Fighting Games General /fgg/
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cute pantsu
Should I get her or is she not worth it.
you can always make a family account, get some really fast 100k FM and try her out.
precure fighting when??
She sucks, so no
play ichiban
See me in AH3 right now.
Fap to my game
why is she wet?
she's a boat
When's the next new character
>his girlfriend is a vampire
But that is just a theory
She's fun
Why is all sfanart so blind to how the games actually look?
teetees :DDD
Are there any more Xian Ibuki footage besides FR?
Most fan art ignores in-game looks to make things look better. It's not SF exclusive by any means.
Man I don't understand why people got so mad over Lucky Chloe
goobers are always too focused on SF.
shit design, but thats a trend thats been going on since T6 so I dont know why she got singled out.
He pulled her out against Xiaohai in that one chinese tournament, but the stream for that one froze constantly where you would miss entire setups because chinks are dumb
There was a tourney in Shanghai a few days ago that he entered.
That was season 1.
>to make thing look better
Slapping two baloons to a torso and making every fictional character in existence have the same face isn't making things look better.
Twitch is probably blacklisted there or something, you need to watch those events on Chinese streams so it doesn't lag.
I'm kinda new to SF or fighting games in general and I'm confused. How do I stop a Zangief that is constantly grabbing me as soon as I get up from the last throw? I just got double-perfected and I'm scared.
Hold up or up-back when you think he will go for the command grab
How is the dpad feel on the Playstation Hori fight pads? Dpad on the xbone controller is a little sharp and doesn't feel good to use over long periods.
I'm really just looking for an Xbox One controller with 6 face buttons like my old Hori 360 controller.
she's not a literal roidbot
jump, back dash, invincible/grab invincible move.
you cannot break command throws the regular way, that is the one special thing about grapplers.
also, when he does a light command grab you should be able to interrupt the next one with a jab before he reaches you.
Are there any instances where a mechanic that makes your character stronger in some way the more damage you take was not considered to be a comeback mechanic like X factor or revenge?
Overdrive in BB. You already have it available at round start, but once you use it then you have to gradually get it back. The only "revenge" mechanic involved in it is that the Overdrive period is longer the lower your health is.
Oh, alright. Thanks, I guess I'll try practicing for a while. It was quite frustrating that after one counter he could just win the round, but I didn't think of jumping and I'm not used to dashing yet.
Don't forget to mention that OD uses the same resource as Burst. Keeping your OD for a comeback is potentially more rewarding than bursting but also more risky.
Raven's excitement meter.
The problem with comeback mechanics is when it can't be used for anything other than damage/comeback, eg. ultras.
He's an exorcist and she's a vampire
Would be pretty hot if it was true desu
Samsho V has a comeback mechanic you have to manually charge, however when activated it is not guaranteed (it's a time slow) and the more you charge it the more it lowers the threshold for susceptibility to the instakill move every character has.
It's weird how sfv already has the "why use X character when you can use Y" ultra had with half the cast size.
Such as?
Why? Which characters are you refering to?
literally flip the coin if he does heavy or ex in sfv, if it's light you can safely backdash out of any pressure
If you care mainly about the character playstyile, why use alex over necalli, laura or birdie? They play similar enough and are much better or more well rounded. Why use vega over cammy? Even reiketsu changed . Why use ryu over other shotos?
any "footsie" based character with Cammy
any pressure based character with Balrog
any coin flip character with Laura
any zoning character lol like there's more than one with Guile
And judging from the balance patch this isn't going to change. Urien is being excluded due to the nerfs putting him still high tier but firmly below those listed.
You can make a shitpost like this about any game.
Fuck off.
How did they manage to make a character less unique than the other four newcomers thus far and make her feel so shit to play? Are Capcom actually trying to drive people away at this point?
>unique in any shape or form
blandest character in the genre.
What do you mean by flipping the coin? I've heard it before in this context, but I don't know what it means.
Y'know, despite saying the other four I completely forgot he existed. At least he feels strong I guess? As much as anyone can in this game.
Everyone though she was Eddy replacement.
>make a character less unique than the other four newcomers
It's not like the other four newcomers are a pinnacle of creativity and originality in a fighting game to begin with. Really bland design with really bland gameplan.
This series is in a puddle when it comes to art direction and general creativity.
she ruins the serious aesthetic of tekken, please ignore the bear character, the kangaroo with boxing gloves, and the giant piece of wood
So, if he does fierce or EX (possible medium, unsure) he gets to dash up and be at frame advantage, meaning on your wakeup you literally have to guess between command grab or meaty normal. Because defensive options are so limited and with the upcoming removal of the jump back option select (don't worry about this) it's as good as a game of heads or tails as to whether you should backdash/jump or block. Furthermore he has block strings that leave him at positive frame advantage letting him tick into EX command grabs to go right back to it.
Any game where grapplers are top tier is shit and SFV exemplifies it better than any other with Laura, Zangief, and formerly debatably still considering Fuudo Mika all sitting as some of the strongest contenders in the game.
>Any game where grapplers are top tier is shit
What other games have top tier grapplers?
