/svg/ - Shadowverse General

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New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":

Current revealed cards:

All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/016ysnkhenaxkud/sv uncensor 1.4.61.zip

All-in-one Android undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/g3wprejd9foygnr/v1461 Folders a and v.zip

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


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Play Eternal

Did you know that in Eternal, every single card that you draft in Arena you get to keep permanently?

>caucasian ethinicity
>young women

>young women

If I wanted to play Magic I'd play Magic.

what did this card do again /svg/

The art is too small.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

what did you guys expect?

That sounds fucking stupid unless you are missing some part of ruleset.

there is no good video game adaption of magic

got anymore like that other one?



Music time /svg/!

Post a theme song for each of the following situations:

>Playing vs Dshift
>Opponent and you are both in topdeckmode
>4-0 and against your last T2 opponent

4(?) currency? I can recognize gold and vial/dust, what's the other 2?


a boner

Bricks your opening hand

I want Fangblade and Albert to spitroast me.

Dies to bane and bahamut

Shit card desu

Play cunny craft

In the most literal sense: Nothing


>Draw a boy
>He's still just as fuckable as a girl

Fuckin Japan man.

>All the tediousness of MTG, without the fun and intricate combos, and deep card pool
>Aggro is tier 1 at all times, because le burn
Into the trash family. Also, fuck Sandstorm Titan.

Dies to DoD.

>it involves blood
who voted for literally anyone else except vampy

# of packs and real-world money currency

it just works


Not when there's only 3 bunny ingame.

>このフォロワーへのダメージは0になる。 このフォロワーは、他のカードの能力(攻撃力/体力への能力は除く)を受けない。

The damage inflicted to this follower becomes 0. This follower is not affected by any other cards' effects. (Except those on ATK/DEF)
That's all. No such confusing terms like "target" and stuff and every retard saying it dies to themis/bahamut/khawy is shadow mains falseflagging


repostan in the new thread
Huh? I think his endings are his strongest point. He has a good habit of avoiding (too much) asspulling and his stories always resolve in a very satisfying (if sometimes melancholy)

noi ;_;

turn 9 do nothing to die to themsis.

*muffled autistic Khawy screenching in the distance*

Is Luna old enough to bleed?

>Playing vs Dshift

>Opponent and you are both in topdeckmode

>4-0 and against your last T2 opponent

What about Gawain?

>Sono Chi no Sadame
>AoA - Good luck
>Duel of the fates

So, it dies to bane then?

That's a useless card then.

What's the appeal of Eternal over MTG?

we broke up

But it doesn't say it can't be destroyed, so it dies to Bane and Themis. Shit card.

He already said Albert.

bane is an effect desu senpaitachi

(heavy breathing)

most periods start between 12 and 15, is she that age? then yes.

I have no idea how old she is though.


Who here running Divine Angels + Dragons deck come expansion?

3x Saha, 3x Baha, 3x Lucifer, 3x Israfil, 3x Genesis 3x chance to brick

Add in eggs too since they impact game starting turn 1.

Gabriel still seems better than people give her credit for


I had thought asanagi had a few more of those low-angle PoV pictures, but I guess not.

Have another height difference pic instead, I love these.

>Implying Albert isn't best waifu

Bane is autokill guys, it doesn't matter whether Aegis is immune to targeting crap or whatever.

a-are these...

Isn't MTG Online a pretty faithful reproduction?

were not done yet shadowbabs

she's aight. I think one of the lists I saw for some midrange sword ran her as some extra burst. dunno how good that deck is though

post yrw people still don't understand aegis

it's buggy and roughly 1:1 cost with the paper game.

its mostly only useful for people who want to play dead formats like pauper and vintage or people who don't want to visit the lgs

Will she be the paladin who saves us all from the evil of D-Shift?

Bane is a card effect

it's also complete garbage to play and is super buggy. I had to refund like 3 times in a row during on of the drafts I did
ty, I do too

She's definitely old enough to start puberty.

Right, that doesn't target.

It's ugly/buggy as fuck and even more pay2win than HS

I want to corrupt her!



Does it have big anime tiddies?

some* of the drafts I did

So about the bowman haven silver, is some kind of OTK possible with him? I assume his effect works like wildfangs.

>those black panties

Is their a "dark" verison like dark jeane?

>vs Dshift

>topdeck time

>the battle for 5-0


>nothing personnel..

Read the card again.

I liked the other picture better desu you can post more thicc

>petrify exists

Sadly not.

I still hold out hope that the second forest legendary fucks with spell costs for your opponents next turn.

Post elf.

the meta would have to be filled to the fucking gills with d-shift and silver bolt for that card to be worth teching in. its a decent body but outside of those matchups the effect is only marginally useful against storm dragon and albert sort of

it has double protection. it both can;t be targetted and is not affected by card effects.


now that just sounds like a challenge

Can rune ever be beaten? This fucking cowtits class needs reworking.

user I say sorce?

Did someone just say THICC?

I hate the art for this card, it isn't fitting at all for the effect. You can't just put cute girls on everything

Including 3 of petri does make their deck less efficient though. Probably not enough to matter for a control match up but it's (another) dead card versus aggro.

Right, can't be affected by spells basically, still makes it a free target for bane.

this card also cuck aegis unless for some reason cygames decided it wont affect him

>You can't just put cute girls on everything

I dunno, user, I think putting hot anime ass on a card that turns a target to stone seems pretty accurate.

please refer to

>go on danbooru
>search for "original"
>slap it on card that kills your minion

>>Playing vs Dshift
ripping out my own ears as my brain leaks out
>>Opponent and you are both in topdeckmode
-0 and against your last T2 opponent


i don't think the big eggo is in a hurry to kill anyone. i guess it fucks with when he tries to kill stuff with >4 toughness but i wouldnt call that a huge effect

The effect isn't just versus face. It basically restricts all enemy followers, spells, AOE to 4 attack max and due to that, can't be killed in one trade (DOD, themis etc still does the job though).

this is like a second banishoah

Second one is ash wing

Most of the cards in this game are like that sadly.

The spells I can remember with actual spell art that stand out are Revelation, Crimson sorcery, witchbolt, WSS, conjure golem, and like all of the dragon spells.

Everything else is anime girls.