Lissandra is cute cute CUTE!
League of legends general /lolg/
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stop feeding edition
Would you be interested in Magma Chamber if it was designed around double jungle?
Would you be interested in Magma Chamber if it was more than 5v5? Whether that's 6, 7 or 8.
What does this say about me
>Would you be interested in Magma Chamber
Draven is cool cool COOL!
Undertale is fun!
Where did you hear this?
Why does blood Lord Vlad have a completely different voice actor?
check out these comfy bfs, special edition~
>tfw suicidal adc
>tfw team calls you shit cause of your adc
>tfw enemy bot lane defends you
supp life is hard
here's my first morde game
did I do good
Would just be a dead mode like TT and Crystal Scar
no, sorry
can we have a vg vs vg now?
and just like that it all makes sense why gumi is so shitty
kys ure not welcome
This is Akali, the Fist of Shadow
Say something nice about her
I wanna press then softly cuddle Jinx
she has nice tits
all these low elo fucks
>one play cant carry!
go watch contractz rengar
havent seen her in a game since last season
thats very good
hey hey
who wants to write me "smut"?
I want her to hunt me down and kill me!
>Triforce rush Pantheon
TT was extremely popular before they condensed the map and retconned it into the shadow isles.
Crystal Scar is a dead mode because people hated the game mode not the map, people want another towers and nexus map.
Magma Chamber could probably be more popular than SR
pick one dipshit
I wanna hold Ezreal down and both cuddle AND press him at the same time!
y'know I also hopped onto the "undershit tumblr game" train at first but after I watched some gameplay, played the game, I changed my opinion
its pretty fun and creative
Do you get matched with worse teams in your promos? I realize the point is for me to show I can carry but when I've got vaynes who think their melee champs and three different top laners who picked Nasus into Darius what the fuck am I supposed to do.
>not duskblade
As much of a meme as it was in the last thread, if Riot were to bring something from dota, what would you like to see?
Holy FUCK i want an item that's a one-time use invis pls pls pls
anyone know? even skins with extra voice lines like primetime Draven use the same voice actor
>tt was extremely popular
I will do as I wish
It's a legendary.
Does Bjerg have a boner while playing Vlad?
>U wan farm?
>FUCK U have spear
scarra disgusts me
But almost all of legendary skins use the same voice actor. Primetime is also a legendary. Why does Vlad have a whole new voice actor?
>letting champs have 2 flashes
dunno about that friend.
I don't want it because of nugalio
Can't wait for the deserved gutting of Vladimir and Lulu in the upcoming patches :)!
fun champs!
They couldn't get the old VA back?
Lulu is fine
scheduled for 7.7
>tfw lethality is still 60%
>But no one plays lethality champs anymore
Por que?
Doesn't Riven have a shit ton of play rate? Why does she not get a shit ton of skins like Ahri and Jinx?
So is Wukong still king of anything? Shitstomping on 90% of my games. Could be my shitty hidden mmr idk
t. lulu main
People started countering it instead of sitting on their asses and wondering why they were losing.
Holy shit GP is actually fun as fuck once you pass that dog shit laning
She has 6, that is a lot
>play Lucian
>too hard lose constantly
>play Kalista
>too hard lose constantly
>play Draven
>too hard lose constantly
>play Ezreal
>too hard lose constantly
>play Ashe
>win almost every match
fuck you I don't care about epenis. I am gonna abuse Ashe.
He knows too much he must be executed
Thanks, user. I appreciate the write-up.
Keep running into issues finding guides/info on Champions I like.
Is there a way to revert back to the old client from the Alpha one?
She's like the one of the oldest champs in the game and I don't really consider a re-release a separate skin.
People actually LIKE Ahri and Jinx
Riven falls under the whole Zed maynes, Yas maynes, and Vain maynes nonsense where people insta-tilt whenever these champions are picked, regardless if it's one of their teammates or not.
anyone up for arams too? NA
40 oz the dream
Idk personally I enjoy Zed pickers easiest wins of my life. Fuck yasuo on either team though
No one ever tilts when I see them
i think ashe is great in soloq because of her initiation and scouting without having to rely on teammates most ads do for that.
