So I moved to north...

So I moved to north. Seattle (lake Forest Park)last month and the first night in my new apartments someone fucking takes a rock/key and does this to my S2000. Apparently the management tells me that the camera that was supposed to be watching my car. Malfunctioned that night and the whole video is "green"
It's gonna cost me 1k with or without insurance. Hold me Veeky Forums

you posted this like 5 days ago

I ve already filed a police report and they basically told me that I'm on my own.(that's fine) But what really upsets me is that this person took a rock to my car and had so much hate to do this. I mean look at it. Each stroke is full on malicious

I know and I'm still fucking stressed about it. So I'm using Veeky Forums and your kind and (sometimes) awful input to make me feel better.

Did you run over their dog or something?

Chances are the building manager knows who did it and is covering for them.

Just burn the whole place down.

I'm going to be honest.
I didn't do a god damn thing. I park far enough from people.
I didn't park in anyone's spot.
I didn't Hoon around.
All I did was park my car and walk back to my apartment.
I do have one question for you guys.

How long do you think it would take to do this?

About 20 seconds.

The manager probably did it and is lying (or someone they know did it)

Is that pro or amateur level?

>Lake Forest Park
>Nice car
It was some hippy with a prius or a college "student" (activist)

Get a dash cam so that way next time this happens you may have a better chance at knowing who did it. I don't know if they make dash cams with that face sides other than front but maybe you can make them and be like gopro and then be a gorillionaire

I feel this too user

Could you recommend one?

if he wanted to go ape shit on this he could do some social engineering. Make a certified letter demanding evidence with the threat of being charged with destroying evidence if he doesn't produce it

95% chance it won't go anywhere but yolo might as well get some keks out of it and make the mgr sweat

you sound like a young person in their teens or early twenties

don't fake a certified letter, you idiot

this is my advice

thanks and have a good night

I didn't say to fake a certified letter, only to get it certified

To explain further, a certified letter is what collection agencies etc use. It just means they have to sign for it.

The contents of the letter can be whatever you want, just like when debt collectors claim they're going to bring you to court.

If it was illegal they wouldn't do it

Hmm I'll think about it. It's a good backup idea

Cap pig get out and take your gentrification


Welcome to the land of Cultural Enrichment. You didn't move north enough.

Just make sure that at no point you impersonate anyone and you're good to go.

If you're bored just give it a go and say something to the effect of:

Name Is requesting security tapes from XX/XX/17 in order to organize a criminal case against the unknown party responsible for destruction of property.

Bold this: Destruction of evidence is punishable by law


Get it certified for a couple dollars at the post office and have a few keks

There's a small chance the guy will get scared and give you it

Otherwise you're fucked

tl;dr buy a gopro or 2

Cultural enrichment my ass.
All you have up here is good views.
Shitty foreign food around every corner.
And a fuck ton of homeless people.

Pic is example of the bull shit that goes on here. This is how backward this place is


Capitalism is Goat

4 Motion sensor dash cams hard wired 2%tint all round used hardtop new carbon fiber fenders dvr cam pointed at car 24/7 from balony or window get a new parking spot closer to your apt sell s2000 buy a 3k civic until you have a garage


Why'd you move here anyway? Wanna join a Washington Veeky Forumstist Kik group?

Work/change of scenery/ family

I work in tint.
I run 15% all the way around except windshield and it's now under a carport each night.

raise the stakes bitch nigga

peel out, speed and skid your way in and out of the apartment complex and be as obnoxious as possible.

then get a camera on it and brain the shit bird with a baseball bat.


move to a better place with a garage

find someone on craigslist who could turn it into an art piece

I told you to move the fuck out of cuck city last time you posted this you fucking failure. Not your blog.

Get out. Get out now. Only the lowest forms of life flock to apartment complexes.

Whoever did it is probably addicted to downers and they're jealous you can actually afford something enjoyable.

He was a retard and moved into the hottest housing market in the nation. All he can afford is what brown people can.

If I caught someone destroying my car in any way I think I would be uncontroablly compelled to assault them.

Is this your DD
How much stuff can you carry around with you?

stop making s2k owners look gay, we went through this thread already

>man's property damaged for no reason and he is mad about it
>look gay

looks like the scratches are only in the clearcoat so you should be able to sand it down

If he was cool with the brothers, then this kind of shit wouldn't happen.

he did repost it AGAIN

basically people are shit u cant have nice things etc

thats what happens when you dont respond to african american :
1. calls you brother and you dont say it back
2. cant match their hand shake
3. dont agree with their fav basketball team

now you know

Stop posting nigger thread on Veeky Forums.

>owns an s2000
>doesnt own a garage
You deserve this you milleninigger


>If he was cool with the brothers
It's next to impossible. They are always looking for some way to make an accusation of "You're Raciss". It might not be out loud to your face, but that's what they are thinking in their self-reinforcing anger. And then they get triggered and key your car.