>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
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Tharja a best
Fuck characters, what's your favorite map?
I want to marry Stahl
I love Azura
You are using Ursula, right? Destroy the enemy with her massive buff damage and massive milky breasts!
Is Alphonse supposed to be tanky?
I gave him armored blow, brash assualt and glowing ember
When is this character coming to Heroes?
Stahl a cute! CUTE!
Not the same.
You forgot your tripcode.
Make Ursula a mother!
Nier Automata is shit
The dream team.
Conquest chapter 10
t. Yoko Taro elitist whose mad people ar enjoying the first actual playable game from him
Genius falseflag
That's /v/ for you. They unironically like Tharja.
1st for shit game
So my Seliph is +Def.
To make him usable, I should give him Threaten Atk and Defiant Defense, right? This would bring him up to 44 defense when under 50% hp while also lowering enemy attack.
Which one should I 5*:
+spd -res Cherche
+atk -def Corrin F
+atk -hp Catria
+atk -something Cecilia
+atk -hp Chrom
Neutral Palla
Robin F
I don't really need anything special but I also don't have any buffs for any of the meme teams.
>Pulling four (4) colourless orbs on this banner
What the fuck did you expect?
Radiant Dawn - Geoffray's Charge
Binding Blade Chapter 21
A mexican buffet, clearly.
You will, right?
tfw 0 tacos
you mean a bunch of desperate degenerate waifufags who only care about 2b? Most people who talk about it have probably never even played it
Unironically Conquest chapter 10.
Conquest 26 on Lunatic
Conquest Chapter 12
Where are the drawfags? Someone edit merchant hands onto this, she's already halfway there.
Her design makes me diamonds, but I dislike her personality.
He's not wrong on his second point.
Chrom has pretty good stats, and with a Brave Weapon can throw out some mean damage. Seliph might be a bit better due to better defenses though, at the cost of 3 attack.
Day Breaks
I'm going to BULLY Fae!
I bet she'd be perfect at it.
Not sure about Cherche +spd, though L&D may boost it high enough. Brave Axe wouldn't work at that point though.
If you can pass a TA to Cecilia I'd probably go for her.
I'm not a fan of fliers with the archer advantage.
Sharena and Anna are pretty good.
Robin would need a lot of resources, so probably not worth it.
I love Alfonse.
When is the next voting gauntlet? I want to play with my friends units.
3ds was a mistake
loli thighs
>People have different opinions
Shocking isn't it?
seriously why do they draw her so stacked, she wasnt that big
>Hexing Rod
I should play Lunatic one of these days.
>mfw Inevitable End Staff Savant Enfeeble
Not cheesing this chapter must be very tedious.
Those are really good maps though
Corrin, or Chrom if you don't have another Falchion.
Sharena is always a good pick.
Of course
I just want to be sure:
>Merging units won't pass on their skills until the April update.
This means one of three things, which is it?
1) Give Marth 1 Inheritable Skill 3.
Merge him into Marth 2. Right now, Marth 2 DOES NOT get Inheritable Skill 3, but in April he will. Marth 2 will need to re-learn Inheritable Skill 1, 2, AND 3 before equipping it.
2) Give Marth 1 Inheritable Skill 3.
Merge him into Marth 2. Right now, Marth 2 DOES NOT get Inheritable Skill 3, but in April he will. Marth 2 WILL NOT need to re-learn Inheritable Skill 1, 2, AND 3 --- He straight up inherits an already learned Inheritable Skill 3 and can immediately equip it.
2) Give Marth 1 Inheritable Skill 3.
Before April, Marth 1 can pass Inheritable Skill 3 to ANYONE, they need to learn it before they equip it.
April update, Marth 1 can pass Inheritable Skill 3 to ANYONE, they DO NOT need to learn it before they equip it.
Merge being the key word here, I assume it's option 1 but possibly option 2 (terrifically useful but unlikely). If it's seriously option 3, that's broken as fuck, I'll just pass level 3 skills to 2* and 3* units and have them powerlevel their SP to master it and pass it on to my already level 40 Gold units. I won't fucking put it past Intelligent Systems since they basically made ALL skill a free-for-all unless it's a named weapon.
I'll bite (You).
What, you want me to say Gaiden? Conquest had the gameplay on point even if it had gimmick DVs.
6googolplex hours with paint
Just rolled a +atk -speed Cecilia. This is fine because her speed is already abysmal, right?
should i feed Jagen to one of my other cavs or keep him? he's pretty annoying to level and keep alive, especially since mine's -hp/+atk.
It wasn't or else this series died for good
Does she carry boys or girls?
I'm giving him threaten spd as he's +spd so he won't get shredded by doubles and defiant defense. I think that skill will make him vastly better.
Soon hopefully.
Reposting because I was in the last 50 posts of the last thread.
I don't think the picture of a jew was ever funny.
Explain hannibal
I like Hana
I got you senpai
Conquest chapters
Not specifically in that order
t. jew
Picked up FE:H yesterday. Some questions about rerolling that I haven't found elsewhere:
1. Is there an equivalent to Legfest or Godfest that I should wait to reroll during?
2. Do I have to sit through that 300mb download every time I reinstall the game?
Just as soon as there's a banner I give even the slightest, tiniest fuck about.
read the op fag
good goyim
1. godfest is the focus banner here, currently its a blazing blade fest
2. not if rooted or on emulator (should use one or the other when rerolling)
so what skills are the best for neutral lucina?
my nigga
I hope it's 2.
