
Thomas Smith
That's what they should have done. Kept it more self contained. Sure I didn't like the atmosphere of DR2 but I could appreciate that it seemed to have been trying to be it's own thing but DR1 connections kept coming up.
Then you know it was doomed to fail at the start because they were to be students at HPA similar to DR1.
Camden Lee
Guys, you don't need to fight for me, geez~ You were just something fast, I am now happy forever with Amami-kun in heaven~
Isaac Sullivan
Hope arc was a fanservice. For DR2 and Kirigiri fans only though...
Cameron Rodriguez
Fucking monodam threw the match
Dominic Wright
I doubt nobody would complain about the dumb VR twist. It's where they began the whole "revival" shit.
Kevin Foster
Fanservice is welcome, except when said fanservice completely defeats the purpose of the story.
I don't even mind the ending of SDR2 since it said they could wake up someday, what annoys me is that it just miraculously happens and all the things that happened in the game are just glossed over.
Evan Evans
I use to not mind Yamada or Ishimaru but all this shitposting is starting to make me like Ishimaru and hate Yamada.
Robert Green
>DR2 fans how? they only show up at the end and all their characters and stuff that made people like them got reduced or taken out if anything you would probably hate it if you were a DR2 fan
Jeremiah Sanders
But them being Ultimate Despair automatically connects them to Junko.
Hunter Torres
I saw a futa one with Mikan, she was fucking Hajime in the ass so if you're not into that, srry my dude :T
Nathan Gutierrez
Hope Arc actually made me wish Junko was the villain one last time...
And 2.5 did a shitty job explaining it. Just more retarded Komaeda pandering.
Gavin Perez
Sure people would still complain about the VR twist but people won't complain about it being it's own self contained story or it not having any connection to DR1
Connor Hughes
At least it left with >maybe they'll wake up or maybe they won't. which is good enough but you know... >DR3:Hope Arc I know it's Izuru. But c'mon...
Adrian Smith
I used to like Ishimaru and feel indifferent towards Yamada but all this shitposting made me love both of them.
Juan James
I don't know what is happening in this but for some reasons it reminds me of when Mitarai and Junko first met.
Charles Carter
Congrats faggot. You're developing shit taste.
Sebastian King
Yeah, I'm not someone who buys the 'Junko had enough patience to manipulate patsies one by one' idea, but the cast still had lots of issues of their own that are just taken away in favor of quirks and that pisses me off.
This, way to ruin an excellently written character and make the revival process even more retarded.
Austin Powell
You could have them be a bunch of terrorists without having them be connected to Junko in anyway
Brandon Clark
Post it so we can judge
Jack Hernandez
I'm fine with futa, but I meant for V3. Isn't the person who made that doujin doing the Tenko one?
Cooper White
True. I guess they could've also made the FF be completely new characters.
Gabriel Evans
Reminder that no one really like Yamada and everyone is just shitposting
Juan Lewis
I'm sorry Akamatsu-san but my sister is the only woman for me
Hunter Turner
Not really, Ishimarufag.
Ian Reyes
In which regard to not liking Yamada or liking Ishimaru because lets be honest they are both pretty shit.
James Murphy
>developing shit taste That's not something you should be proud of
Matthew Bennett
t. Tsumugi
Benjamin Sanchez
But what reason would they have to be terrorists then, especially Sonia who may have well wiped out her beloved country?
Isaiah Moore
You're not worthy of using /our other boy/ Juzo for your shitposts.
Nathaniel Morgan
Well yeah that's another reason why it was going to suck either way.
It was doomed to be connected simply by HPA, similar killing pattern and SHSL Despair.
I was fineish with the DR2 ending. Still would have preferred they died for real like the DR1 cast but at least them waking up was slim and probably wouldn't happen for maybe even years to come. But part of me knew Kodaka would eventually revive all of them and Hope Arc confirmed this fear.
Carter Nguyen
But everyone knows it is just Tuplafags impersonating as Yamadagags.
Adam Ross
lot's of reasons you could make it so that something happened in HPA that made them all despairs maybe Izuru used his bullshit to manipulate them or something really there are a lot of ways you could have them be despairs without connecting it to Junko
Asher Bailey
It is not like it is a lie, Amami-kun is my husband anyways
Austin Hernandez
I guess it depends on your perspective but I find that anyone who thinks that anyone here doesn't have shit taste is pretty retarded.
Colton Powell
Shh... We only let them post so we don't have to deal with those discusting fetish post.
But honestly I don't really mind them at all. It's fun. and they're kind of resonable with.
Besude the only thing they'll ever asay to you is >Ishimarufag!!1!!!!!!1 When they don't have any arguement anyway. It's not really that hard to spot them.
Andrew Barnes
Give it up Ishitmarufag. At this point it isn't even just Tulpafags supporting our boy. Accept defeat.