>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
Nino! I did my best. Thread is correct and not early!
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
Nino! I did my best. Thread is correct and not early!
Tharja a best
Why must the /v/ post time be so long.
azura a shit
Azura is shit!
I love Azura
Camilla a best!
Raita Honjou should be FE's artist
I am indifferent about this "Azura".
20k feathers to upgrade a unit from 4* to 5* is still ludicrous after all this time
Nino is a cute girl and I want to give her all of my SP even if she's not +spd.
Camilla a Darting Blow 3 for my Nino!
Veeky Forums*
I don't want to play an FE game where I'm confused whether I should be turned on or disgusted honestly.
Edit of that other user's edit
This Nino meme is getting ridiculous.
Hello there Pelleas
If he can channel his VC-era sensibilities, maybe.
I love Takumi! I want his cummies!
Hara Tetsuo should be FE's artist.
>There are people fighting over artists changing when that has always been the case in Fire Emblem
Awakening was a mistake.
I wish they'd add some training tower levels that gave you even 50 feathers for completion. Same with SP.
xth for Hidari is even worse than Kozaki when it comes to females.
Well it's a gacha game. The point is to make you pay to make things in this game easier.
>Awakening was a mistake
Stop the press
Ninocucks are the new Mozucucks desu
What's better: +ATK -DEF Nino or +SPD -DEF Nino?
I wish it didn't take so long for characters to get added.
I hate Raita's art so fucking much. 1 passable design and nothing but shit.
I love Xander! He is my favorite!
Hidaris sameface > Kozakis sameface
>mfw quick riposte/distant counter turns anyone into Hector
I want Kimihiko Fujisaka on art duties for Switch FE.
Nagi Ichi should be FE's artist.
Felicia is my wife.
Daisuke Ishiwatari for FE16
>Chrom reks Ninian in one hit lol more like shitian
>Azura is my wife btw
+SPD is better if you have luxury of choosing. +ATK is fine too as long as it's not -SPD, like in your case.
Brave Axe Cherche!
Renning is rad!
>That feel when Xander will just be inherit fodder for distant counter
I love Panne!
Anyway, is this enough to tell what UVs my Cherche has? ...What are they supposed to be?
Doesn't Siggy have inherit Distant Counter, though? No one can inherit that.
Oh cool. But yeah I need this cutie in Heroes. I'm gonna try for her card in Cipher too.
Seriously. Is it that hard?
They're fighting over how Hidari's art has sameface and is bad and retaliating by saying the same to Kozaki
I think both artists are good in their own way 2bh
FE16's artist should be either the one who drew Ursula, Camilla or Kagero.
Who is this handsome young man?
>t. Tharjacuck
Stay mad that /feg/ will forever hate your shitty waifu and don't try to drag other girls dawn to her level.
That's not Renning, he died fighting King Ashnard!
He's like ryoma, his weapon has distant counter therefore can't be inherited
Only if he does the soundtrack too.
I made a Nino edit
What the hell are you talking about? I'm indifferent to Mozu.
>>fucking idiot.
Her standard R card has better artwork
(lol what
It's true
Reminds me of the GBA games
oh my bad
That's Petrine's dad right?
I'm ready for my wife, except I have no brave axes to give her.
>2 free distant counters
>can make full color coverage distant counter meme with Hector, Zephiel, and Effie
quick riposte fodder that doesn't cost 20k feathers when
Distant Counter is tied to his weapon
Plus he'll probably be good for Cav memes anyways
>dat sexy gradient of her hair
maybe its maybelene
QUICK /feg/
Vantage or Quick Riposte for Ryoma?
Homare should be FE's artist
Nice one user.
I like how all the faces are visually different in this image
Was this supposed to be ironic?
>le boobies
Fucking end yourself. God created our species in his image. Do men have boobs? No they don't. Flat chests are divine. 16's characters must be more like Sakura and Elise.
>I'm the only Tharjacuck in /feg/!
Vantage. It fits his playstyle better. Also he learns it in the game he is in and should have naturally had it from the damn start.
Is it possible to get a hero with no boon or bane? Just drew Ninian, seems to be the case unless I'm missing something.
Akihiko Yoshida should be an FE artist
Did user ever post that Felicia smut from the other day? The one where Camilla makes Felicia fuck Corrin to teach him about sex and then they fall in love?
>Kozaki's section
>they all end up looking the same anyways
Men don't have boobs because you're not supposed to fuck them, user
Kageros is easily my favorite of the three in terms of art. That attacking art is just too much.
I just want it all. I'm not sure what it is but playing FE4 made me need more of her.
I hate you and your low quality shitposting, /feg/.
See you tomorrow.
this image is effortless bait, don't respond
It's shit, don't bother
Could be better, but not bad.
gg x fe when?
Yes, he posted a pastebin at some point
Awakening is hot garbage and you're better off never playing it unless you're a completion freak.
Now we have Deirdre. What a pain in the ass all this hair is and Julia is going to be just as bad. I wish I had more talent for this sort of thing.
I got it right here senpai, enjoy.
I like it user, you did a great job.
Make my wife Corrin (F) good /feg/
what should I inherit onto her for free wins
Yes, neutral is possible.
too good for FE
That's what I was thinking, thanks user.