League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best husbando edition


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xth for Cuck9 getting BTFO

Hey Riddler, are you here? Can I ask you a question? I'm playing Shen at the intersection between high plat and low diamond (2k mmr) and I'm wondering why I even need to build Tiamat.

It hardly gives me any damage in fights, and the time when I would have it is also when I really want to be tanky and big during fights to protect myself. I hate spending 1.2k gold on an item that seems to give me nothing but waveclear.

xth for Syndra

>Fiora and Illaoi revolve around their passives
>Gangplank revolves around Barrels
>Yorick's revolves around Ghouls
What will Mordekaiser revolve around once he's reworked?

>toplane ragequits a game where were already very far behind
>botlane doesnt want to ff
>"we can win"
>proceed to lose every teamfight
>im the only one with a positive KDA or damage
>they still take my camps and dnt give up
>we lose anyway as expected

sure was wait the extra 15 minutes


I wanna cuddle Jinx

Isn't the whole point that the auto reset lets you get Q off faster?


not riddler but i build it so it gives me more ooph on the titty hydra's active, seeing how it scales off of health

vote its very VERY important

We need more lewd polls not best girl polls

>best husbando

>that play
oh baby


got permed

is it a good idea to try to chargeback the $60 I spent on this acc over about a year?

can I get fucked legally by this?

You don't get the auto reset from tiamat until you've built it into a titanic hydra, which is 3.5k gold by itself during midgame when you need to be big. In organized teamfight situations where my team is dps racing the other enemy frontline I want to be as big as possible and my damage output is a secondary concern.

>NA baron calls
>everyone always throws vs clg

how much did George pay fly?

get a job

It's games like this that remind me why I'm a CLG fan

I'm getting flashbacks to release Fiora, their macro game is so strangely unique around the splitpush and Darshan makes it work so well.

Obviously could

lacking in facial aesthetics, nobility, skill in bed and just about anything
also shitskin

have you tried killing yourself?

and why sould you be building dmg anyway, your a tank

xth for EUW /lolg/ is cute!

Lissfag is a roastie!

I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do about it
I think it's written somewhere on the terms you accept when you register your account.
Read the whole thing first before doing something stupid.

I have one, but an extra $60 in my pocket would be nice
How do I chargeback something that wasn't through paypal? It was through my debit card directly

I was watching for 1 minute. I have no tolerance for "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" shouts.

Each week i watch less and less of the streams.

Why can't Riot do streams where we can opt out of listening to those retards? It's becoming full WWE type shit.

Not Riddler, but Shen's job is to maintain pushing side waves and make plays with either ult or just e(flash). It's important that he spends as little time as possible actually clearing waves, and tiamat lets him quickly push and leave.


Pls retire already Hai/Balls/Lemon
You're all garbage

a stream with players' voices would be nice

wait a damn sec, are you classifying tristana as the blue midget or the purple one, cuz she's purple but she was blue before rework.

They're literally all still top tier NA talent

how do I get into the /lolg/ EUW sekrit community

>midlee and junglee in the same game
wtf na??

Post them



lol the actual casters are fucking dumb.
But they aren't by a mile closer to being as fucking dumb as the average /lol/ silver player.
your idea is shit.

That would actually be interesting, but I'm guessing it might reveal too much about tactics and shit.

Just the game sounds would be good enough.

I haven't been in it since I got perma'd lad, you're asking to wrong person

ask vladfag

>his casting
>his attempts at humor
>his facial hair

why is freak employed by rito again

>Trinity Force Nidalee

This is fucking S P I C Y

you forgot

>his bald spot

>adc ziggs is still a thing

So why can't I play Xerath or Vel'koz in the ADC roll?

Or does Ziggs only work because of his tower execute?



>not immediately switching streams when it's Phreak casting

ls Tomoka a tranny?

>dude has 1 item, boots, recurve bow, and a null magic mantle
no you fucking IDIOT he's getting mercs and a bork

>facial aesthetics
hello do you have eyes look at him
he's pretty famous i guess
>skill in bed
very very famous
uhhh, not really

You only lease the game. Riot (like almost every other game company) can prevent you from accessing their game and there's nothing you can do about it. Spent $10,000 on hats? Sucks to be you retard.

Mah nigga LirA with the maximum spear chucking build I respect it

Tower execute, tower passive, more sustained dps with spammable q, more reliable damage, less mana issues, mobility

Lemon is legit trash, and Balls is average at best, he gets carried every game.

