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say goodbye to the cancerous heal meta

Such a poor OP. Nothing about PTR changes, and that first Youtube link is fucked too.

Also: Hana Song.

I have been autistic since I was little, and I struggled. Struggled in school, social interaction, the whole package. Years later, after getting a tiny bit more control on it and such, I got overwatch. I immediately became a Symmetra main, due to how much I enjoyed playing her, and how much I found her easy. Then, after a while, she gets a whole rework. I enjoy it, and continue playing. Then, I hear news that she's on the spectrum.

My face lit up with joy.

She was always hated, and I continued playing. Just...seeing her have autism, and seeing her try her hardest to make the world good, and getting through everything as hard as she can just...wow.

Thank everyone on the Overwatch team for this. Idk. I can't put into words how seeing this (old) news makes me feel. Downvote for all i care, just...thanks....

Reminder to not fall for obvious bait or be easily triggered!

>mfw I'm playing Sombra and Ana nano-boosts me

The image sums up the PTR changes pretty well

>We feel that Lucio was being picked too much so we're going to buff him because desu senpai

Only if you actually know about it!

Seriously. Don't create OPs "just because". Make an effort. And if you can't the arsed to, let someone else make a better OP.

> Zen is a waste of a slot over any other healer.
That's so bloody wrong, Zen deals a decent amount of dps and Discord can be extremely useful, he's a good pick on dive
>Sombra is trash aside from her ult synergies
So she's not trash? Her ult charges really fast and you can have an effective team work around it
>Mercy is a waste of a healing slot.
Pharmercy is a thing and Ress is an incredibly porweful ult

Ana did that already with her grenade.

>Mercy can heal ONE target for 60 hp/s with a huge yellow beam revealing her location

>Lucio can heal everyone within line of sight including himself for 56 hp/s without revealing his location
>still the only hero with a speed boost
>can now join the ranks of other barrier heros as Sound Barrier will be up as often as revive now

>Mercy can revive the dead and be invul during it lol

>muh discord

>tfw new Amélie skins available for purchasing soon


>keep forgetting I have to tell our Lucio's in competitive not to bother dropping sound barrier when our team is caught in a Zarya ult because I'm going to pop transcendence

Seriously, it wasn't even like there was an Ana grenade splashed on us. They always wait a second after my ult and pop it anyway

Can't wait

Rez should give everyone 5 seconds on invulnerable desu.

>tfw the only fully dedicated healer in the game that has to actively stop healing to do literally anything else is also the worst healer in the game

What changed on the ptr?

don't buff rez again buff the rest of her kit god damn

>That's so bloody wrong, Zen deals a decent amount of dps and Discord can be extremely useful, he's a good pick on dive
He's not as good as Lucio and the enemy Ana will just shit all over your ult, making it basically worse than useless because you can't even cancel it to attack.

>So she's not trash? Her ult charges really fast and you can have an effective team work around it
She's trash outside her ult. Waste of a DPS slot.

>Pharmercy is a thing and Ress is an incredibly porweful ult
Pharmercy stops being effective the moment enemy hitscan can start aiming. So platinum, maybe. Rez is powerful but nanoboost is leagues better if used right. Mercy doesn't have enough utility or healing to justify picking her just for the ult.

Game balance is currently a fucking mess and has been for a while. Boring as watching paint dry when nearly every team is the same comp. Some combo of

>76 and maybe Genji/Tracer

23 heroes and only like 9 are viable enough to be useful.

>Lucio can heal everyone within line of sight including himself without revealing his location
>without revealing his location

You have literally not even played the PTR have you, Lucio's healing aura is so small he has to be smack dab in the center of his team

Also the 54 hp/s is only during the 3 second duration of his amp

>just want a chill mystery heroes game
>have to babysit golds against 3-stack of grandmasters


tfw Mercy will get the blizzard treatment eventually and drip with powercreep

i've got almost 200 hours on mercy and i didn't even notice that last "buff" desu

I want to go to bloo's ballet show

>Pharamercy stops being effective the moment enemy hitscan can start aiming. So platinum, maybe

jej this is how I know you haven't faced good Pharahs being pocketed. Pharah can just drop out of the sky if she's taking too much heat or just annihilate whoever is shooting her, it is a legitimately strong combo no matter the level of play.