SF4 at least tried, Rufus was a fun take on his playstyle, Juri was completely unique to the series in how she approached her gameplay making SFV even worse by comparison with how they raped her, Hakan though shit was pretty interesting, Viper was completely unlike any other character in the game, Fuerte was cancer.
Plenty of SF3 newcomers completely changed it up too.
I'd hardly call the series devoid of any creativity, just SFV.
I think she is more unique than Laura and Necalli for sure. But regarding the "shit to play" yes she feels really unfinished. I fear the other dlcs with be other "storymode assets with rushed moves and hitboxes"..
There is an alert that blares in a part of the western fanbase head whenever a little girl is put into a game.
That one really bad version of blazblue? Fuck I d'no, most developers avoid this shit by making them incredibly satisfying to play but having enough defensive options to not make it feel completely luck based when they win off of a single knockdown, and somehow with SFV they've failed at doing both.
All the vanilla SF4 newcomers are boring cancer, fuck off with your revisionist faggotry.
Super at least tried but then they shat the bed and started shitting out clones and ported characters with AE and ultra.
Why would they be?
Kolin is not storymode assets. Its a new model.
You nerds actually got upset about that.
You get upset about everything.
Speaking of unfinished does anyone else feel like several of the launch roster feel clearly unfinished? Like, I get Cammy and Dhalsim are both quite strong but Capcom have admitted to them not being finished with the added moves coming up.
I know she's solid but Karin feels completely unfinished to me as if she's missing a special move or two, and not just because she is missing alpha moves.
>list unique characters
>lol no you're a fag
Consider killing yourself 16er.
Just look at late ultra gief, whenever he was on the screen he made matches defensive snoozefests.
Ah, got it. Still, he wasn't even dashing towards me, he jumped over me (I guess he was just doing the 360 motion) and got me again on wake up.
On one round I managed to get out, but he did that other command throw where he runs towards you and got me off guard.
>any of those except for Hakan
/r/kappa is leaking again.
The general trend of SFV is simplifying the game, so of course returning characters with less moves feel incomplete.
I hope when super sfv comes out (it will because it's capcom) they give characters and the system more options
The only unoriginal sf4 design was rufus. They were shit but at least they were original at the time. Can't say the same about necalli and co.
Just make sure you quick rise, especially if they're jumping like retards and make them suffer for it. The run grab is trash, just neutral jump it and hit a full punish.
Personally I feel the same about SFIV. None of the newcomers except arguably Juri feel really interesting.
The art direction of this franchise has been really low for the past 8+ years. I truly hope the next SF game (if there will be one, I'm not sure after SFV's fiasco) shakes things up. I'm really bored of the Dimps Fighter formula.
Dhalsim already had more shit in V than he had in previous games.
Same with Gief, really.
At this point the addition of Cammys airthrow feels like a stylistic choice at best, she clearly doesnt fucking need it.
If anything they need to make her stupid flying roll and vskill more useful.
I only think that Ryu truly needs another move.
how can anybody believe that a boringass character like Abel is original in any sort of way
>dhalsim has more than he had in previous games
spotted the 16er, air gale doesn't make up for everything else he's lost even if he's higher tier in this baby fuck game
Tager has like never been top tier
step kick is pretty fun and interesting tho
man /r/kappa is always so fucking upset.
SF4 dhalsim didnt have shit and was generally a fucking mistake in that game.
I may be thinking of a guilty gear and potemkin.
>dhalsim is in Jive but E honda isnt
What the fuck capcom, literally no one wants that gimmicky mussie and everyone LITERALLY EVERONE is waiting for e honda
>more than twice the normals
>same amount of specials
>somehow equates to having more than in previous games
honda is really unpopular and its sad.
he didnt even make it into SFxT. All the other seven original dudes did.
are you fucktards still obsessed with air normals
Pot was pretty strong in AC but idk if he was super top tier
You have got to be kidding me. Just because he's good because of the brain dead oki in this game does not mean he has more options than before. Fuck off.
How do you get gud
Yeah, thanks for the tips. Characters like Zangief really scare me because I can't make them work myself, so when I fight against one that has a grasp on what he does I'm at a disadvantage. I'll make sure to improve in that regard.
>muh green hand
>street fighter V would be a better game if all current normals were made their relevant proximity normals (close for 95% of moves) and were given another set of normals to cover the other proximity
Could this actually give the game footsies?
proximity normals are gay.
just make the regular normals better and increase walkspeeds.
problem solved.
Removing proximity normals is one of the very few good things they did with SFV.
>close proximity running piledrive
>air headbutt (they even admitted this was wrong by adding it in the coming patch)
>other lariat variant
>russian kick
>dynamite kick
Kill yourself.
lab and experience
spotted the capcuck 16ers
>ignoring all the shit SFV gief already had
I'd love Honda in SFV. I don't like Necalli and sumo wrestlers are always great.
Reminder that the sumo spring tourney is currently going on and there's eight days left
/r/kappa please. Your game died for a reason.
No other SF game got dropped this quickly.
i never liked proximity normals, i'd rather have the "close" version as a command normal.
I give SFV lots of shit but the proximity normal removal is good for any fighting game, more of them should remove them.
Not an argument.
Tekken players are sensitive about there character designs despite having more joke characters than most other series.