Champions that have NO good skins

I'll start

Tower execute AND passive which causes his auto attacks to scale with AP, meaning his autos scale at least a bit.

why can't I just say my friend stole my debit card?

is that a bit illegal?

can I get caught?

No, just a whiney shitskin with a bullying fetish.


bad start

>passive damage to structures
>W tower execute
>excellent siege/poke
>good sustained damage

I think those are the big ones.


Because he's been with Riot almost since the beginning and if they remove any more of the old casting staff I ain't gonna bother watching that shit anymore. All the new casters are fucking garbage. The only "new" guy that turned out decent is Kobe.

I've asked many times now but to no avail

I heard it's a pretty elitist community, but nobody told me how to get in

God damn it I just want to fucking play with some other anons because NONE OF MY FRIENDS PLAY ON EUW

45% CDR Morde is actually fucking disgusting.
>2.4s Q (roughly 2 seconds to land all 3 autos, ~.5s downtime)
>4.4s W (4 second max duration, .5s downtime)
>2.75s E

Literally all I play in Ascension anymore.

comfy bfs~

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up in NA

What is king of clubs morde



>caring this much about 60 burgercoins.
first. don't be such a compulsive kid and don't waste money on a literal FREE game.
And second have some self control and stop being a toxic faggot or a ragequitter, because face it whatever you did to get perma'd you deserve it.
move on, you're never getting those 60bucks back, hopefully you learn your lesson.

P1 is gonna win playoffs.


Joe Miller was far worse than Phreak. I can't begin to fathom why anyone in the world would possibly like Joe.

If it actually looked that way in game I'd agree with you, but the mask is super ugly and looks nothing like it does in the splash. The removal of the worm dance also sucks.

>He gets mad enough to shitpost in-game

it's actually actual fraud but i'm not sure anything will happen to you over 60.

Thats cheating you can't be uncool if you play morde you based bastard

Mordekaiser has 2 good skins but they're both ruined by the shitty base model's proportions.

Pentakill and King of Clubs will be god tier once Morde's VGU happens and fixes his actual base becomes acceptable.

roundabout kill yourself you switcheroo
joe and deman were the best duo

I actually kinda miss Reese.

I can't watch NA LCS when Phreak is casting because of his awful forced puns and shitty opinions.

I can't watch EU LCS when Krepo is casting for the same exact reasons.

I can't watch LCK when it's on SPOTV because holy shit LS has an annoying voice.

>AP Varus can shrek entire teams in seconds with 3 AAs (which themselves do AP damage on hit) and a q that will do 40% max health damage in 2 seconds as well as 1:1 scaling in his ult.
>That's a troll build though and will get you reported and banned
>AP bot ziggs is totes cool though.

>Lethality is dead
>The cancer known as Lulu is back


this, is troll or fucking retarded

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3

just chargeback and you instantly get all of your money back.

Do you need to be part of the circle to play?

>One of your teammates, who built pure damage, ends up with less damage to champions than one of your other teammate who's been disconnected for half the game
>He wants to report 2 others of us for "being bad"

King of Clubs is his best skin by far just going off of the model alone, and that skin is only 750 rp. But I guess that's what happens when all of his other skins are from 2011 or older.

what is the counter play to a fed zed as adc

legit he just gapcloses with his dash and then his second dash and maybe even flash if he has to and then he's on top of me and 3 hits and ignite and i'm dead

legit why is zed fucking allowed to exist in his current form

>not just ignoring the casters and watching the game

i dont even remember most of their names or voices except for phreak and sjokz

Circle? They accept anybody.

what a shocker all of the esports casters are cringey dickbags

Spend 800g on a Chain Vest and stop complaining you retarded metabuild piece of shit.

Because Ziggs actually can do damage in his lane, while ap varus is worthless until AT THE VERY LEAST lvl 6, and even when he's 6 he doesn't even have a third of the items he needs to be efficient


you heard wrong, it's literally just a bunch of fucking losers who occasionally play together, but everyone is nice and only a bit autistic unlike NA where everyone is just gas reformed

Kobe and Deficio are both really good. Jatt is decent.

Monte and DOA were a great duo.

Yo real talk. NA has a surprising amount of parity this split. I dunno if that's because the region is shit or because of the mid/low tier teams became better

no im retarded and forgot to change the name

>what is the counter play to a fed zed

>as ADC

If only. It's a blink so it can't be stopped :^)