Has there ever been a society in the past where females were in charge of sexual selection and the act of courtship or seduction was practiced in a game like manner for most members involved? Not judging the current societal norm, just curious.
Has there ever been a society in the past where females were in charge of sexual selection and the act of courtship or...
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>taking straight shots of vodka
t. "no one actually likes beer they are just pretending and this totally justifies me drinking what is essentially soda with alcohol"
The Nuer tribe of Africa. The females select from males that gussy up and dance.
What's wrong with it?
>drinking vodka
Nothing if you like it. Vodka just lacks the taste for me to do shots. More of a mixing liquor.
If you like the taste of vodka you have a problem.
yeah a few. heian japan comes to mind
Generally the case in aristocratic court life
This, Rakija is the superior slavic drink, its made of fruit and tastes amazing, but its not for pussies so its not as popular as vodka.
nah, I don't like drinking straight alcohol. Its a good mixing liquor like mentioned. But I have to be hammered as fuck to even consider drinking it from the bottle.
Well that explains russia then.
tell me about rakija.
>Has there ever been a society in the past where females were in charge of sexual selection
Bene Gesserit
Not really. A good vodka has its appeal in the "pure" taste of it all. Then again my blood is mostly irish, so I'll probably find a way to like any type of booze.
he said past.
>paddy comes up with bullshit to make his alcohol addiction tolerable to his sober mind.
Magical slavic alcohol, made from fruit, mostly plum and grapes, but it can be made from any kind of fruit. Its strong as fuck and has magical health properties. It can cure anything from a cold to cancer.
>Then again my blood is mostly irish,
Thats called blood alcohol levels user
>plum and grapes
you now have my attention.
I'd only need to tolerate it if I thought of it as a problem :^) You don't like vodka man, that's fine.
Haha top of the mornin to ye me ol memer
>females in charge of sexual selection
When were they not?
Underage faggot detected
in any society where a woman must marry to be safe, legal, or stay afloat
Those dudes must have a femdom fetish because most african blacks are instinctly disgusted at the idea of women controlling them in anyway.
Dunno, the country with most women in government is Rwanda, with 56.3% in parliament, and 38.5% in senate.
Note that Sweden, with all of it's YES and quotas and stuff, only has 47% in parliament.
subhuman bydlo detected.
it may surprise you but blacks are not a monolithic entity.
Are there any sources on that?
the bourgeois and nobles have arranged marriages. in fact, even the fucking farmers.
with a society or not, men propose their service to women and women choose
Well yes I thought so, the poster implied the opposite however.
Thats mainly due to most black males being lazy unproductive slouchs in Africa, its the same reason black females have the monopoly on careers in North America.
straight room temperature vodka is disgusting.
t. alcoholic
evolutionarily speaking: they always do and have done on a ground level. They have to bear the child and make the greater investment (pregnancy). Men just spray their sperm everywhere as long as the future bearer is condeemned healthy. Hence the preference of women to go for a provider and men's preference to go after youthful women.
One may claim that this is the reason for men's competitiveness, in order to show woman how great they are. Similarly to most of vertebras where males are mostly shinier and more colorful to "impress" females, so they will be chosen.
>Then again my blood is mostly irish,
this hurts to read everytime I see it
Ah, so you have an in-built affinity with potatoes and potato-derived products like vodka?
how did vodka come to be associated with eastern europe/slavs/russians anyway?
Potato was introduced pretty recently in europe and even then it was far more important to the british isles.
So where did the slavs = vodka meme come from?
There's tribe in the Pacific or the Amazon I think has ceremony where all the young men and fertile women get together and have intercourse and the children that are born afterwards are raised by the entire tribe with out much attention on who the real parent is.
this was (probably) the norm for all of human history prior to the establishment of permanent settlements
In human history, very few. In the overall animal kingdom, fucking tons of them.
The Minoan civilization, one of the msot prosperous societies in history.
It's not strange that the current civilization is also the most advanced in history.
Yeah but those tribes are probably sedentary and practice agriculture as well.
>tfw stacys only breeding with the most muscular and attractive of chads has a net eugenic effect society even though you'll die a virgin
>/pol9k/ are staunch eugenicists but want a return to "traditionalism" ie arranged marriages and one man one wife
make up your minds aut rightists
So in nearly all western civilization
It was invented by Poles in the middle ages and travelled eastwards. It was originally mostly medicinal and was made from rye or wheat or basically whatever people could get their hands on before the potato was introduced.
It's Grey Goose. It has no burn.
>mixing Grey Goose
user, no. Just light your money on fire and save yourself the time
The goal of eugenism is not to make mankind more fit for pick-up fucks but to make it more intelligent, hard working and civilised.
/pol/ and /r9k/ don't fit in that either.
how does making more people attractive and healthier not a net gain for society?
That would mean the alt-right never ever ever gets laid considering their looks.
Enjoy your std.
>people practicing more safe sex and having less unwanted babies.
That's his excuse for not fucking, don't shatter it user
Sparta comes to mind somewhat. Women were allowed to choose the strongest, largest, and youngest men for the reason of birthing strong children to serve in the military. If a husband grew too old, the women could leave them for another suitable man without question.
