High quality reproductive material edition.
High quality reproductive material edition.
not autistic posts from the point on
Good morning everyone except Pantheon mains.
Show me where Pantheon touched you.
xth for Syndra
vlad is only interested when a woman is on her period he does care whatsoever about sex, this is canon btw
From last thread
>good morning
>its 6 pm
kek my 600 lb american life everyone
Why does Vladimir have more female cosplayers than every other male champ except for the obvious heterogirlbait Gnar and Teemo?
Checkmate closeted barafags.
Posting additional high quality reproductive material
>TFW I am such an autist that I create scenarios where video game champions are transqueer so I can be attracted to them.
>TFW I am scared of vagina as I've never seen one in real life so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job, but I just self-diagnose myself with random disorders 'til they cry themselves to sleep at night.
Who else here nameposter on /lolg/?
>PBE cycle is playing around with Panth spears proccing on hit effects
>EU CS having more viewers than EU LCS
I want to attempt procreation daily with this Akali
Prove it
Trans can't into big natural boobs
People are tuning in to watch the hardest choke we've see since IMT in playoffs.
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
lewd feet
Some games are hard, some games are easy.
and some Dravens are
that's not akali, that's some attention needy woman with a weak chin.
if watching them juke behind their towers and getting their teammates killed wasnt this much fun id quit this autowin bully
>weak chin
The chin is good do you want a woman with a manly angled face?
closet faggot much
She's only autowin in low elo, people who can actually play the game know how to win against the big woman of many tentacles
This, while a chin too strong is manly a woman needs to have reasonably strong features to birth mighty sons
Like this
I wanna be Lulu's cat!
trips confirm
shes really bad when people start playing around your low mobility, ult, and dodging your skills
Theres people that manage to win with her anyway in higher elos but imo shes really bad because shes easily countered by both items and gameplay
Well duh, since I can't handle a woman having the face of a dull animal I obviously love big meaty dicks in ALL of my holes. Are you retarded or something?
Happy anniversary user!
I love you Snek, never give up on your dreams. I wonder which will be first: Vlad VGU or Cass Skin?
post your cass mastery
>Just juke her its easy
well how many champs get countered by that ? 90%?
true but the number of ppl knowing their shit in this dying game is able to fit in a dorm
is it just me or is itemization for fighters just really good?
You are right there. But if you dodge her E you dont get slowed and make her all in alot less stronger.
On top of that she has extremely slow animations that are often much easier to dodge.
I can imagine she can punish csing rather well since then its easier to hit skills.
I dont really play much top though, Im mainly talking from a jungle/adc perspective.
Lulu is BEST GIRL!
>Death's dance
>Blood thirster
>Phantom dancer
You're right
I think Lulu is a fun character too, but I dont feel the need to spam every thread with 60 images of Lulu and the same text every time
For AD centric ones yes..
AP bruisers have jack shit.
Please tell me it's a fucking bot
Compared to marksmen, yes.
Yeah i prob'ly got a few screws up in my head loose...
I wanna hold Jinx in a passionate embrace
>guy called pridestalker in lcs
>not playing rengar
again true. if you miss your E you should be punished like mad but ppl still think she can rape you with one button. its mostly mind games. you push into the tower. jungler comes. doublekill. /all "omg rito this is what of beings?" and then they are cucked
she has no mobility outside her W minidash and has extremly slow animations but oh boy shes low on HP lets gank her now boys
that image is even more pathetic when you realize that the "her" our poster here is thinking of when he sees it is a fictionalized purple midget with the mind of a child.
maybe you need a break my dude.
>Play Lulu
>ADC basically thinks I'm god
>Ardent + Max Whimsy turns anyone into an AS ADC
So what happened to that one drawfag who was taking requests? His last project was a Futaraka x Ashe image, I really hope he's still here to deliver.
>all they ever sing about is sex butts drugs money guns
Ummm clearly you never listen to REAL rap
xth for Rumble and I miss bandle
FACT: Intelligent rap is made exclusively by white people
snaketits and vladfag are my otp
These are Akali's nipples. Say something nice about them.
The irony in people who think that's all Rap talks about is that they're usually countryfags and they don't even have the awareness to realize COUNTRY HAS THE EXACT SAME ISSUE.
>Enemy team has Zed
>Tired of this shit
>Pick Sion
>He doesn't respect my screaming
>Eventually gets so emotionally drained from the constant ranting I just kill his ass the next time he tries to trade
>Come back to lane with a Frozen Heart
>Neither he nor his jungler can kill me or stop me from pushing, so being Zed, he tries to roam
>My team aren't retards and he gets nothing out of it
>I'm now two levels ahead of him
>Kill him again with screams laced with corrupting potion spittle
>Three levels
>Proceed to splitpush mid the entire game somehow and never die
>They get like four fights turned on them where they chase me at 10 health and then get fucked
>"gg food truck driver Zed"
is there more lewd stuff of fembel?
what happened to that fatty
That just means they're both terrible. One doesn't automatically become good just because the other is bad, dummy.
Actually, the dude who posts "IN" isn't even the real Lulufag.
No that's an opinion
Good way to start a two week break desu.
He played Rengar in the first game
what about vladfag x brew?
Which version?
Couldn't expect a dumb nigger to know about time zones.
Hey man I know high-school's rough and your hormones are going haywire but it'll get better and those mean boys will probably stop bullying you and your social reject gf you're all good ;)
nope but I do have fems of the other yordles
doesn't it seem like almost every time someone dodges and you immediatyl get a new champ select you get autofilled?
Do I dare ask what you think good music then, because if it's anything like /mu/ then it's probably contrarian garbage
>3 games in a row i'm FP top
>3 games in a row I have to play counter lanes
Fucking kill me now
Did he ever get Darkstar Thresh?
What happened to /lolg/ EUW? What happened to Chimes? Do EU Veeky Forumss even happen anymore?
But vladfag has already been with /lolg/ guys...
I wanna give Lulu ALL the headpats!
im glad this shit is over
Does it matter? Shit is shit, no matter what the person likes or not.
Are all general threads filled with autistic people that fantasize about video game characters or is /lolg/ an exception?
What the hell has Shalke been doing the last 2 games??
Can I still play Graves top or is he exclusively jungle now?
>not maining Teemo and Gnar
What's it like having low T?
there's an euw vg vs vg up right now
he did get the skin in the end and is currently the euw version of tomoka
not sure who chimes is though sorry
You must be new here
You can play Graves anywhere except support. He is that overpowered.
>blind pick Azir
>win game
lolg is not an exception
I haven't been in many generals but out of them all, this one is definitely the most pathetic.
overwatch's is pretty much the same as lolg but less furry while sc2 is just...I have no idea what the hell that place is.
Lulu isn't broken right guys?
all vg and all v yeah
even Veeky Forums regularly makes threads about which female cooking youtuber they want to fuck
New warlords probably makes it harder to pull off though
I wanna fly with lulu!
Graves removed from the game when?
Graves literally scales better late than most adcs while being much more tanky.
I wanna carry Lulu on my shoulders and show her the world!
>people building just straight AD on Graves instead of picking up a PD and an IE if they're really far ahead
I mean, Lethality and DD are still core but Graves' crits do like 350~ total AD WITHOUT IE