/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

MHXX is for 3DS is officially out in Japan.

MHGen to MHX Save Transfer: pastebin.com/Z1PPuX5F
Opening: youtube.com/watch?v=30ikOWOgUvY
Trailer 3: youtube.com/watch?v=MnpNGzNoOY0

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In XX, ?????: Gathering ??????? (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:




>silver los armor is once again the best, most meta choice
>can transmog it now
Oh, cool.

max mantis


It's a room


MHXX G rank

>Maccao's trip animation when it is tired and tries to get on it's tail while broken
it almost makes me not want to kill it

>mantis weapons are extremely strong
>natural purple
>absurd raw
>+60 defense

>look like absolute shit that clashes with absolutely everything

fucking why

>Go to archive
>Copy OP to the clipboard from there because you won't have to deal with any extra embed tags or other alterations from the inline or 4chanX extensions that way
>Paste it
>Update previous thread bit with its post number
>Add thread title
>Make your own silly changes to irritate people

Making a new OP is pretty easy.

>max hellblade has natty purple and 300 raw
>silver sol Z gemmed with challenger+2 and razor sharp will be king

I'm trying to transfer my save from gen to xx.
I'm on step 3 of the guide. When I try to put my mhgen save in to mhxx it says
>Error: Unable to open extdata

>not adding cuntboy to the tags

>+60 defense
>3 slots


it's time to stop, ok?

>?????: Gathering ???????

Fix your shit please if you're going to make threads in the future.



It means you don't have MHX data on your system to overwrite. Look at the footnotes for a solution.

How does the sheathing skill interact with brave style?
Wondering if I'd want sheathe control on my endgame GS or not.

does it clash with mantis armor itself? maybe they want you to use the weapon and armor together, with a 3 slot charm you basically have 18 slots to play with

original is def better desu

Reminder to pace yourselves with XX. Don't rush through the game. Don't go online until you've done all village hunts. Solo until Lao.

You'll be done in a couple days if not and then spend the rest of your time being bored and shitposting.

>tfw hunting partner already rushing online not listening to me

Send help.

Wasn't aware that Fireden doesn't support moonrunes, so I'll just copy it back from the last thread:

>In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)

>ballfuck is first "flagship" to have trash equipment
>forgot that there are 2 flagships now
>yfw Deviant Blos equip is trash as well

>folk metal
no tenkyu

Mantis equipment is GOAT though

>not starting fresh and playing through the X content with new styles while slowly enjoying the journey
Have fun shitposting for 6+ months transferfags

>ballfuck is first "flagship" to have trash equipment
what is kushala?
what is lagiacrus?
what is zinogre?
what is brachydios?

>fun is autistic

Got it

>Deviant Blos equip is trash as well
it has Evasion +2, Attack Up L, and Challenger +2 i think

I only play MH for making weapons/armor, so I'll be back to shitposting about XX and going back and playing 4U instead soon enough.

I should have mentioned G game
>brachy equipment is trash

It's not good either

In his defense idolshit is pretty autistic
Autists have fun doing autistic shit, doesn't make it not autistic

Nice time

>kush has decent armor
>lagi has Awaken
>zinogre had shit armor but most of his weapons were viable
>brachydios in charge of trash equipment when his shit can hit purple and had pre-nerf Slime

I want Tama to give me a big wet mating press!

I want Tama to suffocate me with his prehensile hemipenis!


As just noted recently, the current third-party archive for Veeky Forums doesn't catch Japanese characters properly, so that's something extra to consider if you do copy the 'template' from there. Might just be easier to do it from a text file and use that instead.

Anyone know of pics of the mantis weaps? Want to see the guns

This is good enough for horn or hammer?

Doesn't seem particularly autistic in all honesty, but maybe that's just me


>above average raw
>decent sharpness
>3U slime
>outclassed everything high rank
>max upgrade still on par with/better than end game weapons and obtained earlier
>armor came with challenger and adrenaline

>tfw you will never dress Miss Cat and her kouhai in microbikinis, oil them, and use their soft, smooth sandwiched bellies as an onahole.

>transfer to MHXX
>one of my sets has a piece of lodestar armor

god damn it lol

>3 slots


>doing G rank before beating Village Alatreon in XX
absolutely disgusting. When will you learn? She's all mine now

>on armor
what the fuck

>Village Alatreon in XX

I'm doing village.
Finish that, I'll go online and rush key quests.
Then, focus on making and transmog'ing the stuff I want to use
Then clear the rest of quests, dlc, events, all that shit looking baller

Could the Mantis be behind all the lack of slots in Generations?

some dumbass saying 3U brachy had trash/not good equipment so i'm just listing what brachy equipment has

>and use their soft, smooth sandwiched bellies as an onahole
excellent taste

preultimate quest before the final village challenges. Unlocks after beating village Amatsu, Narkarkos, Ukanlos, and akantor

equipment implies armor
and as far as armor goes it was average

I'm trying to expand the amount of weapons I use and so I was looking at some SnS videos like this:


I want to ask is this amount of tripping normal for SnS? Or do the monsters just have low trip numbers (and if that is a thing where can I find them on kiranico)?

it's penultimate

equipment implies everything

Monsters in multi-monster quests have reduced hp so they also have reduced stagger/trip thresholds.

Just wear full dreadking or sol.

i'm sorry for this misunderstanding

so village ala is before monster hunter, mark of a hero, caravaneer's challange, master's test and 5 kings?

Ah I see, so that is why those stagger multiplier values differ for each quest. Thanks

Holy shit I can't play like this, I really need that UI patch done soon.

I can't even know what the hell am I eating, for all I know that cat is feeding me duramboros shit

one slot

best girl would never do such a thing


>just started playing
>can't charge GS at all
>not on draw, not at any moment

So we FU GS now

Speaking of lao, how soloable is he? I just tried and he destroyed the castle. I wasn't able to use the dragon bombs on his back because I got thrown off, and I only had 3 minutes left. They might've been able to deal the last bit of damage I needed. Also missed the first dragonator thing.

How bad are JJ the Jetplane's armor/weapons?



Frontier Unite GreatSword

the game crashes every time I load the screen with the piece on, including my premade sets

I think I'd have enough time to sell it before it freezes or use a save editor though


>this pickle is keeps itself in the air through sheer force of anger alone

take the actual picture instead of live view you total retard

No shit. My point is what does FU have to do with that?

armor has some skill which gives you dragonblight and 50 to all element resistance ad adrenaline threshold, also gives you attack boost, also has a skill that makes you keep running when your stamina reaches red



That's Japanese and English.


google is wise

So how do you combo with GS in XX?

The weapon guide shows X > X > circle pad X and some shit > X
So I go vertical slash > bitch slap and nothing more.

Fuck I miss charging already (playing brave)


What you wanna do is make another backup of your gen, then sell it in gen do the gen->x swapping then import that to XX. After that, restore the second untouched backup of Gen.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on brave style?

>can't transmog weapons

yeah that may be the solution, I was on the armor screen for like 15 seconds though so I'm going to see if I can sell it first for science

Check the pastebin, should be a link in there with brave stuff.


thanks m8s

The only description brave has is vague as fuck

so g rank starting weapons have 250+ raw?

I had the same issue and the second I clicked any of the armor menus it died. Good luck.