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Post healslut

>people still try to use genji ult to 1v1 a reinhardt

This will protect us

Just waiting for that next event to see the new skin.


What do you guys see that makes you instantly know a game is over?
>Someone on my team is named "Dankmeme" or "Cuck"
>Someone on the other team is able to just walk behind us
>An argument breaks out before the game even started

The wife is gonna be out late tonight for work. How close to diamond do you guys think I can get from mid plat?

Stop waifuposting.

Why can't we get more non-event skins


Tfw on a win streak that is giving me +100 points per win atm.
Gone from 3100 to 4173 in this win streak

The last one is the most obvious in my matches. I've had times where people on my team were together the match before and brought their argument with them. Usually ends with one of them throwing or non-stop arguing.

Those don't make money.

Well, spring is coming on the 21st, hopefully it would be then since the Jeff said something about spring.

But orisa is dropping on the 21st so it's just me wishing.

When I compliment someone and they think im being sarcastic

I wonder what Widow will get as a skin.

>Loves Overwatch and blizzard
>respects and plays with Jeff
>goes savage later by saying “The skill that these pro players have is so amazing. What they can do in the game is so incredible that I do believe viewers will love watching the best Quake players play. It’s like watching professional athletes dunking from the free throw line. And when you win a world championship and you’re standing on that stage, do you want to win it with a great, violent, bloody game, or do you want to win it in a game that looks like a Disney XD movie?”

Based Willits is Based!

Can I husbando post

>someone has that kooky writing for their name
>fill plays ana
>easterm european accent (is a guaranteed loss no matter what)
>no one wants to play tank


>playing a dps

>post thread early
>include discord
Neck yourself

>tfw the meta is staunchly anti-winston right now but you're in plat and people are retarded so it doesnt matter

I just want something nice that was worth the wait.

>Disney XD movie?

Noah fence but looking at what little of quake champions I saw it looked like they were still using the same puke colored pallet on all the maps and the sound design was absolute ass on guns compared to OW

gameplay wise yeah it's probably a lot faster and allows for individual player skill to shine


>>An argument breaks out before the game even started
Fucking this.
Usually over some trivial thing, too.

>Zenny pays Widowmaker to stop being such a slut
She's embarassed by the proposition to be pure

overwatch has guns?

>No one says hello back

Match is over before it began.

>game that looks like a Disney XD movie?

Shit, even pixar felt that and Disney is moving to sue Blizzard at this moment.

nevertheless, im pumped for OW, mainly because of Mariobearer Kahn and his anti-noob goomba stomp of death

Every fucking time m8.

What the fuck is wrong with these people honestly

I want to become good friends with Sombra and go for camping with her.

>do you want to win it with a great, violent, bloody game, or do you want to win it in a game that looks like a Disney XD movie?
This is stupid logic. Professionals don't care about video game aesthetics, just as long as they don't hinder gameplay. They just want to win.

Every pro worth his weight in salt will turn every necessary graphical option to "Off" or "Low" to get as many frames per second as possible.
A game's art style is irrelevant when there's fucking money on the line.

How the fuck could I go down to gold tard

Yes, Reaper's shotguns actually sound like they have punch to them

>meet eastern european
>they are playing zen
>he puts down good orbs, doesnt switch discord every second
>I melt everything he discords as pharah
It was great


>so easily triggered
you know that this one was a joke tight?

How much time do you have against bots

>after placement matches, bounce around low 2000SR solely depending on if the team comp was bad or not
>find these guys who liked to joke around, have fun, and care about good team comps, they pick me up to do heavy healing or anchor tanking
>we go on a 10 game winning streak and within one night I go from low gold to low "whatever 2600 SR is"

Anons, coming from someone who seriously loves solo queue QP, teaming up is just a whole 'nother way to play this fucking game. The grouping up, the synchronized ults, the great team compositions... Holy shit. I was doing >50% healing on half of those games and playing healers was super enjoyable. Holy shit team comp is incredibly fun and I just wanted to share that with you all.

>inb4 t. healslut
You're right, but at least my healslutting is really appreciated, well protected, and the results are really at maximum potential.

>friends with Sombra

I only ever play bastion and sit outside of their spawn on bots
the AI has luiterally no clue what to do

his hellfire shotguns sound like shit in game
A friend of mine says it's because their firing sound is compressed, but I don't know if there's any truth to that claim.

In the trailers, they sound fine

But everything else about the sound design in Overwatch is on-point.

How is that ever fun ??

it's not. but is playeing against bots ever fun?
it's like bullying children

A shame they said Infiltration takes place outside of the main story as I doubt we'll see any kind of follow up in the near future.

>tfw no hero with pump shotgun

how to lucio like a pro


I don't even bother being friendly during the start of comp games anymore. I just say what the plan is and use usual comms. I keep a cool head.