It'll basically give you a new SP bank for your main unit.
I put him there so I could also have Oifey and my bonus units. Yes, it's cheap.
>Quick Riposte Tiki
I'm a fucking genius.
Also I gave Sharena Robin's special for now, and it adds like 15 damage to her, it's not the best but what else aside from moonblow could be useful?
Will it blend?
Pretty much. If she was +spd she might end up doubling something at some point with shtion of buffs, but otherwise she likely wouldn't.
Cute girls or bust.
2. Yes, but if you have root you can use a file explorer to locate shared pref and delete account.xml to "soft reset" your game in a way.
If you're rooted you're also likely to get a communication error that will require you to delete that same file anyway. You'll need to link your account to not lose it in that way (just choose to create/link an account afterwards and pick your account which should be there as the default option to get back just where you left off).
>2. Do I have to sit through that 300mb download every time I reinstall the game?
Use your computer to reroll with nox. Multiple instances with macros for max rerolling potential. Minimum two 5*. Also check their IVs.
Stahl is cute~
I want to pet his hair and praise him~
>rolled two lilina, tharja, and y.tiki,
>all -atk
thanks obama
JP twitter is holding a quiz campaign. Get prizes for being smart
1. I don't know what those are, but banner focuses are essentially your best bet of rolling a specific thing you want, and you should hoard your orbs until something you want shows up as one. Various events often have related banners up, during the voting gauntlet there were four banners up to roll from for instance.
2. Yes, and if you get an error 3001, you're going to have to find a way to reinstall the apk to get rid of it, unless you have a way to delete your Account Data XML file, which requires rooting or jailbreaking your phone/emulator of choice.
Cherche if you need give her Brave Axe+ but be afraid of damage.
Femui if you like her buffing/debuffing and/or you'd like to pass on her Dark Breath+ dragon "weapon" to another dragon you have.
Catria if you already have a meme fly team (you don't, so no).
Cecilia if you plan on giving her Triangle Adept 3 and ESPECIALLY if you're creating a Cav Meme team.
Chrom if you give him Brave Sword+ It's literally better than Falchion, doing guaranteed 90-96 damage on every single unit before calculations. Even dragons (which only got 84 damage w/Falchion).
Palla if you are building a flying meme team and want a red Minerva. Very, very difficult but neat.
FemRobin if you're a twat.
Sharena will certainly be useful as a blue lance (though there are SO MANY better team blue lances) because of her weapon, plus she'll certainly be needed for future quests.
Anna will be needed for future quests but relies on low HP before she's any good at all...and with weak defenses she sucks.
5* Femui. She's a great Blue Magic Melee dragon that stomps on reds completely and if you get super tired of her for some reason, you can pass on Dark Breath and turn literally any other dragon into a similar buffing killer.
Palla if you're into hot chicks on your dick, 'cause they don't get much hotter than Palla.
Stahl is the most forgettable green cav in the series to me. I don't understand why Awakeningfriends like him so much.
looks like we're already getting cucked out of content lads
Hector is an overrated piece of shit. Fucking EFFIE worries me more than Hector, any red unit with mediocre defense completely ruins his gimmick.
He'll fall flat in the tiers once scoring is reworked.
They really, really like toilet bowls.
>global servers
Really all this means is the fate of whether we get those orbs or not depends on Japan and the weeaboos who can read Japanese.
>Not pulling every colorless orb until you get le taco of balance
>most forgettable green cav in the series
>implying we can get cucked out of content when all players are being stored on the same server
The question answers were translated in the order they are on the Japanese poll in the above link. Anyone who sees that will also answer correctly.
I cant stop getting connection error every few hours
Is there an fix other than the usual removal of 2 root folders and logging yet again?
>do arena dailies
>Bring the big BST team of Effie, Bartre, Nowi and +1 Lucina
>first team is 2x Tacos at +10 and Olivia
Hacker or Whale? What actually determines on how you get banned? Everything is client side except shards, feathers, and orbs, no?
What does /feg/ think of this?
>Brash assault
>Unit automatically makes a follow-up when at HP ≤ 50% and attacking a foe that can counter.
By follow-up, they mean attacking after the opponent or attacking 2 times like a brave weapon?
Please explain I am retarded and lazy.
You are an immature idiot who refuses to become better. Where are you from, /pol/? I wouldn't put it past but it doesn't matter, you suck. Lemme tell you something about humor, there's set-up, and a punchline.
You don't just put a nose on something and laugh. Or say "goyim". It's not funny. It's just trying to insult someone. Then nothing. It's a low-brow insult for retards that can't think. You gotta be creative, like what the fuck else do Jews do? Hanukah. Add a dreidel, have him jump through hoops of fire for a penny. Go over the top instead of being a fuckin' low-standards nigger. You don't just call a black man a nigger without set-up either you tie shit into that insult like having him play basketball with a watermelon acting as a ball and his trophy being orange soda. SOMETHING. All you sound like at the moment is "jew jew jew" and it comes to a point where it's just you being try-hard and the insult not even stinging anymore. Just posting that Jew caricature just isn't cutting it anymore. When it was new it had some humor MAYBE but now it's just no good. I'm not saying you should stop being racist I'm not trying to be a moralfag or anything I just want everyone to try a little harder.