Lane of Jayce General - /lolg/

Sup bro
how are you doing?

good, good.

Last game:

Other urls found in this thread:

what region will the next champ be from?
I think it might be noxus, given the subtle hints in the Galio ama.

Reminder that Riot made all the changes to the lore that they did because they intended to branch out into other media but then promptly gave up on that idea, so all the stuff you see on the Universe page is literally worthless.

>Look at match history

Why Riot.

I want to bonk LeBonk

I still can't find the exact quote "Lux is the only playable magic user". That phrase probably needs an "In Demacia, not in the whole fucking LoL universe" too, but whatever.
From Galio's lore it doesn't seem they have a special hatred of mages (Inquisition style), they're just naturally inclined to not trust/like them due to the way Demacia was created.
Demacia having low amounts of mages sounds legit, but Lux being the only magic user when we have Shyvana, Sona and Lucian doesn't make much sense.

The tits make her float.

resisted staying up all night after playing my first game, it was with Garen against bots

>start day at 0 lp
>play eight games
>end day at 0 lp

why is it core?
didn't they nerf the shit out of it?
I also feel like it does a lot less than something like void staff for penetration


Wong thread. everyone


xth for Syndra

I want to go ice skating in Lulu.

Everyone go

This thread was posted first, fuck off with your waifu shit thread

>starting a thread war


>look at match history
>defeat (afk'd because support was a literal inbred & picked an adc and so did our jungler)
>another victory
>defeat (afk'd because ADC took my first three jungle camps)
>defeat (servers went down while we were winning hard, all five of our team dc'd while only one of theirs did)

feels good

make the name of the thread correct next time.

even the fucking lulu autist manages to do that, and everyone hates him. come on man

But this thread is pretty much deleted. It does not show up on the catalog.

>fuck off with your waifu shit thread

Hey don't be rude. l was the one who created the thread and deleted the message in the old thread to not create a thread war

I always just type lolg
didnt assume it would be an issue

This thread has been ahead of yours on the catalog for a while now. You lost suck it up.

>no debate
>qtp wrecking shit with morde for a full day with tabi -> rylai -> gunblade

>literally six posters because people cant find it.

Why aren't you carrying with best freljord yet? also, post sejuani

>literally more posters than your thread has replies

I love riots matchmaking xp

Already have lvl 7 on her so playing her is a waste of time.

I love Lissandra!
>Why aren't you carrying with best freljord yet
I am though
>also, post sejuani
You got it!

Why is there an Ezreal in every fucking match.

And why are they all completely useless ALWAYS.

Did all the actual cuckolds decide to start playing him now that it's canon he's just a creepy guy who stalks Lux and they all get off to losing?

lmao nodamage

If im just being a ball of meat id rather play zac

i like this meme that G2 is a good team

MSI can't come soon enough

Ezreals are either shitters or monsters that hit every Q.
And monsters are usually in enemy team.

ezreal has been a popular pick for years, user

welcome to league of legends

>Why is there an Ezreal in every fucking match.
Because you don't peel for ADC.

Not today. Today it's literally "the team that gets Ezreal loses".

Thank fucking god out adc switched at the last moment to Lucian.

first three words that come to mind?

But stuns and slows.

Hes generally a safe pick that you pick when you expect no peel/shit support/team etc

at least for me I usually pick him when I get a questionable support



Shit, overrated waifu




animal cock whore

Fat Useless Slut

delet this

is this champ useless or am i ?

i mean i know i am but her kit just seems to get destroyed by any other good mid lane-ing champ

>literally impossible to stop graves from snowballing
lmao nice game lolbaboons

but knockups (2) and slows

Alright I've got the day off and plans fell through so I'm doing a lot of drawing practice (and drinking) soon.

This is a list of things I'd like to try to draw at some point in time will try to get to what I can tonight. Open to requests and/or tweaks to what I already have. Lewd heavily preferred by I can try funny/cute I suppose.

Drew this the other day for anyone who wants it and an example of the quality you'll get (or lack thereof):

you are

taliyah is still picked by top lck mids

is leblanc good

If someone does it, do share it so I can post it any time she does.

>tfw no sona to cuddle with in her immense tits

Early game if you do not waste your Q's you should be able to outtrade pretty much any midlaner with your Q spam.
Her full combo also does high burst damage, since all her damage is in only 3 abilities.


another porcelain worshipper

>be 0/0/0, even in cs top cho vs gnar
>yi comes to lane, dies
>3 times in a row
>"holy shit why is gnar so fed"
>spams missing when I miss Q on the hyperspeed cleaver gnar jumping around
>tell him if he does it again I'll alt+f4
>tfw following up with my threat and playing Nier

my first support

sell some items, buy a bami's cinder and stand in a jungle camp/at a tower and you won't be banned

She has 76-118 winrate place in diamond-gold. She is.


>Playing a game of legend league
>Be bronze 1
>67% wr
>enemy team has a gold 3 ahri and a gold 1 jungle tahm
>team are silvers
>besides me, the bronzie
>team feeds
>we lose

When are Ahri and Tahm players gonna kill themselves?

ye boiiiiiii
next one will be loss resulting in me killing myself

>shitters can't play a champ correctly
>"the champ is useless"


>Got the whole day and weekend off
>Because you got fired today

Help me RYZE above this, /lolg/

void staff or meme mask, which one is better for annie?

void staff

Why not both?

Can you do Jinx and MF trying each other's bras?

It´s you again. At least tell us why you got fired

generally you want to burst down squishies, so meme mask

if they are building hexdrinkers and other mr items you ofc get a void staff

void staff is usually a later item anyway

both and rabadon

>be bronze 1

Gragas and WW are gonna be whom I'm going to focus on mainly, but I need a third jungle. Should I go with Nunu or Xin Zhao?

>yfw you werent fired but quit because you were offered a better job elsewhere

Nude Sona spooning with a large burly dude

Ahri in a muzzle and with her arms handcuffed behind her back laughing at the guy fucking her as if she thinks it's funny that he thinks the restraints she's in will save him

Evelynn covered in bloodstains giving Ezreal/some cute guard a kiss like this

Graves. Stop shitpicking.

I'm a mechanic. My boss says I'm not up to the company standards.

Apparently when you inspect a car, you're supposed to find everything that's wrong with it, even when that part of the car isn't on the inspection sheet.



I like building protobelt, rilays, cdr boots, zhonyas, rabadons and void staff
is this too much of a pussy build? It makes basically unkillable

Mememask,Rylais into Gunblade, Thornmail,Ninja Tabs and Zhonya

We definitely need to see that Futaraka scenario

anything with huge tits (like your sona work) or huge cock/stomach bulge
and it seems like that may already be in the works, so Im happy.
keep it up, user.

Jinx getting anally rammed by a futa (or if not strap on) Vi


I wish. Though I was making fucking pennies at this job, so my next place may be an improvement.

Tactical decision, [REDACTED]

purposely flubbed my placements, 0/10. Still got Bronze 4. I don't know how people manage bronze 5.

>your normal game mmr on smurfs is too high so you get 10-15 mins queue

jesus fuck

my queues are faster when playing soloq in master


I said annie not mordekaiser
should I run stormraiders too?

Tell me a secret

Bust size comparison chart, with exaggerated sizes similiar to your sona work.

similair to this, or with them all facing forward. of course you can take creative liberties with it.



>Marksmen focuses you
>press E
>50% damage reduction on top of your 200 armor
>omnivamp from Gunblade kicks in and makes you heal off thier autos
>TIBBAAAAAHS gets to go enrage mode from constant stun procs

no go away fiora you arnt ahri how do I even know you won't tell my secret