RIP Chuck Berry edition
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>Warhammer introduction to MP Lords and Heroes
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RIP Chuck Berry edition
>FAQs and General Info
>Warhammer introduction to MP Lords and Heroes
>Steam Groups
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What's a solid Lord type to lead a second WoC army? Lord or Sorcerer Lord?
first for fuck elves
Idk, I've never actually had a chaos army led by a generic lord, usually I just get one stack for each ll and burn the world down
Man I don't know if I should play Vlad or VC
Pros for Vlad
Cool royal couple I feel like serving
Slightly nicer than Mannfred
Not a manlet
Pros of VC
Get to play Ghorst for easier self insertion
Better campaign color
Full evil
>not even 40 turns into avar campaign in AoC
>At war with the entirety of italy
>any time I try to push into enemy territory slavs declare war, forcing me to send a stack over to my gold city in the north
>public order in the shitter because of christian osmosis
>barely making money bc I have to maintain 2 armies + a defensive fleet to sink enemy transports who try to come across the adriatic
At least I'm already a khanate, thanks to the easy conditions to trigger it
if you play Vlad and confederate with VC you get the mausoleum of the mad cunt and the lords
if you play VC and confederate with Vlad you get just the lords
>2 weeks until we will know more about the second warhammer expansion
who here /hype/?
No, I mean you literally cannot.
>A trade route cannot be established to their capital.
great taste, love javelins in AoC and their end-game units look great
>walk general into city
>trait gained: Out of Favor
this is my fucking heir too
I heard it's super hard to confederate them though
it's difficult yeah; not impossible though
What exactly are the requirements for confederation? They have to like you, right?
What's the explanation for there being very few steam tanks left in the world? Did someone misplace the plans for them or something?
Oh shit, lads.
Which one?
trickster's helm - you already have great armor, you need the +7md more due to your low md
or at least not for vampires
Empire wants to like you
Vampires have to lose a war; when they're practically dead is when you have best luck. It's not impossible to get them to confederate when it's you that got them to that point either.
also if they have any military alliances they count towards total remaining strength
Thanks. That spawned a quick google search to find out how armor and MD work exactly. Unfortunately the guy tested with nice round numbers. I wish he would have thrown in some examples but what can you do?
200 is the max armor btw.
You see all those infantry there? They engaged Marienburg's first infantry army in a complete envelopment while the crossbowmen whittled down the pistoliers. Marienburg's second army arrived some time later, but things were mostly decided by that stage.
Can someone explain to me why this was the 'wrong' move that resulted in my army being absolutely routed? Does Warhammer somehow penalise me for completely surrounding my enemy? Even my veteran greatswords BARELY broke even against regular swordsmen.
Seems like your crossbows should have been able to annihilate them
I know I'm meant to expect some shit but this is just bullshit
>only lose 150 men
how tf is this not heroic
Why is Attila so shitty about naval replenishment? I'm trying to be a viking but it's super hard.
You need citrus son.
its going to be shit if you don't own the entire naval region, even if you are docked
Goblin Dabbing
But I do. I literally own the entire Arabian sea and all coastlines. I just won my final battle and i'm chilling out in a fully upgraded military port and the replenishment is still stupidly slow.
yeah shit's fucked on legendary. the only certain way of breaking armies in legendary is killing the general and then doing flanking tactics
With his comp thats a win, leg or not.
His Xbows should have been able to reap them after quickly focusing down the pistoliers, looks like he misplayed his L,
Without a replay we cant really say.
Occasionally I will dip into plebbit's version of /twg/.
I can't quite put my finger on it but after about five minutes reddit because so much more cringey than you autists. It's like that kid with a really annoying laugh who just won't stop laughing at his own jokes.
Why is reddit so much worse? I don't really get it.
Cross the portal and you will be a god in the Age of Sigmar universe. What kind of god are you?
Ill never understand the fucking UI, its such a shitshow.
you have to go back
>shit post on an anonymous imageboard
>post is ignored whilst other, better posts are posted
>shit post on reddit
>everyone calls the post out on being shit, letting the world know they downvoted
>everyone posts witty quips in the comment chain to show the world how dumb the guy is for posting
>everyone goes to the posters account and downvotes everything he has ever done
>everyone competes to post the current hot meme to get the most upvotes
>thread is completely off topic as thousands upon thousands of people desperately compete for upvotes in what is currently the most active thread
How do you actually eliminate the Norscan fucking cunts? The attrition is rediculous.
>It's like that kid with a really annoying laugh who just won't stop laughing at his own jokes
This is the most accurate description of reddit I've ever read.
Fucking hell that site is such a shithole
depends on the faction you play as. if you're brettonia, beastmen, chaos warriors, wood elves it's a straight forward march and slaughter with encamping on the side.
as the others you need to go into either raiding or encampment to keep the attrition from brutally fucking your armies over.
then you just march and destroy the norscan shit villages one by one
raiding/encampment stances
factions with the under/tree/beastway have it much easier than the others
The second army brought in many more pistoliers
Forgot pic
Holy christ, this shit was insane
lets just say wind of death is one hell of a drug
God damn. Why is Middlenland so hard to get treaties with?
