/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Tharja a best, for real this time.

For Nowa!





I love Azura

Lick my wife's armpits!

Azura is still shit.

Camus when

Defend this.

I love Takumi!

The highest score you can reach in Battle Arena right now, before the April patch, is

11,606 + Defense score

Draug/Draug/Draug/Sully all +10 with Silver+ weapons running Fury 3.
216+216+216+181(bonus unit)
7 streak win, no units lost


Next thread will be Nino.

I just returned from a vacation, what's all this about Cavalry meta and how do I get in on it?

Shit taste.

What to replace Nino's hone atk with
I already have Ephraim doing the same thing

Is there a Fire Emblem character that looks like this?

Who is worst FE7 and why is it Priscilla?

>accidentally spent 200 bucks rolling
>out of stamina and stamina pots
>can't do anything with my new units or skill inheritance units

what do i do now?

Heroes addition when, I need to spend my orbs.

Continuing question from previous thread:

Which character in Awakening is actually best suited for Bow Knight class? I mean, nobody use bow in my current squad and Im right after chapter 12. The only ranged stuff is magic (and boy, Miriel nukes everybody right now, as Sage).

Why do retards waste their orbs on the castle?

Wait, retard

Why was my thread deleted? It was close enough to the bump limit to be within the safety net. Why do threads made at 700 get to live but not mine?

The score with the setup you gave is 5803. You doubled for no reason. When bonus units "double" your score, they're actually just preventing it from getting cut in half.

>you will never marry a hot blonde paladin commander

Can Seth ever not be amazing?

Bow Knight is pretty shit, honestly. Don't stress over not having a dedicated archer, just use mages and ranged axes/lances.

Give mounted mage a -blade tome

Post up aura whores

Nuke everything to death if it doesn't kill you in one hit first.

tfw no qt half sister to fug


Because it saves time in the long run. The last upgrade is a bit excessive though.


What is the sex like?


>Knight instead of Paladin

That was my thread though. Why would you pretend to be me?

I like Hana

After the April patch, should Nowi be running Fury/Swordbreaker or Triangle Adept/Quick Riposte? I'm not sure of how the important matchups will go.

Why is everyone in this image so smug?

My new Anna so sexy she needs 69 exp

Why do people who don't upgrade castle moan that it takes ages to level? Makes you think huh

camilla's probably the closest, though shes not short

Because incest is canon.

Nino is a whore for arab cock

Randomizer is a hell of a drug

I wish, maybe in FE16.

Fury and Vantage

Ninian keeps her purity intact and the stork brings you your baby.

It's ok, but tends to dragon

Yeah, that's what I meant. Super short and super busty.

Mercilessly slaughtering pirates with the people you love!
Leon, Valbar, and Kamui are in L-O-V-E


People keep saying this, but levelling has never been a pain. You're literally wasting potential skill material and units.
There is no justification for spending 18 orbs for those last two upgrades.

>decide to actually play a FE game due to heroes
>start up Blazing Blade
>"oh wow, this looks like it'll be 10x more interesting than Heroes-"
>game over on Chapter 2

>less 5* than me and I upgraded the castle fully

(lol I guess some shitters really need that extra roll

Couldn't you replace some of those draugs with hector since his armdas gives 1 more atk than a silver sword, making his total the same as draug?

What should my defense team be?
Something that would annoy the shit out of attackers.

M-more orbs and feathers at a later date. Answer the daily quiz question correctly. twitter.com/FE_Heroes_JP/status/843021889190617088

>losing in Lyn mode

Is this a meme? Nino is a much better unit

I have two perfectly good Desperations to give out and I just don't know who is worthy

Maybe Jaffar and Sanaki

You know what? You're right! I have never played a serious Arena match without a bonus unit, I assumed ~600 was the default!

5,803 it is!

That's a big score, then, ain't it? I wonder if ANYONE has ever gotten it!!

Trying to make Priscilla viable.

Kindled-Fire Balm
A: ???
B: Live to Serve 3
C: Hone Speed 3

I was thinking Fury 3 to boost her stats and she can negate the 6hp cost with her new self-sustain.

>save time leveling in long run
>get 5 useless 3*
really fires your neurons

Vantage, all-range counters, and Wings of Mercy on everybody.