The "hitscans make pharah unplayable" meme needs to die already

It's really noticable. It's not gamewinning, but it let's you do minor outplays

Why does Blizzard hate this pure, innocent angel?

mercy is chu's waifu and chu doesn't get to determine the game balance

ana is jeff's waifu

tfw Reinhardt is Jeff's power fantasy


So why does Pharah's pickrate drop like a stone above plat?

Gaurdian angel needs to be nerfed to be quite honest with you senpaitachi

he's jeff's? I always wondered whose it was

people learn to aim

>people who play comp only want to play heroes that statistically give them a higher chance of winning


Since you play her so much, how would you improve her?

I'd really like more mobility, and the ability shoot without switching.

>tfw too shy to talk in voicechat

>attacking on eichenwalde
>enemy team has a rein/bastion/mercy cheese comp
>ask mercy to damage slut for me
>fly around and spam rockets from behind the wall using the tree as cover so they can't see me
>fill ult
>boost over the wall and ult at point blank range
>triple kill
>team rushes in and we cap in under a minute
"fucking tryhard pharah bitch" "ur shit dude fucking hiding like a fag"
>tfw justice is done

Why is mercy so perfect?
>tfw no biologically female mercy main gf to run pharmercy with

tfw no fujo loving bf to pocket heal/boost as Mercy

I'm actually a pretty good Pharah myself after all the UT and using projectile weapons in Titanfall2.

Hitscans make Pharah unplayable as soon as retards figure out how to aim with 76. Let alone when you get high enough to face good Widows.

is there any r34 of Blue as a sexy spider girl ?

>Pharah's pickrate

you mean the near 80% pickrate she has depending on the map? Just because a character isn't 76 or Ana levels where they're in literally every game does not make them trash

Also the amount of effort you need to play Pharah effectively at a high level compared to playing 76 effectively isn't worth it to most people so why bother when 76 is miles easier for roughly the same results.

If Pharah was so easily countered at high levels GM Pharah mains wouldn't exist, at all.

Every time I plug the mic into my headset I end up saying nothing because nobody else does and unplugging it after a couple of games

>You'll never catch her ballet show before she got bloo'd

kind of a bummer because if your team communicates the game is 10x funner. Wish I had friends who played and also wasn't so shy ;-;

I honestly find 76 very easy to counter as Pharah, assuming you're not just hovering in the sky making yourself an easy target for him. Hovering below his sightline if he's on highground or concussion blasting over to him to kill him in two hits is fairly easy, especially with a pocket

>5v6 is allowed to happen in comp
literally why
the game should be cancelled after the 2 minute grace thing

>merge the streams
>holding m2 spams pistol with faster switching animation
>e does an abridged caduceus emote and debuffs/burstheals everything in a small aoe with a long cooldown
>merge "prefer healing target" and "fly to whoever you're looking at" options for shift
>make shift overall less wonky
i feel like she could use a jump ability like pharah but the utility is more important and i don't want to bloat her kit

She's great, just some maps she's awful. Some.

when the music hits, you feel no pain

What did she mean by this?

>tfw you've found a group of friends who use their mics liberally but don't mind you never using one

Roadhogs penis is probably thicker than her leg

>Get into another game
>Someone on their team leaves
>The game is cancelled

It only cancels if someone quits in the first minute

I wonder if that's how Gérard met her.

game auto-cancels if someone leaves in the pre-game bit but continues if someone bails after the match has already started

it also doesn't start the automatic afk-kick timer until the match has started so that's fun

That's retarded as fuck. It should either end the game or not.

Ever watched a top level Pharah? Half their effort is hugging a wall to evade the hitscan's sightline. Also note massive drop in pickrate.

>but continues if someone bails after the match has already started
No this was like a minute into the game.

tfw ana

>tfw start a game
>team comp is terrible but give it a go anyway
>teammates are all terrible
>try and coordinate a strategy
>Genji rushing into a 5v1, Pharah on the worst possible map for Pharah
>get frustrated and leave
>immediately feel bad

Why can't people just work as a team god dammit this isn't call of duty

was gonna comment on torbjorn and then
lord... almighty...

