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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
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Tharja a best. And canon.
Good night /feg/
Good night, friend. Sleep tight!
How do I make my twerker better
ninian is love
ninian is life
this is my pure wife
Reminder that swordbreaker singlehandedly made dragon meme a legitimate threat.
Alright fags, Wings of Mercy or Wary Fighter. Which one is better and which one breaks your opponents phone?
baby laking with Morgan
Wings of Mercy is bullshit on ranged units. Oh hey look it's the lava map oh hey half your team's dead nothing personel
>just lost a match because Hector's fat ass couldn't get in range.
Alright, I've been avoiding it but it's time to embrace inheritance. Hector users: what movement skill is best on him? Pivot clearly gives him the most range, but swap is more consistent in its usage
>arena is now full of furyfags
that update cannot come soon enough, holy shit. That's likely why the arena is more competitive this week too.
Make her a blue unit and give her a Sapphire Lance.
you know i can check the skills of enemy units right? so you have to be some grade A retard to be caught off guard by that
like the guy in previous thread
Camus when
is she getting ready to fuck the horses?
Wings of mercy, armored units are never going to actually catch up to anything on defense on their own without teleportation
After NA release of Echoes. They're adding in Lloyd before giving us daddy Gradivus
Swap is worth considering, moves you forward a space and can be used for pulling back other units on offense.
Reposting from last thread:
Just picked up a 4* Male Corrin (+Atk/-Spd) and a 4* Roy (+Res/-Def). I don't have any good green killers, and I know Roy is great at it, but I like Corrin's stats better.
Should I just have Corrin inherit triangle adept?
Best Boy!
fresh from reddit
Mae the bae
Swap and Wings of Mercy. The latter would make anyone's heart jump.
>Lets his bro die when he's strong enough to not only destroy his would-be-murderers, but most of the game as well
Dont get a big head
Swap is good. Or just give him memewings. It's how I managed to save my streak on those bridges yesterday. It's also how the opponent managed to ruin mine before.
Really could use a clean up on those jaggies.
head too big
Eliwood is handsome!
>tfw when pulled his SR and 5*'d him in Heroes
I wasn't even aware I was a closet Eliwood fan until last week.
what's this wing of mercy meme? is it good? don't you lose your turn while using it? like i teleport to an enemy and then die because i cant attack?
Not cool at all bro.
Jack and Daxter 4 when ?
you can teleport to an ally and attack on the same turn
You obviously don't teleport in front of reds that can fuck you up hector.
Fae is cute!
Manaketes don't exactly die instantly when at a color disadvantage unless falchion or naga are involved. You're much better off looking for something like deathblow, life and death, or defiant attack to boost offenses. In Corrin's case, you want to play her more defensively because she's got that tank color and dark breath. HP+5 is deceptively good as that prevents a lot of 2HKO's while armored/warding blow makes you tankier. Just make sure you have swordbreaker to beat lucina.
>Tfw no one has ever thought of decking out a manakete in heavy armor
w-what?? should I give those skills to my lucina or to my mages (robin, julia and nowi)?
Why is her head so big?
No you give it to a knight and rape face.
Draug has skyrocketed in viability from skills like this alone.
>tfw no distant counter wom draug
Dancers and armor units benefit the most from the skill
>Draug has skyrocketed in viability from skills like this alone.
Draug also skyrocketed on these charts because people can actually try and play him.
So I'm noticing that the hero I'm trying to farm SP with is sometimes only getting +1 SP for killing stuff in the arena. Anyone know why this might be happening? I have other characters that are gaining the normal +3 SP per kill
I said male Corrin
Trust me, I am very experienced with female Corrin
i have a 4 stars draug, 4 stars abel and a 3 stars olivia
Waiting for his banner.
Got 40 orbs saved up and hopefully can get to 60 before it goes live.
I'll probably end up not getting him anyway.
how can i be this good?
The arena would be better without having to always play offense 3v4. I can't really test the potential of my team unless I want to waste time getting 320 point wins.
Sadly both my main and my alt don't really care about the Michalis banner.
This is my alt. It still has 88 orbs left to get from Hard and Lunatic.
Draug was trash before he became a welfare unit because his abilities are trash despite being the only red armor unit. Now he can have death blow, wings of mercy, wary fighter, Luna+Brave Sword, Aegis, threaten speed, Quick Reposte, and ranged counter.
