What happened here?
Tell me about Sicilian history
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In the Godfather Vito said that Sicilians suffered a lot through history
Is that true?
The sea people came from Sicily
atleast some of them
The shekelesh
it was the jews
First it was settled by greeks in antiquity, then invaded by moors/arabs in the early middle ages
It was settled way before the Greeks
The Crimea of the West, as in everyone and their mother owned it at one point or another
Syracuse was one of the more based Greek city states.
It's part of the western mediterrenian.
>not west
U wot
Frederick II tried to make it the center of European culture, and almost suceeded too, but failed because he loved Islam, hated Christianity, and made more or less every other ruler hate him.
southern/eastern culture and heritage
wasn't colonised until after Columbus discovered the new world because ancient sailors only stuck close to the shore.
best Holy Roman emperor ever
Wasn't that Sardinia?
Sicily was settled by Greeks who invented the boat in 700 bc
>Wasn't that Sardinia?
No, but that's where the meme was about.
> failed because he loved Islam, hated Christianity
That's false though. He went into a monastery numerous times and often prayed. He just disliked the idea of papal authority being superior to the emperor's, in the era when it didn't automatically make you a bad Christian yet. The jury was still out on what exactly the papal authority entailed.
Athenians dun goofed over there
Theoretically those islands were settled by they would have had a minuscule population
The Normans conquered and held it for about a century. They built a lot of shit and were pretty based.
The Arabs built that shit UNDER the Normans, not the "Normans", learn the difference, retard.
Institutionally, it was some of the most advanced countries in medieval Europe. The retention of many Byzantine-Moorish bureaucratic offices by its Norman rulers contributed a lot to a stronk centralized kingdom unmatched in Western Europe during its foundation.
You are so ignorant I'm about to cry
So? Would we have a Monreale Cathedral if there were no Normans in Sicily? There is no need to be upset.
Yes, it is the Arabs who brought civilization to Sicily, not some dirty savage viking fucks.
Does this image trigger you, mon brown skinned ami?
You retarded fuck, Arabs were so fucking culturally and technologically superior to retarded shit for brains viking fucks.
pipe down, yossuf
Your first post was in the right form, no this one.
"superior to", not "superior than"
I am very white but even I can't deny the superiority of Islamic culture during this period.
Too bad Wahhabism is a dumpster fire.
Delete this post now
yes, yes... well done Normans..
>In Scicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns
I gotta agree. I've heard that scicilian women are ultra-manipulative and aren't ashamed to humiliate a beta husband in public
>Theoretically those islands were settled by they would have had a minuscule population