Eve Online general /eog/


>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

>Can I play the full game without paying for it?
Yes, Eve is F2P with some restrictions and you can earn enough money ingame to get a subscription.

>I want to play EVE, what should I do?
Get 250,000 free Skillpoints by using any referral link (chaining them with friends works best).
If you have no friends create two accounts and refer yourself, you'll need an alt anyway.

>Now what?
Do the Tutorial then the Career Agent missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.
No, really. Find a corp.
You don't want to be that guy.

Read the /eog/ pastebin: pastebin.com/JGKUEsZy (embed)

Future: (updates.eveonline.com/)
>PLEX and AUR change


>March 14: "improved" Probe/Dscan, Fighter, HIC and Rorq changes.
>Nov 15: Alpha clones, Engineering Complexes, reworked boosters
>Sep 13: Mining barge overhaul, some new frigate models, capital module balance pass
>Aug 13: [SoundCloud] WH CSM Townhall 13AUG2016 by OrangeEagle
>Aug 09: Citadel contracts, dmg/rep visuals, clouds performance boost, cargo notifications
>Jul 23: Goons move to Delve, SMA closes
>Jul 07: AT rule changes: 10 players, no cap-xfer, no CDs, blood raider ships encouraged
>Jun 29: "Shadow of the Serpent" event began, serp capitals introduced
>May 30: RIP Dust 514 (long live Project Nova)
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)

Previous Permalink: orph.link/eog

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=eve online stacking penalties


lel cuck

>i can't read

>~4mil/hour afk mining
I'll get my first plex eventually!

tfw undocked my first command ship today.

Digi did nothing wrong!
Join Karmafleet today!

Karma is reddit garbage. Join ascee

>it's an Ishukone is the only sane corp episode


Mittens is telling goons not to vote for Xenuria, and threatening to "commissar" people if the latter claim they didn't vote the way he wanted them to. So far he kicked two people.

>Mittens is telling goons not to vote for Xenuria
Why the fuck would even vote for him.

This is how you know you're playing the game right.

Does this count?


>goon shit on OP
thanks kevin but you fucked up

>only a goon hates csm
Ur retarded

ur retarded what?

>flying meme ships unironically



garbage ship garbage fit

How in the fuck do I beat Dagan?

Are Data/Relic Analyzer I's good for nullsec hacking? I keep fucking up a lot of nullsec data sites with yellow/red difficulty unless I get really lucky and find the core early or something.

If you don't have at least 1 T1 blaster hull* in your top 10, you don't know SHIT about videogames.

*suicide ganking doesn't count

I want to hate fuck this stupid little anime girl so hard, and rage cum while lip locking. FUCK
eve online

If ganking doesn't count, why'd you fly t1 blasters

The hull needs to be T1, not the module.
So, primarily brutix, talos, megathron, some of the thorax, algos and vexor fits, hyperion, catalyst, atron.

The taranis and comet aren T1, but I guess it could give you a pass, maybe depending on the rest of your top 10.

Prom pls


He has a pretty hefty tank, if memory serves you need at least 100 dps to break it. Try getting your race's turret destroyer and fit it for short range weapons (blasters, autocannons, or pulse lasers), put -50% optimal range ammo in it, and orbit him at 500m. If that's still not enough to break his tank try leveling your gunnery or small turret skills.

I actually finally got him, I used fed anti matter charges and I got him, I'm just poor now :(

what's your ingame name?

>fit blasters
>gun's don't even reach scram range

join the /v/ bros channel for free handouts

Data sites are trash. Go relics only and use the extra mid on a scanning module.

Joshua Arthiee

added to spy program


Just sent you 100 billion ISK to buy skill books and stuff.

You should send skill injectors too

How kind of you



>Corporate hacks have taken over vidya
>Micro transactions in every game
>There's no way to stop it
>Soon you'll be able to buy premium gold ammo for your arty slep with plex

>Nullbabbies getting upset that dropping a carrier/super blob is no longer an 'i win' button

These fighter changes are a godsend.

>Alliances that get bullied by NCPL:
>Alliances that inexplicably remain unmolested by NCPL:
>xxxDEATHxxx and renters
>Solar Fleet and renters
>The Culture
>DARKNESSS and pets
>FCON and pets
>TRI and pets
>Goons and pets

Channel ID: -83104775
Channel Name: Private Chat (alone)
Listener: Phantomite
Session started: 2017.03.19 20:06:41

