Draven is COOL! edition
old Eyosongive.us
League of legends general /lolg/
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that was tight
4,6,9 decides what champ I main for rest of season
Hey shitters, rate me.
Tell me how Yi isn't viable in high ELO. Do it.
>Haven't played League in ages
>Roll up a game of Assension with mah boi Xin so that I don't get too rusty
>Go on a fucking massacre
>Now have the immense urge to continue playing
Lolgen, please help convince me not to start grinding League again.
Jesus christ
that's a lotta yi
>my ivern has stoneborne pact
Like I get why but would ivern even be tanky enough to get good heal procs?
le gates man
Faggot tree man (ivern)
you have really shitty taste in champions but your name is great
why does every girl streamer play midlane and only female champions
>swain pickers
I want learn Riven.
Anyone have tips for learning Riven?
The latter should be self evident; they're female themselves.
The former is because, even though bot is the lane junglers gank and top tps to and mid roams to, mid is the lane junglers put their resources and time to get ahead, ward for, countergank for, and give blue to.
learn to animation cancel
learn combos
that's about it
>diamond iv
>high elo
Reminder: Samurai Jack Season 5 Episode 2 has aired.
am I doing this right?
>this shit taste
youre not wrong seeing as hes still as broken as he was in the alpha
better taste
i only do the mastery shit through crates, i dont buy the champion tokens because i feel like its cheating to earn higher mastery
>top 0.5% of the playerbase isn't considered high
Merry christmas you retarted faggot.
> 1 control ward
not yet
comfy doodling~
diamond gutter is literally about 16-1700 elo from a few years ago
thats not very high famalam. its ight
do you think actual players are going to give you first blood at level 1 and afk while you get towers?
theyll send 1 support and 1 misc to come shit on you with [any cc]. congrats
Oh I get it now, comfy means garbage
you're trying too hard user, go home and tomorrow maybe you'll do better
don't worry you'll still be paid
Go to your profile, then the leagues tab
See what you're surrounded with
Whatever happened to REESE?
>censor yordlebutt
>doesnt censor ads
top quality
Why is this thread so dead
Why is EU LCS so dead
Why is the game so dead
its 1am and theres no esports on
league is past its prime desu
your left dick i dont
this thread is active during NA (the most relevant region) time
eu is a joke and koreans would rather play than shitpost
this general isnt dead until dota actually goes under, till then were ALWAYS more alive than they are
>mid pings he's roaming
>takes forever to get here
>the enemy mid gets here before him
>adc gets hit by enemy jungler cc
>we're trying to fight, and somehow our mid dies almost under tower
>ask him what took so long
>get a string of bullshit replies because he's innocent and can do no wrong when i just wanted an answer
>finally he says he was doing fruit plant first
>tries to spin this as if im the shit elo player for not knowing this
>op.gg him
>4 game loss streak on that champ
>"surprisingly" they don't win with me afk
I think what really gets me here is that I roamed to help his lane, basically forcefeeding him a kill, then get these shitty excuses like i didn't JUST run down that very same river
watch boxbox's tutorial video
Biggest one on my eyes was cancelling your ult activation with your E.
Don´t. Don´t be a fucking faggot that feeds top and then tries to blame jungler because you can´t make ebin LCS plays. This is literally 99,9% of riven playerbase
>i did it right
>get multiple s ranks on a champ
>get to mastery 5
>can never get a s rank after that
and then theres that 0.1% that know what theyre doing and abuse riven's inherently broken kit to shit talk you and cc you to death as if you even stood any remote chance
in the end all riven players are faggots that should neck themselves
>can counter riven's gay kit and still win my lane and match
>but oh no she killed me because the kit still has stupid damage movement shields stuns aoe and more
Doubles decides what champion I buy after Velkoz. This is still up for grabs.
Why are you such an attention whore? Ok you like Yi, we get it. You watch Cowsep, we get it. You post this shit everyday. Are you mentally ill/histrionic? Fuck off.
And you guys said the new BotRK would be useless
They just need to make an actual item with tenacity.
They used to have one, now it's just boots...
Its not defensive values just health values.
Ivern usually builds like supports, so I imagine items like Redemption and Sightstone would make for some decent numbers for Stoneborn Pact.
how do i stop taking so much damage as fid?
i always have the most damage taken on my team, by far.
>get a rank 4, soul stealer vayne on the team
>feeds a draven
>draven just kills everyone at level 9 with only an ie
Well, that was a shit game.
Akali! Play the ninja, shes a lot of fun!
She IS broken and you fucking faggots need to fucking learn this. She needs the stealth blink REMOVED, the pink wards returned to the game, her ult needs 1 DASH PER LEVEL.
xth for Syndra
>being this bronze.