I'm not an expert, I'm just paraphrasing something I read a while ago, maybe another user has more knowledge on the subject, but I do know women had the upper hand when it came to the subject.
I also wonder if he doesn't eat food because he might et food poisoning.
Meanwhile Athens kept women in their place and overshadowed them in everything.
Basically gold diggers on the constant hunt for chads.
I read on here that Spartan warriors would keep male fuck buddies around and only use women for procreation. Based on these two pieces of information it would seem that Sparta was a society like what the modern world is trending towards with increased female independence and alienation between the sexes inducing homosexuality which may have been what contributed to its eventual defeat to a more cohesive society.
reminder that women love good sex and that they will always get bored from the men who fuck them
slav moonshine?
Traditionalists and eugenicists are not the same. In a way, they are even opposite in philosophy.
Promiscuous women ("Stacys") and promiscuous men ("Chads") already usually marry each other. At least for a while, before divorcing and marrying others. I doubt the dream of /r9k/ is to "marry a Stacy".
I believe what you are really defending is some form of polygamy (a small percentage of men having all the kids)? This is not eugenic, since it increases inbreeding.
Society needs to keep females at bay.
>Has there ever been a society in the past where females were in charge of sexual selection and the act of courtship or seduction was practiced in a game like manner for most members involved?
Society has always been like that. If you think there was a point in time where women voluntarily procreated with men they considered de facto undesirable, you are retarded.
There are "Paradox Games Historians", that is "people whose source of history is videogames".
What would be the term for ??
"Soap Opera Historian"?
Kek. Retarded millennial identified.
Most marriages in the west were arranged or at least relationships were "narrowed" by the influence of the father. Which is what should still be done since females on an instinctual level find a "cool" drug dealer more attractive than a math teacher.
A good vodka is smooth and enjoyable, doesn't need any fruit juice or soda or whatever the fuck. If you buy the cheapass handles from a corner store that are meant for mixing and drink them straight you are a bum, alcoholic, or teenager.
>Which is what should still be done
Says who?
Me and a lot of other traditionalists.
>Me and a lot of other traditionalists.
And why should anyone care what you think?
ranging from 40 - 70% alcohol content, your head stays surprisingly clear, but your body just doesn't give a fuck anymore
it's also called ''šnopc''
i actually carry 2dcl on me, most of the time. i wonder why anyone would drink whiskey, when you've got such a superior drink for a fraction of the price
balkan power!
But Muad'dib got the pick of the litter
Isnt there this minority in China who get husbands by building fuck-sheds available for any man to use?
Their goal is getting fucked up
They're clearly succeeding
Is access to sex a human right?
I think it's more a consequence of Rwanda's excessive militarization.
Maybe masturbation.
But with someone else it seems not.
Well if you can find a willing partner, yes.
What if you are too ugly to find a partner?
Should the state be obliged to supply you with pucci?
Denying an individual sex because they are an uggo is like denying a diabetic insulin because they are too sick to make it themselves
Agreed, if you can't get what others can get for free you should be able to at least pay for it. Prostitution should be legal if only for the sake of folks like that.
I mean as it is you can usually get away with it. When the law cracks down on the business it's the prostitutes and pimps who usually hurt, not the johns, but still.
Gain in this sense is determined as "intelligent, hard working and civilised." It is assumed the progeny of the Chad and Stacey are none of these things, and as such give no net benefit to society. Note how the definition excludes the portions which are most like to exclude those left out of the sexual selection process: physical fitness and attractiveness.
Vodka is too sweet lads.
What kind of vodka are you drinking m8
I think all vodka is sweet.
Smirnoff, Luksusowa, and every other vodka I've had
hey, its alright bro.
I just do jello shots now.
Everything in life is practiced "in a game like manner".
>Prostitution should be legal if only for the sake of folks like that.
women hate men who do not show promise of giving a good time to a woman. ugly and poor men are pathetic to any woman. Women love poor men only when they have no other current provider or to feel good about themselves [when they already have a provider] in ''helping the poor, so that they can stop their suffering''
being pro legal whores is being anti women, aka it is being a beta
I recall an experiment done by a high school teacher in China
In exchange for performing a particular task, the teens would be rewarded with delicious lunch. The teams were divided into boys vs girls. The first day the girls won, and what did they do? They shared the tasty treats with the the 2 most popular boys in the class. The following day the boys won, and they fairly split the food with all the girls.
Take that as you will.
A woman would rather share an alpha than have a beta for herself
speaking as a beta loser weirdo I've always noticed women tend to take pity on me more than dudes do. they're kinder overall and don't bully me as much. that's just my anecdote take it as you will.
In a true fag society there would be no women because women have no logical reason to exist in a homosexual society. The faggots would use science to create new humans.
When you're so far down the totem pole women don't even see you as a sexual being. As in you're not even "creepy" at that point, to them you don't even have a penis.
You're endearingly pathetic, like a small animal or baby or special ed kid.
neck yourself you idiot you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Even in a fascist ideology upholding the family unit is little more than perpetuating a unit by which the state can effect control of the individual. Honestly just gas yourself.
none of that equates to being attracted to you, theyre treating you as if you are a lesser being kek
why would women date anything that is not as attractive as ben afflicki
>Then again my blood is mostly irish