[ 2017.03.19 20:06:46 ] Phantomite > do u have inhibitor?
[ 2017.03.19 20:07:00 ] PIE Hor > yes? why?
[ 2017.03.19 20:07:04 ] Phantomite > launch it
[ 2017.03.19 20:07:13 ] Phantomite > before enemy cyno
[ 2017.03.19 20:07:53 ] PIE Hor > well shit... I am a scrub. I dont have anchoring 3 sorry. FML
[ 2017.03.19 20:08:07 ] Phantomite > worth a try
[ 2017.03.19 20:08:10 ] Phantomite > jettison it
[ 2017.03.19 20:08:13 ] Phantomite > quickly
[ 2017.03.19 20:08:39 ] Phantomite > jettison a can then put it in the can
[ 2017.03.19 20:08:44 ] PIE Hor > jetted
[ 2017.03.19 20:11:36 ] Phantomite > thank you
[ 2017.03.19 20:11:39 ] Phantomite > i'm the enemy btw
[ 2017.03.19 20:14:16 ] Phantomite > SORRY

>he couldn't deal with fighters before the changes

The changes were a huge benefit to subcaps. The fighters have a shuttle's worth of EHP per fighter and they died so quick that the super pilots couldn't give commands because the fighters were already dead


The time it took to kill them was stupid, you would have a numbers advantage but the swarm would be ontop of you before a single wing died. Now you have to have a good hold on the field with sucaps before you consider escalating.

The t2 fighters are only slighly better. Instead of a shuttle's worth of EHP they have an untanked frig's worth of EHP but cost 10 times as much per fighter which is absolutely aids.

Many carrier pilots aren't buying T2 anymore purely because they're too expensive and not worth the menial benefit.

i'm giggling my ass off my man

they were easy to kill before DESU. Firewalls and missiles were easy hard counters. The sig changes made it super easy for medium and large guns to shoot them so its really funny how the anti-subcap fighters are extremely weak against subcaps

like said, it only takes 1 volley to kill one fighter so fighter survivability is impossible to bolster.

>567 involved

>>Alliances that inexplicably remain unmolested by NCPL:

How are they irrelevant?

We have PL fags here all the time.

t. fag

Because they usually beg/pay NCPL or each other to 1000 man blob anything that wants a fight.



What should I do while afk mining today?

Kill miners with your alt.

Watch anime.


What's the safest way to move a bunch of small but expensive stuff from a Concord station to a trade hub?

instawarp interceptor

Courier contract with collateral higher than the value of your goods

>Istabs instead of nanos

you can switch to nanos if you want
you're not spending more than a few seconds out of warp anyway, since you're warping directly to gates and undocks

I know the benefits of nanos are minor but is there any reason at all to use istabs over them?

Also I haven't done the calcs but I have a feeling you don't need a T2 agility rig.

Are there people who will take public contracts between the major hubs and their closest Concord stations? Because black frog are pretty extreme for what I'm trying to do, which should be easy in a cloaky tanked tengu.

if you're a real cheapskate you could go with the t1 rig

The benefit of istabs is that they simply give more agility per slot, meaning you may end up needing less of them depending on skills/ ship. Also, they don't lower your EHP like nanos do.

Istabs don't decrease your ehp and make you easier to smart bomb, but this fit isn't even close to optimal and the claw is a far better travelceptor than the stiletto anyway.

Just use pushx, if your contract fits in a tengu and has a collateral less than 5 billion it will cost 900k per jump.


Wouldn't an EM ward give you a much bigger EHP than another small extender?

you don't really need the shield extenders, but it helps having extra EHP if there's a firewall camp in lowsec

I haven't flown a Hek8 forever. Does it still have the autistic align even after the nerf?

Shit I've never heard of pushx but that's perfect for what I'm doing. Thanks.

>the claw is a far better travelceptor than the stiletto anyway.
claw has worse natural agility

Guys, some modules says you get penalties for using more than one
What are these penalties
Example, the drone damage amplifier, whath appens if I use 2 ?

I'm not 100% but I think now you need an implant if you want to push your align under 1 sec

lmgtfy.com/?q=eve online stacking penalties

anything below 2 seconds doesn't matter anyway because of server ticks


warp speed is more important than align time anyway
that's why you use interceptors


That's one of the most common myths in EVE. A 2 align isn't 100% safe (more like 99%). If someone has a ship with massively high sensor strength, gets a little lucky, and, ideally, lives near the EVE servers, he can still catch you.

they have to know your route and know you're carring things to be effective

Claw also has more powergrid so it can actually fit a cyno without fucking its tank, and more lows so you can run expanders if you have to, but I guess if you just want to go somewhere and don't care about taking anything with you the stiletto is fine.

That's entirely missing the point.


>what is a jump freighter
>what is null sec

>missing the point

Missing the point is /dog/'s specialty.

>stream EVE
>get sniped
Are streamers literally retarded?

Yes, some of them don't even use delay.

Each next module gives you less damage.

First: 100% effective

Second: 86.9% effective

Third: 57.1% effective

Fourth: 28.3% effective

Fifth: 10.6% effective

what t1 memematar BS is the best for mission running?