Firegirl of innocence edition
kill yourself if youre going to shitpost about eu vs na
Firegirl of innocence edition
kill yourself if youre going to shitpost about eu vs na
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1st for spooky TF
comfy kitties~
I've been gone for 4 months, what mid laners have become meta since?
xth for Rumble and treasuring our namefags
i want to finger that rumble
Majority of namefags are special snowflakes that last about a week before we run their attention whoring asses out
Vel'koz, Xer'ath, Kat, Ziggs, Ahri.
Shut UP Grey
please post her
>ywn take revenge on your enemies for their wrong doings with spoopy lady
why live bros
xth for you're part of the problem and deserve a ban just for posting here when the other thread still has fucking 50 posts to go
>teammate takes ignite into Yorick
>continuously dies and I have to cover his lane before Yorick destroys our base
>other lanes: "OMG JUNGLE DO SOMETHING!"
>when you use the abilities of the champion you are currently playing and the result creates a favorable outcome for you or your team
neatly nudges my neurons
what the fug lad
is it webm time
i had to look for this for a while because apparently it got removed. but here is the post that everyone was thinking about, i think:
>That said, it's been a loooooong time (over 3 years) since we've made a new first order appealing female character (like Lux, Ahri, or Jinx). I think it's important we make another, not because "OMG SEX APPEAL," but because "I feel attractive" is a compelling character fantasy that a lot of players (men and women) really attach to. The key is the character's looks HAVE TO MAKE SENSE. Visuals should support the overall theme of a character, not be there in spite of it. The way Caitlyn looks makes no sense for a prim and proper sheriff. The way Ahri looks makes a ton of sense for a succubus.
>Top lane is an island
I hate this meme.
Top is by far the most gankable lane. its longer than mid so it takes more time for player to run away from gank and top lane 2v1 are way safer than 3v2 on bot.
>gank top
>enemy jungler gank mid or bot and takes drake or secures more kills because more lanes
sure situationally but rarely do you want to focus top
>top is filled with champs that can usually escape or excel in 1v2s
>meanwhile dragon is between bot and mid
is that really a trap? whos it anyways?
this is why you ban rengar
played him today for the first time and was amazed at how cancer he is
Pick one
>el contrato
I like how his ult doesn't give ferocity stacks anymore. It's like the only good outcome of his rework.
but it does
just not instantly
The abandoned shipyards of Dardocks
it doesn't, it only gives him 1 stack because passive leap
>>That said, it's been a loooooong time (over 3 years) since we've made a new first order appealing female character (like Lux, Ahri, or Jinx).
>like Jinx
>Jinx was meant to be sexually appealing, while also being clearly underage and flatchested
Fucking Riot
If I look at bit like kat (obviously not nearly as Veeky Forums though), and would be willing to wear the kitty outfit, do you think imthem would date me?
It does lol
Any leap gives him 1
>Fed assassin can kill shit
no he's not balanced though
Annie is for _________
Midlane shitters and pedos
Someone sack Phreak already jesus fucking christ
Is it bad to be a two-trick pony for ranked? Normally I'll play play Orianna mid, but when I auto fill is activated I'll switch to support and play Soraka. Ive spent hundreds of games playing both champs throughout my time of league. These are really the only two champs that I play ranked. I was just curious, is this a dumb thing to do?
Jinx isn't underage though she's at least as old as Vi if not older. I do remember though that Jinx was designed during a time when Riot was being criticized for voluptuous women, hence the flat chest and improper look (and yet somehow that did the exact opposite).
why doesnt phreak know when a joke stops being funny
xth for Syndra
Having one hero each for two roles is completely normal
ye muted, it's just too much
Dragons are for ________.
>Jinx isn't underage though she's at least as old as Vi if not older.
I don'y give a shit about the lore, she looks like she is 15.
>Jinx was designed during a time when Riot was being criticized for voluptuous women, hence the flat chest and improper look (and yet somehow that did the exact opposite).
I also remember that and flatchested pedofags should die.
also, i was wondering why the post was removed. it turns out it's not because of the nazi mods, but because the poster didn't like that a rioter responded sensibly and got upvoted while his own fedora comments got downboated to shit.
>lulu's w stops sion's ult
oooo this is good
why is ricklessabandon allowed to balance champions? every champion he touches becomes both shit and significantly less fun to play
he removed the AA reset on Poppy's buckler and I'll never fucking forgive him
t.LeBlanc/Nidalee main
It's one of the best strategies for climbing
Also Akali
At least post the superior dragon waifu
Isn't this what most people do, though?
the LB nerfs are good, maybe too harsh but it's the right place to nerf if you want her strenghts to be reinforced and her weaknesses to be clearer
I want Kled to sexually abuse me with his butt!
I'm a TF-Blitzcrank two trick pony and shit's freelo.
That's comforting to know. I just hear so much talk about how you have to be an OTP and if you don't get your lane swap or dodge. Thank you anons!
>TF in 2017
Get some mechanics and learn Taliyah you pansy
She fuckiing deserved it.
A tank shouldn't have such an oppressive lanephase, ESPECIALLY when they scale as hard as Poppy does
it's only dumb when you get to high level play - if you're diamond and only have 2 champions you're decent at, you might have a harder time especially if they have hard counters.
the only counter i can immediately think of for orianna is zed (ad assassins counter everything) so if you ban him every game you could probably climb pretty well if you're good as those characters.
I wonder if they'll ever let Zeronis concept a champion again.
you're essentially a otp player with two champions
it's better to go this way if you're not interested in forcing dodges because you're not getting your main role/champion
>le best NA jungler since meteos but with an ebin edgy personailty man getting analy devastated
>Vlad is back
>pros don't pick Vlad Kenny combo
Explain this lolbabs?
>Love the Alien and Predator series
>Love the designs and play styles of Rengar and Khazix
>Both are almost always total horseshit balance wise
Although I think right now both are in decent spots since they are pretty feast or famine but man it sucks trying to play them without feeling like a FOTM shitter,
So this is the power of NALCS
Xth for cuddling and 2x4s
>impact takes no fucking damage
>the point blank thresh hook miss onto a fucking nautilus
>gg easy noobs
Because the burst on AP Kennen got gutted pretty bad a while ago. He still does a lot of damage but all of it comes at the end of his ult rather than the start like before.
kennen want that porcelain rod or whatever vladfag call its cold dead sausage
Cody fucking 1v9'ing this game.
>implying he was aiming at naut
>3 deaths on rengar
there goes the s rank
Is Thorin /ourguy/?
Vlad top playable?
>kha'zix and rengar every games
need more pictures of them making out or kz raping rengar
Its shit into alot of matchups and teamcomps but who am I kidding, your going to play it anyway and we both know it.
He is still ok and cucks all this invis teleport assassins hard. Oh and he can lane at botlane instead of these useless marksmen.
>le adc are bad meme 2017
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
Objetively inferior champion, nothing better than initiation fights with stun+zhonyas and punishing shitters for pushing.
no, Lulu is better.
Bot lane marksmen are bad. For the gold consumed they provide less impact then any other positions.
its hot and throbbing
>Karma did the most damage
TF will engage on a single target.
Taliyah will block the enemy team in baron/dragon pit will doing much more aoe damages. I don't get why people think TF and Taliyah are similar, besides their post 6 ganks, they're nothing alike.
>Ivern has a high win rate in almost every elo
What the fuck? I know how he works and his strengths but how the hell do you hard carry a game with him.
>better than fate at anything
>Janna of the jungle
how do you think
no one on your team can die