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Thanks, that was my first thought too
Nice I Like It
Best way to farm gold for game time ?
*blocks your dps*
Wow, user, your hammer is tiny! It's not even the size of your torso!
Take those clothes off RIGHT NOW!
Skinning apparently, with a good AoE class.
What's this 2 hour Draenor method I hear about. I assume it uses those XP boosting pots, but what else?
I'm a master of magik, not some pleb that needs to hunt for his food.
>Get BiS legendaries on alt monk
>Always get jack shit on my main
Legendaries were a mistake.
if its what im thinking of you preclear all the bonus objectives in gorgrond with like 1 mob left then you have someone fly you around finished them with the 300% pot
Interesting, thanks.
What if all the cute fembelfs really are cute girls irl?
Yeah this is what I did with all my toons when going through Draenor. Finding the hidden treasures help especially if its the statues that give rested xp.
>rain of fire uses 3 soul shards
>starfall costs 60 astral power
Why do Blizzard hate AOE spam farming?
I'm not going to bother, since with heirlooms I can hit 100 before finishing Gorgrond.
>arcane explosion does a shit ton of damage with little ramp up time and can be used about 20 times before going oom
>arcane barrage also does a shit ton of damage to 5 targets and refunds a quarter of your mana
aoe spam farming is fine
You idiot you use your heirlooms with it and level up even faster. All you are doing is slowing down the process. Unless you really like questing then go for it.
Obviously you'd use your looms, but the 300% pots are expensive and I spend gold on stupid shit all the time. I also have the quest flow down and Draenor flying so I can blitz it in like 4 hours, which is worth the gold saved to me.
no fuck you
stay mad druid shitter
the only thing arcane has going for it is being really good in a 30 second encounter in HFC
>Being poor
Guess you didn't take advantage of the rares in Draenor and the X-mas event that gave them out like candy. Besides the point you can easily make up that money in legion.
I was unsubbed during that, I've only been back like 3 weeks.
t. shitter
theme song of you when you see huns ask me out instead of you
mad ? stay mad
t. huns
Goblin-Titan control module starting up
Anger, hatred, fear, they are weapons of war. The tools of a Warchief. Yes, yes, I can see it now. I can see the future of this world. A world ruled by the Horde, my Horde!
Why are all the classes so slow feeling now?
Whats a fast 50ish cpm class that is fun?
Warrior is super static and has no real procs to alleviate that
Blizzard hates them and has no idea how to make them fucking worthwhile
Rogue is fun but I have a 110 already and I am trying to get away from that character because I fell for the pvp server meme and 7.2 is looking like its going to be hell on a pvp server.
Monk is at least fun but still like 30 cpm and are not looking good for next patch
is that the actual size in game?
are all female human weapons that fucking huge?
when did they get the orc shoulder treatment?
I mean you can pick demo and spam demonic empowerment if it makes you feel like you're putting in more effort than assassination rogue.
*Reroll to sin*
>when did they get the orc shoulder treatment?
Like 2004 my man.
are demon hunters FUN?
*teleports around and dashes through u with blades 3 times*
There goes that buzzword again
If I level a warlock right now can I still get green fire spells or did they remove that with Legion class changes?
That's completely unmodified. The PVP skin is actually the only holy paladin weapon skin that doesn't clip into the character model much on female humans.
You can still get green fire. Only the title and achievement were removed.
what armor class is the easiest to slutmog?
i've chosen balance druid as my first ever character
wish me luck
wrong choice sorry
why? they have cool flashy spells from space
>all these people that were grinding out 54 AP and still wound up with 3/10
>in the meantime I'm running 12 characters at 110 + rack in 200k gold per week just doing emissaries and gold missions, raiding HC NH with 3 of them
I am really going to enjoy it when the next patch hits
Plate and cloth
>playing meme classes
o ebin
Alright thanks. I'm leveling a destro warlock through Outland atm and having some spells be red and some green is bothering me a bit.
lmao wod retard detected
i don't know the ebin wow memes
what's not a meme class
Take my advice and level to 110 before you bother with it, the farming will be much easier when you can cunt punt anything and one-shotting the boss of the instance with a Chaos Bolt is very satisfying.