>0/4 riven gets the jump on me while I'm warding
>bursts me down before i can do anything
very fair and balanced champion
you just kill her
play toplaners into akali
probably shit positioning
or ulting into a group of 5 without hourglass
>level 1 ganked mid
>adc and jg afk after support dies once
>1v3 mid vs jg and support till loss @ 15min
shit games all around
>implying i'm fucking kidding
she's 100% broken and needs to have every ability gutted
1-5Kog,6-9Nid, 0 Alistar
you need to stop dying to her long enough that she can no longer instagib you. i just had a 50 minute game where akali "fell off" late game, by which i mean we stopped dying in one whatever rotation she does and we LMAO JUST CC her and sit on top of her shroud until she reappears again. this is after she completely feasted on us mid game.
desu, if she went tankali i think she would've continued feasting on us
>pick anything
>get dumpstered because you cant ever fight her
I'm plat, and shes still fucking broken
>Lux's full combo does 1180 + 225% AP at level 18
>pick anything
>you cant ever fight her
>I'm plat
That mindset of yours is legitimately that of a bronzies.
play mordekaiser you cuck
I beat akali all the time, toplaners who have cc and sustain just beat akali
sucks to be you I guess
>veigars full combo at level 18 does 1180 + 310% AP
>no Daredevil champion
Lolbabs will try to explain this.
swain's just so much fun
>Lee Sin is blind
>riot doesn't translate that into gameplay
Nice game, cunts.
Morde cant fight her when she stealths. W max does nothing because she out sustains you.
Its reality and i've come to accept that she'll be unbeatable until shes gutted
Just started maining Kat, but is a lot harder than I expected.
his passive should be "can hear the echoes of his enemies while in the jungle" or something that gives him vision if the enemy is walking or attacking in the jg
that'd be massively fucking stupid
>get shen support
>as jhin
>kicked ass
wew i liked that
can someone give me an honest, not meme answer why this game is so toxic?
you're massively fucking stupid nigger
it's the most popular game so a lot of normies play it, also the games are long and you can't really leave them so you get more invested in winning.
john gabriel's greater internet fuckwad theory + competition + ranking system that's dependent on 5 people working together + lots of teenagers and kids
Are you......sure its in user? I don't feel anything..
Highly popular, easily accessible and probably the first competitive game a lot of people will play.
Also I feel that after time the trashtalk nature of the game easily spirals out of control as people start to take it seriously and then become jaded, causing them to start becoming toxic and spreading that to others.
>queue up
>average wait time is 3 minutes
>get into champ select after just 1 minute
>get primary role
>somebody dodges immediately
>get back into champ select 10 seconds later
I genuinely don't understand this system. I don't understand why it doesn't wait until I've been in queue for a while before autofilling me.
well he has to land skillshots
>Ahri SPH
Ew, come back with Illaoi and maybe we'll have something.
Assuming that she's played well, how do I deal with Janna? I mainly play bruisers and this champion gives me problems. Things go alright early, but the game eventually reaches a point where I feel like there is nothing I can do against her team.
Actually that'd be Rek'sai while underground.
Why did it take a void champion to explore a self-inflicted blindness mechanic when rito already had a blind champion?
At the very least there should be a checkbox "Wait 5 minutes before autofilling me?"
>shit tier champ
>posts a fat fuck version of shit champ
Congratulations, you just made katarina a complete pile of dog shit with that gross picture.
r u gay
a common mindset of "i am right", young age groups, a large quantity of people, game with inherent flaws and more
best advice I can give to you is try to avoid Yasuo player syndrome.
katarina is strong as shit but don't get cocky and kill yourself
also if you were used to playing old Kata, you might be engaging with Q everytime. Don't do that if the enemy is alone or has no cc to stop you, engage with E into W, Q to position your next dagger, jump to that dagger when he goes over it
it's kinda represented in his E and Q granting true vision (at least they used to)
he's from a time where such a thing wasn't possible, and it's very unlikely that he will receive a rework to include gimmicky shit (specially one that's essentially rek'sai's gimmick) at the cost of actual power
Nigga that's thicc are you retarded
>liking gross proportions makes you gay
sure nigga.
What is your dedicated meme pick
>Your jungler attempts to pull out a gank without even getting his redbuff even though he's playing a champion with no cc and autoattack-based
>He obviously fails miserably
>Meanwhile the other jungler had the extreme cunning to right click his redbuff to obtain a permaslow and ganked other lanes with ganks that actually matter
seriously how can people be so dense
"get both buffs and gank" is the first thing you learn to do when you jungle in your first game below lvl 30
Who is best champion and why is it Yasuo____________?
>it's "adc facechecking vs Braum+Lucian" episode
I played one game today and I feel like it's one too many.