So is this stuff a meme or does it actually work as advertised
Annual oil change
why is there so many normies on this board god damn
which premium oil does not provide " protection for 1 full year" ??
>proven protection for 1 year*
*Results may vary. Protection only guaranteed if vehicle is not driven.
>Filter is full
If you don't drive in severe conditions and don't beat the shit out of it, maybe. I would go by mileage, though, not time unless it's a car that you hardly ever drive and doesn't even see a full 3000-7000 mile OCI in a year.
Just buy regular Mobil1/Castrol Edge and a decent filter (Wix, Napa Gold, Mobil1, OEM, etc) and you'll be fine. Stay away from fram and don't put in conventional oil unless it's a rotary or diesel.
I have a question that is a little relevant.
I got an oil change done on my Audi A4 1998 1.6 LPG a week ago, and the oil level was in the middle between the MAX and MIN marks. I check my oil today, and there is no sign of it. I then fill it with the 1l of oil i still had and it barely shows up at the end of the stick.
There is no oil in the engine bay, no leaking underneath and i don't believe there is any blue smoke, even when you start the motor.
Any clue what this could be?
on the website it stipulates 1 year or 20,000 miles, so I guess that's the real answer. normal oil should be changed every 4-5,000 miles, no?
I use sunflower oil. Costs me $8 for an oil change once a year. Don't fall for the meme designed by corporations who just want you to consume consume consume
are you sure you are pushing the dipstick all the way in? if there is no oil on the dipstick it either leaks or burns it
Pretty sure. It sits firm, and i checked the oil multiple times.
when you wiped the dipstick clean and put it in and pulled it out again was there literally not a drop of oil on it?
remove the plastic engine cover from under the car and check if it leaks with the engine running.
There was none. When i filled it up a bit, i instantly noticed it had appeared on the dipstick. And i don't believe there is any plastic on the bottom.
you should check if the car leaks while running the engine, especially around the oil filter, oil drain plug and oil fill hole plug, maybe those weren't screwed on properly
Okay, will do. Thanks!
good luck audi bro
Anyone here run redline in their dd? How many miles do you go between changes?
What's the verdict lads? Rip off or actually worth the extra $10-$15
how/where do I recycle motor oil?
how much does it cost
I know the local recycling centre (Mississauga) takes used oil and filters for free. Cant keep your jugs though, which is a pain in the ass sometimes. nobody wants to fill up those 1 quart jugs.
Arent parts stores that sell oil obligated to take used oil?
>girl with green eyes not related
I always drain my oil when in storing a car for more than 6 months. Doesn't it get acidic?
I recycle my oil on the briarpatch behind my house.
>drain oil when storing car
plz be bait
seized rusty engine intensifies