A. It's the first tier of the xpac, everyone is slow as fuck, even in wrath-mop at this point relatively
B. mop mistweaver (probably the fastest gameplay wow will ever get) and crazy shit from 3.3-5.4 won't be returning right this patch at least
other than that, try survival hunter or one of the faster rogue specs like 'not mut'
I find myself using almost every gcd on SV for ST (a bit less on aoe cause butchery costs so much) and have a 1.2s gcd at my haste level
yeah though melee specs have always had dead time between presses, if you really want to press a button every gcd, you could also play ret or havoc and not always take the most optimal talents
like rogue isn't even that fast paced it's honestly just on/off, you're probably just overestimating because of how fast it is during the fast periods
shadowpriest might also be enjoyable
death knight is the only non-meme class
arcane mage has a lot of cds to manage and isnt a static rotation
that's a good transmog.
assuming that's a hunter? haven't played in years(months)
that sounds like the only meme class tbqh
Ignore the salty Shaman players, roll whatever you like.
maybe he's a fellow maplestory vet
S-shut up!
Druid is fun and has one of the best leveling experiences, hope you enjoy it
Mage and Rogue are non-meme classes.
This is a belf player irl
those are the memest classes
butterface tbqh
Would you expect otherwise?
i'd expect retards from this board to post objectively 10/10 head to toe women when meme defending themselves
inb4 eye of the beholder garbage
I dunno man, but that girl is 10/10 hips to ankle.
>played AB RBG just now
>enemy has a prot and arcane mage
>think its and easy win
>prot takes basses while bubbeled. Literally cant do anything while he bubbels and takes basses
>arcane mage goes invis outside if mine
>he pops out of invis and gives our rogue the /lol /dance
>he has a mw come and they take mines
>the prot has assaulted every base now and we cant hold shit because of it
I got pics of an actual belf player I saved from /soc/ but her tits are out and janny is gonna get mad if I post them. She's also fat.
>be illidan
>chilling in my temple
>hear that a raid party is approaching me
>send out my most loyal demon hunters on a mission just in case i dont survive the raid party
>hear my illidari council die below me
>hear someone running up the ramp to my area
>what the fuck
>its one of the loyal demon hunters i just sent on a mission
>whatever, his duplicity is hardly surprising
>engage the traitor in combat
>he one shots me
Clearly, they were prepared.
my nigga
>blood elf players
elf players seem aight
my gf is a worgen player
fat slug who cooks and does dishes, gives good head.
>sub runs out in less than 24 hours
>do emissaries because why the fuck not
>this happens
lmao ok blizzard you clearly don't want my sub
would you like some gametime, user?
>join MoS+2 because bored and want quick ap
>everyone reaches dungeon
>tank starts pulling trash
>"dude, this is +2. what are you doing?"
>"soz, my bd. forgt chang queue messge. i understand if u want leave"
this community, I swear
no thanks
sephuz's meme was the final nail in the coffin for me
Even though Sephuz's is gonna be bretty gud next patch. I wouldn't be happy about it either, but there is utility to it.
oh? can warlocks finally proc it?
idk. I don't play locks. I imagine there's a way. Spec?
>blizz is honestly about to give resto drood 3 ridiculous new traits including the hots refresh on sub-35% targets
>other healers get 1 good new trait each
yeah droods were so shit this xpac I forgot lol
>dude just fear adds lmao
every spec of lock can, especially with how good doom guard is right now, the guy you're replying to is bad
Why do all fat girls give amazing head?
You do realize some people aren't 900+ and are doing +2 because that's the highest m+ they can do right now, right?
>we're not releasing ToS with 7.2 because we want people to relearn their specs in familiar content
>we can't nerf guardian druids because it wouldn't be fair to make someone relearn their spec in the middle of a tier
god DAMN I wanna do some hardcore shit with this chick.
> I don't play locks.
then you don't know the suffering that comes with getting sacrolash's dark strike, norgannon's foreskin, prydaz, leggings of the may as well reroll, and now one i can't even proc
>haha dude it's all upwards from here now
yeah, when i'm eligible to get another legendary in about three month's worth of being a good goy, fuck off
>how good doomguard is
what if he plays demo?
pssh nothin personal