Vlad will climb further up the VGU list. The top thread on the boards currently is asking for it.
Even if his new rework is going to be a fail from a gameplay perspective, he is going to be BEAUTIFUL.
Play Cait lay down traps use net to escape. How is that any harder than ashe
Crimson Elite
Battle Bunny
That's 6, and frankly it's difficult to release another skin people will be excited about for her considering how much people use Battle Bunny and Arcade
If you don't get abused by the jungler in the early game you can pretty much start destroying anus in the mid game.
She is also mechanically easy for a shitter like me. Literally has built in kite through her passive. Fucking attack move when minions are close to me. How many times I made this mistake fuck me.
they have released what they're doing in 7.7 already?
So someone asked me to do full lethality croc yesterday
tell me some dumb build and I'll do it on ascension
So when is RIOT going to add the feature where I can reach through the champ select screen and strangle the fucking stupid out of my teammates?
I feel that it would drastically improve the game's health.
cdr AP gp
Oh forgot redeemed. All I ever see is championship and Battle Bunny anymore, honestly. I just think for how old she is she would at least be leagues ahead of Jinx or Ahri.
>LB rework does waaaay more damage
>Feels like absolute shit regardless
>Wanted to slow down her burst
>That passive was such a lazy fix
>They gut her until they decide what they're going to do with her
FFS why do they do this to champions?
Only interesting thing about her rework was the clone on her ult.
I can't put traps down and do the whole animation cancel with auto shit too hard. I am basically no traps Cait in teamfights.
She has nice pointy nipples (no seriously that's pretty hot).
Hope she's never played again T B H
So are item sets in the new client or nah?
hearsay from what was posted here, i think it was supposed to be from the official forum somewhere
If they gutted her then why does she keep getting picked in EULCS
When I was a jungle main I treated Yasuo as a free win. Just sit on them regardless of which team they are on.
All Yasuo players do the same shit. They'll dash forward past minions to harass, at which point you walk in and slaughter them. Then they'll go even more aggro to try and make back their deficit, so you just kill them again.
Alternatively, if they are on your team you just camp the shit out of them so there's no consequence for their stupid aggro.
what are the basic runes for top lane naut and trundel? i see guides saying to take attack speed on naut, is that good?
Ive spent the entire season6 and all this season trying to get into gold. Since last year ive been promoting to silver1 demoting to silver2 promoting to silver2 demoting to silver2 etc. Ive watched every guide for the champs Ive played. researched all I could in as well as sites like lolking, Ive spent hours practicing in customs, and Ive even watched every single one of LS's videos. I'm legitimately becoming depressed. I'm so fucking sad. I fucking hate myself so so so much. Fuck me. fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me.
i ban yasuo in every game because a single wind wall from a 0/13/0 yasuo can lose you the game
I'd rune magic pen reds, armor or hp yellows, MR or cdr blues, armor quints
Do you switch roles constantly?
>>>/probuilds dot net/
copy them
>demoting to silver2 promoting to silver2 demoting to silver2
Excuse me you promoted from Silver 2 to Silver 2 then demoted from Silver 2 to Silver 2?
Do what i did, ready to hear it?, k, here it goes
Play one champ and one role, literally just that, learn the range of the champ's abilities/aa, learn strengths and weaknesses,
just focus on learning 1 champ
Play Annie for extra tilt.
Yasuo in all chat: noob champion kys
yasuo has his highest win rate in loe elo. thats bad for you guys
>No Paladin-type fighter champion that is able to buff his own sword and receive/ give holy blessings in order to smite evil
AFAIK they haven't posted anything yet about what they're doing to graves, just that a nerf is inbound for 7.7
no I stay mid completely
I meant silver1. please don't make fun of me. My self esteem is already fucking gone.
That what I'm doing, and I'm so fucking bad still. I'm a mid otp.