Want to play a little?

>Mei so low
what why? A really good Mei is great to have on defense and a pain to play against

As a Lucio main, I now have to choose between healing/speeding my team or have fun when I could do both before.

I don't like this.

>pubstomping GMs in quick play

contract cancer and die

not that any of you here are GM

wait what happened? Haven't been active on ow for a few days.

>low SR

tfw leftist sjw libtards are silver and bronze

many keks


this is the most /v/ post i have ever seen

Even for really good players there is extreme pressure to play a 'meta' hero, come on, you know this

I play a really great Mei and Sombra in QP but I've never even bothered in Comp. I don't need to prepare a justification speech if I just go Reaper or Zarya.

Ana still exists with all of her healing intact, my friend. None of the other healers had anything to do with it.

Isn't this effectively a buff to good lucio players? You're always huddles when speed boosting and more healing is always welcomed

/pol/ shitposters can only shitpost, they know nothing else

they should have stayed in the /v/ containmeny board

That's partially true. Worst case is I'm taking a soldier out of the fight by distracting him but that's a fight I will win 80% of the time then shit on your team with ease. Switching to zen and a second hitscan never helps a team because I'm directly taking 3 heroes out of the fight. Any good pharah knows when they're going get outplayed by the soldier and switches off in the first two minutes. The pick rate in gm is small but I'm willing to bet we have among the highest win rates.

>"Propaganda is useless!"

What did she mean by this?

is that really what she says? I always thought it was something in Spanish

Ignore /pol/ posts, do not talk to them or about them and move on.

it would be if the radius wasnt ass
as it is right now you have to basically pocket specific players, you cant do anything, the wallriding and shit really doesnt come into play because if youre doing it youre not doing any supporting

It's a definite buff to Lucios who are Widow-hunting flankers since he moves SO FAST when speed + wallride

His healing rate is NOTICABLY better and this makes him quite tanky now, think killing an Ana. With his speed boost he's so slippery no Lucio should ever die to Winston.

As for overall though, I'm not so sure. The new range is quite restrictive, and requires solid teamplay.

I have no idea what it really means but that's exactly what I hear when an enemy Sombra EMPs.

Apagando las Luces

turning out the lights

Idea: there should be a mechanic where, if 2 players worked together to kill a bunch of people, they can both get PotG as a "Team Play of the Game", i.e. Zarya + Hanzo, Mei + Soldier, etc.


I like my version more, fits with her "Cutting through the smoke and mirrors to find the true evil" thing.

>tfw Sombra will never be picked until she gets overbuffed and everyone uses her like Ana and S76
I wish she didn't tilt the team so hard at the pick your hero screen. Even in QP people get mad.

I can't even tell the difference between "lol baited you I reposted a suggestion from reddit that has been spammed here a billion times" and "sincere newfag pitching what he thinks is an original idea" anymore

I want to pound THAT com if you know what I mean.

look at all that blank space that could have been occupied by a wider speech bubble that wouldn't cut off two words

I've never had people complain about my sombrero in QP, maybe you're unlucky

>got my welfare gold for mexican hat at the end of the season
now to continue to never use her in comp!

>merge "prefer healing target" and "fly to whoever you're looking at" options for shift
Isn't it already like that? Or what do you mean...? And if you make the beam both heal and buff, wouldn't it be a bit overpowered? (Not to mention there'd be "less to play" as her.)

Anyway, I think Blizzard should just go with "bloating kits", in general. They did it with Ana, so why not come with new stuff for the original heroes too. Make the game(play) more nuanced and fun.

>look down
>can't see legs
why the fuck is this allowed

I can't even tell the difference between "ironically shitty person" and "truly bitter person who hasn't had fun with video games in years."

Can you?

>Solo queue
>Get put in a game with a 5 stack against a 6 stack
>5 stack refuse to join team chat and won't respond to the things I type
>Try to follow their lead as best I can
>30 seconds in and it's obvious they couldn't find the ground if they fell over
Why does Blizzard keep doing this to me?


Yeah but only because I'm a veteran, you'll get there some day...... kid....