I don't know why people get salty when the enemy pushes the cart all the way to the end or manage to cap both points. But it happens so often that it kills the mood and someone always has to make a passive-aggressive statement right after the enemy team won the round. Everyone that was talkative and friendly during the setup of the first round suddenly stops talking for some reason.

>load into qp
>volskaya defense
>widow, genji, hanzo already selected


if those are your standards you're never going to play qp again

Volskaya is my least favorite map out of all them, even managing to piss me off more than Hanamura.

It's never fucking fun to play on Vodka Industries. Not on Attack. Not on Defense. Plus, the drab color scheme of the area only makes me wish the game would end sooner.

Can't wait for buffs to go live

4 seconds for translocator is going to be fun

The enemy has a teleporteur.

>Some guy is singing the Mickey Mouse Club song
>What is this moron doing
>No one else had a mic
>He just sings it all the time, and will abruptly stop to make a call, then resume
>He played like he belongs in grandmaster
>We completely stomp the other team
>Now I can't get Mickey Mouse out of my head

why don't they say "the enemy has a shield generator"?

Who would you prefer to be leading writer of Overwatch?
You can choose any writer

is this a new intro

When you win a lot as support, it feels good.
t. Master rank Zenny main

But if you're a genuine faggot healslut, you should kill yourself.

Didn't get all the voice actors to do the lines and don't want to introduce them when it'll be incomplete. At least that's what one of the devs said a couple months ago.

Shame no actual Koreans (at least to my knowledge) have cosplayed as D. Va and gotten fucked.

>Playing yesterday
>Guy starts off with "hi how's it going"
>Other guy says "shut the fuck up" but it sounds like he's joking
>Guy 1 takes it seriously
>They end up arguing throughout the whole match, various lines exchanged such as "yo mama a bitch" and "why are you whisper shouting, pussy?"
It would be funny if we didn't get smashed.

nah numbani is a much worse map. I've never seen so many people unable to just walk forward than I do on numbani

>look up overwatch cosplay porn
>mostly just sad d.va cosplay
>find one that's really good
>costume is spot on
>girl is sexy as fuck
>she takes the costume off 10 minutes in

What was the fuckin point of that!?

Gwoop up

And so the curse spreads.

>those blue quads

First time i've played since patch, roadhog is really unsatisfying now holy shit

>tfw no hero with lever action

do share either way.

>Nano-boost junkrat
>he ults

>your instakill is now only on an 8 second cooldown instead of a 6 second cooldown

wow fucking dogshit hero tbqhwyf

>lever action rifle hero

I would never play anyone else

>its a healers spamming thanks when we lose episode
And its always the ones that play like shit

>nano-boost d.va
>she ults




>76 literally in every game and shuts out McCree and Reaper
>forums bitching about Pharah of all characters

why this

Serious question: Why would you play McCree when you can play a hero that can hipfire people to death, scope in, and heal

because they're probably too retarded to use a projectile


McCree is hotter

Why does a cowboy have a flashbang?

because shes air bastion and not particularly fun to fight against because a decent portion of the cast basically cant touch her
t. pharah player

theyre not gonna nerf her though, if anything theyll do the roadhog thing where thy pretend its a nerf but accidentally buff the fuck out of her trying to compensate for what theyre taking away from her (likely rockets getting damage falloff)

>play hanzo every time when piss drunk
>potgs and headshots everywhere all the time

I don't usually care or complain about him but jesus this is ridiculous

change Sombra to support
change Ana to offense

game fixed

pretty sure porn is illegal in korea.


But his M2 is even more satisfying. I get more kills with it now.

delet this right now pardner

Because even the absolute worst Pharah can get picks simply by spamming rockets at the ground near the enemy team. She's the only hero who can fly, has the sky to herself, can effectively stay in the sky forever, can easily get away from enemies to go heal, has six rockets to a clip, and only a handful of heroes can even hope to kill her, much less do so effectively. She's not fun to play against at all, and arguably unbalanced when most of the strategies concerning her are for half the team to switch.

You have to have some semblance of aim to shred with 76 and he still dies just as easily as anybody else.

>changing categorization fixes the game

Actually this does sound like a Blizzard Fix

he doesn't pull people right into his face anymore either so a lot more characters are surviving my hook combo lately.

Characters like Ana and Mei are annoying to kill afterwards.

I have only ever bought 2 things for Hanzo. The sake voice line and spray.

>Hotter than Mrs. Ana Amari

He's still fine to me. Feels more useful actually doing damage down range instead of waiting every six seconds to be useful and not a giant, slow battery.

The only characters you can't instakill anymore is Zarya, you need to aim better for the instakill now with his gun's tighter spread

that doesnt happen and youre gay