You're probably lying, but that is what I imagine happens with some people who started with heroes.

If you're going to use bows in awakening, you're using them for the longbow, which is a sniper exclusive.

I dont think upgrading the castle past the first few levels is worth it. You actually want to grind SP anyway and it's not like it takes that long after a 60% boost. Besides leveling units and using the gacha is pretty much all you can even do in this shit "game"


>two people actually lost to my team
That better have been forfeits from losing a unit.

Cavalry buffs. Hone, Fortify, Ward and Goad Cavalry.
Hone is +4 atk and spd to adjacent cavalry at start of turn
Fortify is +4 def and res to adjacent cavalry at start of turn
Ward is +6 def and res when in combat to cavalry within 2 tiles
Goad is +6 atk and spd when in combat to cavalry within 2 tiles
All stack.
Since you can inherit skills now (move them to another unit), you can build a team of 4 cavalry units, each one with one of those buffs, and with pretty wide coverage.
Cecilia and Ursula are cavalry mages that cover a large range (3 mov with 2 range). The Raven tome gives advantage against colorless and when paired with Triangle Adept essentially turns one of your units into a murder machine of both their normal color advantage and colorless.
Blade tomes are now stronger than ever. Before Nino and to some extent Tharja were popular, but now that you can pass them around it becomes quite insane.
A lot of the subpar cavalry units become incredibly strong when buffs (who knew?) and with a good coverage team you can easily play to your strength nearly every time. Meaning the units you'd normally fear with some weaker cavalry can be taken out by one of your crazily buffed one and then proceed to roll over the rest with all your buffs.

>time that literally makes no difference
>potential skill material (which is common now)

So I have a +atk/-res 4* Male robin. Is he worth it to get to lv 40? I figure I won't make him 5* because I have other heroes I want 5* first

How to translate on phone? Which answer you want me to press?

Triangle Adept.

>Lucina lead

Reasons why Est is best girl
1. Best hair!
2. Best voice!
3. Youngest and most fertile!
4. Makes the best stew!
4. Est is cute!

Any doujins of this cumslut?

I may be expecting too much from IS now-adays but I hope we get to hear Valbar talk about his family in supports

stop posting Abel

Does voting in this mean we will get orbs on our personal devices? I don't see how I can because I've never been asked to sync up my FE account to twitter.

Would be in a foursome with 2bh

Who is this and why is she in a thread about fire emblem?

Yep, you could. Draug with Silver Sword+ is the same as Hector with Armads...though you're gonna have to get rid of Distant Counter for Fury 3. But you could.

I told you last thread. You just blatantly ignored it.

Go to bed Abel. She's a slut and doesn't love you.

Fury or HP+, I guess.
You could also slap a Hone Cavalry and run a cavalry team with her.
She's likely to be one of the best healers. Kind of sad how they're still a drain in Arena.


The fact that you don't even know how bonus units work just proves to me that you're just whining for the sake of whining and some perceived "injustice" that you yourself have no personal experience with.

No, just let the japs worry about it.

It's for everyone, the retweet thing they did earlier have everyone 5 orbs regardless of they had actually retweeted or not

everyone gets it

How many times do you think Celica got fucked by Saber?

>Who is the king of the halidom of Ylisse?

>Black Knight

Android users in the West got the FCorrin from the Japanese Android commerical campaign, so we'll probably get the quiz rewards just for existing as well.

This picture unnerves me for some reason. I think it's the brown background and red lines.

Goad and Ward give +4 to allies within two spaces during combat only (doesn't trigger blade tome effects) and stack with each other and themselves indefinitely. Hone and Fortify give +6 to allies that were standing next to eachother at the start of the turn, these buffs trigger blade tomes, and they don't stack (one buff per stat, highest takes priority).

This one is asking which of the choices is affiliated with Askr kingdom. The choices, in order, are Weissritter, Shepherds, Order of Heroes, and Sable Order. Order of Heroes is correct.

>This is Cecilia, not Ursula, for the obvious TomeBlade comparison
>Doesn't include Death Blow 3 +6(technically 12)

Best one to get stat wise. A negative stat anywhere else for some reason is -4 instead of -3. Plus Robin dies to Magic faster than Physical. Robin needs both +attack+speed to be honest, but what can you do.