Someone tell me it's worth it.
Tell me it's worth hitting the 7k gold gift button.
>this faction hates me more than almost any other empire faction
based kemmler
What the fuck is your deal?
They don't hate me. I have 37 relations with them.
I need to confederate them because confederating the guys to my east are easy and should be done last.
You could always just wipe them out in a few turns and with no confederation penalty instead of trying to throw buckets of gold at them
*throat singing intensifies*
>Watching his friend's horse ride off as he knows he's about to join him.
Layout and UI is utter shite.
Low effort shit is upvoted and given visibility.
Opinions are given weight with upvotes, become sacrosanct.
Reddit is much more susceptible to shilling, the whole site is run by shills.
Veeky Forums is more self aware and cynical, reddit thinks its shit dont stink. They're mainstream and family friendly.
I still visit the damn site everyday because I'm an idiot with an internet addiction and it's probably the best way to get news relevant to a topic. I would never have known about it if not for Veeky Forums talking about it so much.
Okay so two final questions for you
1) Does Manny have to have Ghorst recruited and alive for me to be able to get Ghorst if I have confed?
2) So should I just beat the fuck out of him and then try to press for confed? I really thought they had to have a positive opinion of you.
LL's have to be recruitable for you to get access to them when you confederate
but they dont have to be alive; you can completely wipe out their armies and still get all their legendary lords
though you should be warned that if you want to confederate with mousillon the red duke isn't legendary (I dont think)
Hey all, just installed medieval 2 again, looking to try some mods. I hear the Third Age is the best mod for it? Any advice or opinions?
>a whole unit fell to their death through here
my sides. Didn't know this could happen.
>infinite ammo mod
absolutely fucking disgusting
so what's the deal with purple units?
they have cool names and they are already maxed out
aren't they super OP?
>knowing it in the first place
nice try shlomo
DLC, Regiments of Renown come from the Grim and the Grave and the King and the Warlord- Empire, Vampires, Dwarfs and Greenskins.
They're supposed to be "like mercenaries" and I think some of the units are named after "dogs of war" units from the tabletop which were supplemental mercenary units certain factions could take.
Only 4 factions have RoRs because noDLCforDLClol
For whatever reason CA refuses to just reskin some units for the other fuckers
>3:40 starts playing
honestly the less factions that have ror the better - the way the ai spams them is really fucking obnoxious
its literally just giving the refill ammo ability that naval archers have to all the ranged units in the game, which makes battles babbymode
How do i cheese battles on normal? I never get heroic victories.
just recaps the forum post from earlier, literally nothing
Yeah but aren't those regiments really strong? You don't even have to wait to recruit them, they are like mercenaries in the previous games but better.
>Karl not allowed magic powers
who will win in a fight between all of them ?
I'm trying to use Balth instead of Karl but he's such a piece of shit
Is Ghal Maraz still enchanted?
Either way I'd say Karl or musket man.
They all died but my fuck these guys are kind of ridiculous
The samurai. Japanese armor and the katana are the best in the world. Can even beat the shitty magic from Warhammer.
>more elves to kill
I hype.
Samurai couldn't stand against any of those. Maybe the musketeer if he missed his shot.
I haven't used magic much.
Does the Net of Amyntok stop enemies from attacking while my units are engaged with them, or does it just stop them from moving around?
just stops them from moving
>If you like Rome (muh spears) and Napoleon (pew pew).
Pike & Shot boyz.
The fuck is a ghoul king exactly? I mean I get it, it's a ghoul, that's a king, but who does he rule? A pack? Does he actually even rule anyone? Is king just a reference to his size, or
roman, ez
>2 romans team up to kill the others
>promise to provide melee support for the musketeer if he fires on the others
>musketeer agrees, fires at the samurai
>samurai uses grorious nippon katana to slice bullet in half mid-air
>one half hits the crusader, who was busy praying to the lord to grant him strength
>the other half still hits the nip because physics
>the musketeer begins to reload in order to kill franz, but the shielded roman turns around and stabs the musketeer while he is distracted
>other roman tells franz about age of sigmar, causing franz to an hero with ghal mraz
>as the 2 romans congratulate each other on their well-earned victory, the helmet-less roman pulls out a hidden pugio and stabs the other roman in the neck
nothing personell.... amicus..
on the same topic what is the in-lore difference between savage orcs and normal orcs ? arent all orcs savage by definition ? is the difference only that normal orcs have better equipement ?
I have this one.
The Savage Orcs live in the hotter areas of the Badlands and apparently the sun fries their already-small brains, making them even more savage and tribal than other orcs.
ghoul kings rule over hordes of crypt ghouls/horrors, they used to have a city in the badlands where that fuckhueg swamp thing is but due to shit happening they fell from power and became the monsters they are today
savage orcs are nomadic versions of orcs that ditch typical orc equipment for warpaint and shit like bone clubs
its probably gonna go like :
>red duke and mousillion get released as a sub-faction
>Kemmler is added in the faction with red duke
>mannlet only have have helman ghorst to keep him company
I really want to play Kemmler, I like his design and the fact that his face isn't completely fucked, and his abilities too, but I can't make it connect. Like why is he serving Manny. Ree.