Other urls found in this thread:
lol no
whats wrong with saying "beer run"?
wine is cheaper
this is why minor's aren't adults
*cracks a cold one*
tin doesnt like it
*grabs a beer*
just cracked my pre-bike ride beer. usually sip about 5 oz to get the anxiety relief to head to the store
i need to get me a girl like that...
thought you had enough beer for tonight
i do but just in case i need a little more its good to be safe than sorry
gg cheeser scrub cant even have real games just get cheesed out have a nice day
dictionary im gonna need a lot of help
a cute hairy little boy..
dictionary do you have a place i could crash just for like a week
Did you used to play on here three/four years ago?
lmao at 17 minutes she tells him to smile and he does
a pet monkey maybe thats what i need
a true friend
where can i buy one of those sweaters
maybe, why?
my dad had a pet monkey when he was a kid and laws weren't so fucking gay
he would always tell a story about how he threw the monkeys cage down some stairs with the monkey inside
i can win at chess i just need a really long time to think about each move, but i feel bad for making the other guy wait on me so i rush things
for example i forgot about your bishop in the corner which unquestionably lost me the game. i also made the same mistake with your queen near the end.
my win rate playing blitz has been worse than terrible, but in standard i at least go 50/50.
if you're serious about chess you'll stick to 15 minute games
anyone else staying home on a saturday night...
anyone else staying home on a sunday morning...
yeah im drinkin vodka and watchin hockey
ive been looking around that monkey youtube channel's other videos...
I remember that BM
shut the fuck up
alright just picked up these two extra ones for tonight so i know il be good.. ignore the stuff in the back those are emptys from last night
a lot of these videos have very poor ratings....
does peta get upset about dressing up monkeys or something
monkeys are flippin weird
cancel EVERTHING, mgf2017 is a go
imainge being so autism you own a pvm for video games
animal rights people are a joke
just a joke
norms love virtue signalling
i just seen a canadian car commercial and they put weekly lease rates instead of monthly lease rates
what the heck?
gonna hook up the ol' saturn and play silhouette mirage and panzer dragoon 2
sega boy...
what the heck is silhouette mirage??? that looks fun on youtube
i got a saturn a month or two ago im lookin for some gems
i keep trying to get into ds1 and ds2 but i can't do it
i got through ds3 in two sittings
am i too casual?
its a 2d platformer and its one of my fav games
wouldnt recommend the saturn version for buying as it is very expensive
if you dont have it already search around for nights and a 3d controller, shits dope
that video that nick roach guy from mde did about selling cars really bothered me
Listen to me iphone warriors in worldwide poverty stricken hermitages. Believe the picture and see the truth. Two plus four equals six. Six equals seven. Seven equals eight equals ending the eternal control of hyper fucker sissy boy prostate gods and latino cream king slut warriors forever. Look at the numbers flying into y
taking a bath with a nice wgirl..
someone in another thread just called me a newfag...
wgirls btfo once again
glad you're keeping healthy with supplements
you can just tell this girl likes to be choked :/
fuck i wanna play games but its so late b_b
i have nights but not the 3d controller yet :/
all girls do
just played turok 2 until 4.30am...
its only 12:27am
we live in the central time zone here
excuse me but +0 is as central as it fucking gets
im a big boy
seems like everyone is on the east coast
or in one of those countries that doesnt matter because they're not america
no it's 9:35pm here
*eats a cookie*
its 5h37 in the morning and the birds are already singing...we're going to bed soon...
you walk into your bedroom and see this
what do you do?
repeatedly perform a mozambique drill with my D.eagle until my magazine is empty, ensuring that the civilian threat is neutralized
when did this website get so bad.....
i just left scv for a second and they spout their BLACKED meme and they're still doing the JUST thing what the hell
when will moot ban phonies?
im probably going to have nightmares about that monkey
remember moot....
moot sold Veeky Forums to google which is just a government asset
the kid who founded reddit didn't want to sell his website so they railroaded him and got him to kill himself
makes you think...
i wish hillary clinton would have won
well not really but i wish pol didnt exist
yeah thats it, i wish pol didnt exist
how would i get my reddit pills without pol tho
red pill me on cucks :)
ive been phoning since forever. the problem is poltards inviting reddit and twitter
phone users are a problem in general
lifeless retards
word we all have ipads here
how do i post from the shower without a phone? cant drag my desktop in
no one here would be retarded enough to own a tablet, let alone the more expensive tablet
too much reddit. people hear about Veeky Forums's "epic" reputation, they visit, they start posting, they're not funny so they don't produce OC, older Veeky Forums users get tired of reddit so they stop using the site or they've matured and don't have time anymore, jaded neets like us stay and have to deal with the reddit infestation
we're stuck with pepe, cuck, and eceleb gossip until the end of days x_x
only a retard wouldn't own an ipad you mean lol
the luckiest ones are dead now...
ye there'd be so many dead users by now
you would have to be retarded to spend that much money on an oversized phone that doesnt use a real operating system
it's actually sad that someone like me exists lol like this shouldnt be possible
damn terry back at it again with the white vans
always weird kinda slow sipping beer.. the drunk creeps up on you...
wish i was drunk
wish i had a game to be addicted to
*boots up a game* heh time for fun
If u were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral...cuz I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed U!!!! We R true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care. See how many times you get this. I want you to know that you are an amazing friend till by death and forever.if I don't get this back, I understand, but I have a game for you. Once you read the letter, you must send it to fifteen people including the person who sent it to you. If you get at least three back, you r loved. Nobody knows how important some thing...until they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00, the person you love will realize they love you. Then at 1:00 to 2:00, something is going to happen to you so be read for the shock of your life. If you break this cabin you will have bad luck. With love send this to the 15 prettiest girls/nicest guys you know. If you don't you will turn ugly in one year. If you get three back, dang you cute:)
If u were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral...cuz I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed U!!!! We R true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care. See how many times you get this. I want you to know that you are an amazing friend till by death and forever.if I don't get this back, I understand, but I have a game for you. Once you read the letter, you must send it to fifteen people including the person who sent it to you. If you get at least three back, you r loved. Nobody knows how important some thing...until they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00, the person you love will realize they love you. Then at 1:00 to 2:00, something is going to happen to you so be read for the shock of your life. If you break this cabin you will have bad luck. With love send this to the 15 prettiest girls/nicest guys you know. If you don't you will turn ugly in one year. If you get three back, dang you cute:)
>ASL Team Battle 5h 40m
If u were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral...cuz I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed U!!!! We R true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care. See how many times you get this. I want you to know that you are an amazing friend till by death and forever.if I don't get this back, I understand, but I have a game for you. Once you read the letter, you must send it to fifteen people including the person who sent it to you. If you get at least three back, you r loved. Nobody knows how important some thing...until they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00, the person you love will realize they love you. Then at 1:00 to 2:00, something is going to happen to you so be read for the shock of your life. If you break this cabin you will have bad luck. With love send this to the 15 prettiest girls/nicest guys you know. If you don't you will turn ugly in one year. If you get three back, dang you cute:)
wtf my mom is still awake...
ya wtf is up with our parents tonight. my dad is asleep on the couch so i cant 'wave my 'zah or else he'll get angry