>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
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Tharja a best
Go back to sleep
Cecilia a cute! CUTE!
Azura is shit.
Olivia or Ninian
>tfw no +Atk Cecilia
Life is suffering.
I love Azura
post more marth domination.
is it possible to roll a 5 star tharja? i keep rerolling but keep getting lots of 4 stars
Gross old hag.
Guess what? It's gonna be Fae.
Definitely ninian for your team, with attack hone or something
t. Nino
matured refined woman**
Looks like they're changing the new Inheritance tier list in real time, lets see how shit gets fucked
>unit beats units it's supposed to counter
Which classes usually like getting a Seraph Robe besides Knights?
Also, for when I play Gaiden/Echoes, should seraph robes be prioritized on mages since magic costs HP or are they fine as is?
>tfw +atk/-spd Cecilia
Feels pretty fucking good desu
I want to smell the feet of every /feg/ fujoshi! Especially the ones who get flustered at how smelly their feet are! And the ones who are embarrassed about their naked feet and never take their socks off!
If I still don't have any good archers do you think it's worth trying to roll for Gordin on the next banner or should I wait for someone better?
Based Azura.
It's gonna be Faye!
Yes, but why would you want to? Get a natural 5* base and a 4* Tharja which you can raise yourself to 5*. It's even better if you get Ninian+Tharja initial roll with a side of Nino/Eirika if you can pull that off.
Did a group of monkeys make this list? This is legit retarded.
Repostin' here I guess. Is this a good roll?
What's his name? Every Lord needs a good memorable name
>this is what hagfags believe
I like Hana
>Implying that was the point of either image
easy with the autism flares bud
Thank you.
If you give Gordin inherited skills you can make him great.
>S tier
What a time to be alive.
>cavs not in at least S
Pretty fucking retarded already desu
Maybe something we've never had on a lord before.
Alfonse, perhaps?
I want to fuck Ryoma
>Tfw rolling previously undesirable units like Raigh and Barst became awesome as fuck
So basically, horse mages go up and Takumi goes down.
Does this suit you better?
Two of my summons of her were the reverse, and the third is another neutral. I'm probably gonna promote the -atk one anyway and merge with one of the neturals come April since it's got the most SP to work with.
Priscilla is cute but shes the worst unit in the game
stop posting xander
>lowest BST without weapons/skills next to mages
How's this?
Anyone want to talk about FE5?
I love Lonk
Ryoma probably beats his wife whenever she displeases him.
This list is terrible.
>Is this a good roll?
One of the worst 5*s you could get (unless you didn't have a healer before), some skill inheritance fodder, and a some shit (Saizo).
Overall, not good at all, especially since your 5* bonus got reset.
Looks like she dropped a tier within 2 minutes, what the hell are they even doing.
pretty bad taste desu
I want to see Lonk vs Link.
I want to cradle his face to my breasts.
>Ryoma hitting Rinkah
I dont think that would work out well at all for him
Ah, the stoic swordsman Lon'qu!
They are probably going to have to split it eventually to reflect how the meta is going to change most likely. One for the Defend/Reinforcements where healers are actually good, one for your standard F2P with no added in skills and the full in dolphin/whale meta.
Taco is still good, however he's only good in a natural no skills allowed meta.
I love Beruka even if she's shit in FEH!
No u
No good translation. Or is it?
They dropped off all the cav mages. Also for some reason Lyn is still in the same area as Karel despite being explicitly better now.
I thought I had a fun lineup only to look at my fodder heroes post inherit update and see that I don't have any of what I need. No deathblow, no vantage, no life and death, it's not looking good.
Triangle Adept or Swordbreaker on Disgustingman?
I'll pair him with Hector so Swordbreaker sounds sweet.
>implying rinkah can do shit to ryoma with those stats
It's really not that hard to trigger people here. You could just post Camilla beating literally anyone.
yeah she would fucking disintegrate
>ruins any girl tbqh
Harvest Gordin for vantage, he's on the next banner
But she can't beat anyone kek
He'd discipline the children which makes him top tier desu
Too bad boys can't be cute!
I love Xander! He is my husbando and makes me happy!
too many pointy bits
The joke is that Rinkah is tanky as fuck.
>Post-inheritence Camilla used by top ranking whales in first and second place
>Is below Raven and Minerva post-inheritence on this list
Severa is the Number One Mercenary! She's loved by everyone!
If I could have one super power, it would be knowing the identities of everyone on Veeky Forums.
So I could screen cap some of the shit you degenerates post and send it to your loved ones, friends, and bosses. Holy shit it would be funny.
Then don't put in skills when they update the Arena since if you start to add in skills, you will start to get matched with opponents who would have better skillsets on their units. Wait until you can get those skills to harvest to add in skills.
Boys are the cutest
>his amie model is good i promise
he's shit
just pet camus once he's released
Lyn is inferior to Karel but they perform the exact same role with minor differences. She is certainly not the same as Roy who is just triangle adept fodder now.
I just want to bone her. It's not as if I like her.
Shittier Camus desu
kek almost my exact lineup
looking to replace Lucina with Tharja though
Do the tower opponents have inherited skills or just their regular ones?
Triangle Adept and Swordbreaker seems redundant. With Ephraim's def and TA, even sword that double him will do tink-damage. Lancebreaker or maybe a tomebreaker seems smarter.
what is this meme about xander always being drawn badly that i see from time to time
I think his art in Fates and Heroes look pretty damn nice desu
>Catria 5.0
>No MU to save her unlike Red Catria, Japanese Red Catria and Ice Catria
In what way is Karel better though? Brash Desperation is way better than anything Karel has.
>this is what waifufags believe
Are there even quality husbando pics?
>lon'qu x vaike