>ranged counter, Quick Reposte, AND, spur res/ward armor/goad armor knight team
>was excited to inherit deathblow 3 and wings of mercy from my 4* hawkeye and 4* frederick
>you need 5* to get the 3rd tier
tricked by bullshit reddit sources. guess its my own fault for trusting them in the first place.
I need sleep, fuck. Male Corrin is kinda shit. Go pull a Lon'qu or Hana
Swap or Pivot on Hector? Pivot would obviously increase his mobility quite a bit, but swap would let him switch off with another character to tank. Could make a nice combo with a Femui/Ninian with Dark Breath.
yeah, that is irritating
What exactly is the effect of weapon advantage? Percentage wise.
Looks like 26 atk is a sweet spot for Henry to start actually hurting things as opposed to scratching them for 1 damage here and there, and at current level 38 with:
>40 HP, 27 ATK, 18 SPD, 25 DEF, 24 RES
He can take a hit and do okayish damage.
Can't wait to see what his *3 level 40 stats look before promoting, and *4 level 40 stats before promoting. Once he's *4 I'll also be able to find out the IV.
>Fae gets a pass
>Kana doesnt
Gbafag hypocrisy
Kana isn't cute. Even japs who only played 13 and 14 agreed.
>death bridges again
>check for extra skills and stats
>3 down one taco to go
>do the math
>ok I got this
every time.
What if.. What if crit and dodge mechanics were implemented in Feh?
Goad Armor doesn't buff yourself right?
Why aren't you using the fixed one?
None of the area buffs do. They'd be broken otherwise.
Myrms become king
I'm tired of this meme. One is a pretty good translation because GAO GAO and the other is fanfiction.
well i know what i would be doing
I got a +Spd, -Def Raven
I like him enough to raise him to 5* but was just wondering if those IVs are good for him or if I should wait around for another Raven
My meta
>Linde becomes stronger
pls no
>b-but the one i dont like is fanfiction!
Im tired of this meme too
fuck i hated arena with dew
-Res is better and +Atk is better if you're going to keep the Brave Axe+. If you plan on giving him a Silver Axe+ then +Spd is pretty good.
Who want s to add the 『剣魔』
Good luck getting to her. Even if my Linde in my alt is +HP/-DEF, I'm supporting her with +HP/-DEF Ninian and +ATK/-HP Eirika. I have to make that Eirika a 5* and then I'll be good for now. I need to roll a better Nino than +ATK/-SPD though.
So, what's the optimal Ephraim set? Death Blow+Quick Riposte?
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
Bench in favor of lucina
It's called the "Use Azura, Effie, or Gwen" set
It's literally a made up line. It has nothing to do with me liking it or not.
Make him into a buffbot.
I believe so and give him a Hone skill in the C slot to make him double as a buff bot as well as damage.
They're literally made up characters.
>+6ing *4 units
No weapon is so that you can't bait them into suiciding.
Literally someone made up those characters and their lines and then literally someone else came and over wrote their lines with their own.
Get him a Brave Lance+ since he's slow and hits hard so he can use it better. He'll get consistent Moonbow activation off the Brave Lance. Death Blow and Desperation to fill in the other slots if you want to use him as an attacker.
>Lyn has Sol Kattai and defiant attack
>Give her vantage and threaten def.
Felicia!Lucina is better
>Lancebreaker 3 is not a bad idea either
>Have to run the arena with a level 17 FRobin
>Get around 580 points per win
>Put my Hector in one of the other 3 slots instead and I get around 610
>Doing this causes the matchmaking to go ape shit
>Get put up against a guy with a +10 Lucina, Robin, and Nino with a level 1 unit added in
pretty funny, yet also sad
Reminder that if you don't get Atk or Spd on a merge you should just keep the unit for skills now.
Lunatic stratums are literal rng
+10ing a 4* is easier and you still get better stats than non-merged 5*
and with inheritance you can equip whatever you want without promoting to 5* too
Here I go again on my own ~
Hanna, Selena, Bartre,
How do you guys get feathers so damn fast for all these inheritance skills?
It takes me weeks to get to 20,000 even when I have 4000+ in arena and do feather dailies.
Selena, Stahl, Henry, Bartre and Arthur
Going down the only road I have ever known ~