Senran Kagura General /skg/ #1019

tasty edition
previous thread: NEWS
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash now out in Japan.
Water-Gun Themed TPS, Release 17th of March 2017 in Japan
Estival Versus PC release this march, BATTLE VIXEN characters finally being released in the west
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3’s Marie Rose, Honoka and Ayane as DLC.
Super Sonico as DLC
First 35 Minutes of Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash
PBS Epilogue + Teaser

>Complete Character Listing
>Newest Fanart閃乱カグラ

>How to Play
>Mobacoin Guide
>Card Release Thread
>Card Archive (Updated 11/22/16)!D5F1kSYY!Pm8KOrtA1mPcFxtdqyjIOnpB9Tkef9pS-_w1KtkM9gk
>Card Wiki

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura site
>Creator's Twitter
>Yaegashi Nan's home page
>Japanese 2ch Thread Futalog�M���J�O
>Senran Websites

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dai rin

I love Hikage! Every Thread!

I will marry Asuka!

SKEV on PC costs way too much for not including the DLC.

Hikage is actually a chuuni dork!

So best crab is relevant again, right?


Then...dont buy it.

>Senran Kagura 7


SK7 will just be a Bon Appetit sequel with the Yoma also having songs.

Why is this the only image with both Shiki and Ryouna in it?

Is it wrong that I want to get the PS4 version of EV for the sake of having a physical copy, even though you can pirate the DLC on PC?


Why did they have to price it like that though, $35 for a game that is a years old and then charge $50 for dlc.
It's like they want to be as bad as the dead or alive series.

buy it then creamapi it. I'm sure you can get enough hours of gameplay out of it to make it about a dollar an hour of entertainment.

well, considering that most of the general got the physical copy year ago, I wouldn't say it's too odd.

Which senran is the most Veeky Forums?

Maybe people buy the games and they just fit the demand with the proper price tag?

My issue is that i dont know how to switch characters in PBS im stuck with Yumi

>there's someone where who can't make a single post without commiting an informal fallacy
come on now

I doubt it, people didn't pay for DoA on pc either.

These look really good. Post Tia Outfit dioramas!

If it's been on console for years, why would they? The only reason neps did is because they sold it off for around a dollar because that's how much value they put into it.

What's your favorite senran's favorite pokemon?

The desperation (from XSEED) is so strong I can smell it.

Do you really have to ask that? The question's quite obvious.

Tia ?

There's also this.

I like Shiki and Ryouna together, they make for a great slutty party girl fantasy.

It should really be $20 for the game and $20 for the dlc

This outfit.

I think a lot of it has to do with losing Ys to NISA. I mean, Ys was Xseed's other big seller aside from SK. Now they have SK and ... Trails which is niche.

This is an extremely powerful and highly trained evil ninja who is the leader of the Hebijo elite ninja squad.

>tfw just found out friend from work committed suicide because his gf left him.

3D truly is disgusting.

I find it odd that Ryouna and Shiki have interacted, and Shiki LIKES Ryouna, but doesn't have a nickname for her. She has a Nickname for Ryoubi (RB), but not Ryouna. It's just "oh hey THERE'S the girl I'm looking for to go in my blog!" Does some light bullying and a bunch of pictures so lewd they couldn't even be posted... but not even on first name basis?

Why is Katsuragi so Gross?

She is?

I bet Miyabi likes Hydreigon.

I want to engage Katsu-nee's mighty foot.


this is wrong
Kat is a nice and good girl!

Hikage's Pokémon Trainer name is Egakih!

That's better anyways.

IIRC it was ALL of Falcom stuff; and even before then, XSEED was basically Falcom (which they seem to heavily favor, but such projects tended to be long lengthy and expensive), and Senran Kagura (which they seem to disfavor to the poin of Marvelous getting another fucking company to do VD)

Now they're more or less down to Marvelous' offerings and I suspect their standing to Marvelous isn't that great.

This is best girl

Vampires see their prey as nothing but bags of meat and blood.

Shiki has no desire to indulge the trappings of civilization when she's with Ryouna.

Why does this game have Tifa's clothes but no Tifa?

More! Uses someone different from Mirai. Someone WITH tits.

Hanzo tapped that.

No armwraps.... 0/10 costume

I want to fuck this hag

Daily reminder that if you pirate DLC you're still a pirate.

Its on steam though, it stands to reason that at some point it probably will be.

Prob because endgame Tifa kills gods?

>3DPD requires tons of time and money, and even then they might cheat on you anyway
>2D doesn't suck the life out of you, is as cheap as you want it, and allows you to focus on improving yourself and other hobbies

The answer is obvious.

if you download copyrighted material illegally sure. If you just configured a file to unlock something that was already there, lol no.

I don't care as long as I can get away with it


>if you don't purchase the licence to use something but still use it then it's not piracy

Literally retarded.

That top isn't very tifalike. Those are just a boob tube top and armbands insteaad of a tankop.

>The other timelines get killed because they need characters to die without actually dying.
>Either Yumi flashbacking to when the twins were in Gessen or they are actually back in Gessen after dealing with their Ryouki situation.
>Yozakura invited Ryouna back to Gessen in SV so they obviously werent gone long and did anything too bad, so they decide to go back to the school Ryouki was at.
>This is also a decision because they're the only hebis many people actually care about.
>New school year at Hanzo with the two graduated. Yagyuu is wearing her new senpai style.
>Kagura gets turned into human or dies but probably the former. Nobody is going to die.

Shiki's a GOOD Dhampir though, and Ryouna-chan is her friend!

Why not have Lightning's clothes in the series as well? She's a model now.

Katsuragi is built for public footjobs

>That top isn't very tifalike.
You're right, it's better.

It'll be a while, XSEED isn't generous with their discounts.

Because Tifa is already the Yumi of her own series.

But flat is good too

I'm not surprised xseed takes like a year or two to port those games to PC when people think that pirating shit is in their right. Holy fuck you guys are entitled.

Matter of taste, dude. It's a lot sluttier.

Is it possible to upload all webms of the specific character actions in the dressing room in some file?

With sound of course. I've only seen Ryouna's.

$85 for a game that came out 2 years ago is EA bad
I bet the pc version of PBS if it happens will be $50 single player $80 for multiplayer and $150 for the dlc


Shiki, Katsunee, Ikaruga, Homura, and Murakumo please!

No dolphin pokemon
No dolphin monster hunter either
What the fuck, get your shit together Japan

Not an XSeed defender but why are you including the DLC price? There is just so much many people dont buy.

Because he's butthurt and is mindlessly spouting hyperboles and negativity as a result. You probably noticed a few guys have been doing that for the entire last thread.

Like damn, I only buy a few outfits at best. I'm fine with what was given in the base game for the most part. I buy the character DLCs but I didnt think those were bad deals.

Because they think they're entitled to everything and xseed should be thankful that they don't flat out pirate the game aswell.

>tfw stuff like this is literally the reason I'm considering getting the game
is this what I've become?

XSEED pls go


thank you!

Retard kat close her eyes when i took the pic

Why does Shiki have such wacky glasses?

It's ya gurl Shiki

Destruction in the human form.

it's more a hair accessory than anything, they have no lenses and she doesn't ever wear them on her eyes.

Shiki is a dork.

Who else has fake halloween party blood in March?

>Shiki is a dork

That's why we love her.

Ah yes. Senran Kagura 7. Directed by AN ABSOLUTE MADMAN
>Yu Kobayashi's entire message
What did she mean by this?

Best VA girl as usual.

Why are senrans so well endowed?

Ninja powers come from the breasts for most Shinobi.

Did you know that Miyabi and Imu and Yumi and Murakumo and Ikaruga and Katsuragi are going to leave their friends behind?

Because Hikage and Haruka aren't going to, and would beat the crap out of anyone who thinks they need to do so.

thanks to that dude who helped me get the dlc for free in the previous thread

You'se allright

I would buy the fuck out of that if it was like DoD or Nier in terms of story and violence.

Wait, really?

I hope it never comes to that.

Well, no, not REALLY really. Ryoubi hypothesized it, which was her theory as to why her boobs grew when she transformed., but a lot of Shinobi do take their scrolls from their cleavage to transform.

>Singing into the shower head
My god she is dorky. What are you even doing, taking a bath wearing a bikini?

Maybe Miyabi needs to lay off the booze.

Or have even more.

Which Senrans refuse to have sex without a condom?