INFO >P5 Info GUIDES >General Guide >PQ Guide >P4U2 Guide/Resources >Picture of Yuki >Picture of Floral Pants Man (and his sidekick)
I need a good Persona 5 wallpaper that will last me 2 weeks until release. Help!
Sebastian Miller
cockblock for any shitty meme
Thomas Thomas
Anal with Makoto!
Elijah Ortiz
>go to omegle >put "persona 5" in interests >post results
Luke Ward
I'm worried that Atlus USA isn't going to notice that these things were a mix of standard font characters and hand-drawn ones with exaggerated proportions, and give us nothing but Arial.
Then I'll just be talking to people here. I don't wanna do that.
Joshua Butler
Arial with Makoto!
Alexander Nguyen
Anne is for lovemaking
Liam Cruz
Futa with Futaba!
Jose Cox
David Lopez
Dominic Robinson
First for He Ho.
Evan Allen
Aryan with Makoto!
Jason Perez
Phantom is from Sumaru City!
Elijah Jenkins
>15 posts in >all shitposts
Fuck this general
Levi Miller
Fuck the general? I would rather fuck you
Alexander Powell
Owen Cooper
>776 posts in previous thread >all shitposts
David Wilson
Adam Mitchell
Who the hell is that in the back?
Jaxon Morales
Leo Perry
How come we've never gotten Queen Frost in any of the games?
Ian Parker
I almost couldn't tell because of the pose. I guess he's doing a magic trick.
Jose Gutierrez
I only could because of deduction >Only character that isnt obvious >bird flying nearby, maybe magic trick?
Angel Wright
>Anne is sweaty! >Anne is buxom! >Anne is beautiful! >Anne is wet! >Anne is cute! >Anne is flexible! >Anne is an angel! >Anne is lewd! >Anne is sad! >Anne is silly! >Anne is for kisses! >Anne is stylish! >Anne is for sexual! >Anne is awesome! >Anne is sultry! >Anne is pure! >Anne is amused! >Anne is quality! >Anne is Lovers! >Anne is canon! >Anne is an apricot! >Anne is an actress! >Anne is a model! >Anne is Santa Claus! >Anne is Anne, not Ann! >Anne is best girl!
Brody Roberts
>Only one Joker x Sae x Makoto doujin >It's not even translated
Come on Japan Step it up
Jonathan Richardson
>Sae x shota Goro doujin never get on my leverl.
Oliver Collins
You guys getting it on PS3 or PS4?
Jacob Jenkins
I hope he entertained his son with magic tricks.
Nathan Rivera
PS4, would get it on PS3 if I had a capture card for screenshots
Logan Myers
Juan Ward
>not shadow sae x cognitive shota goro
Isaiah Moore
>>It's not even translated > >Come on Japan
Benjamin Bailey
ps4 obviously
Logan Torres
He's a dumb 那个 that's for sure.
Gavin Reed
Gabriel Bennett
2kinky4me. I want the sweetest ss possible.
P4 fans really dropped the ball with the Temperance link.
Noah Wilson
Post Futaba
Evan Turner
Jacob Walker
Nathaniel Jenkins
Disgusting human being
Tyler Morales
Did anyone ever rip the credits images?
>那个 A what now?
John Smith
Daniel Hughes
Daniel Cox
Christian Gomez
I can't believe Ryuji died in the explosion
Parker Smith
The sadfuck you have with Anne afterwards is worth it though
Samuel Sanders
This isn't funny, or clever.
Landon Scott
It's a shitpost user What did you expect
Cooper Perry
Colton Anderson
A chuckle. Pretending Ryuji and Anne don't make sweet tender love on the regular, as well as fuck like animals here and there, isn't funny.
The only thing Ryuji makes sweet tender love to is his sock
Christian Ramirez
Elijah Turner
neither is ryuji
Kevin Russell
Why doesn't Yusuke just prostitute himself for art supplies? I can't imagine Ni-chome behing that far from Shinjuku.
Nathaniel Lee
P5 eng torrent where?
Kevin Sanders
right here
*grabs dick*
Aiden Perez
A-Are you grabbing his duck or yours?
Isaac Cox
I want to stroke Fuuka's hair.
Robert Campbell
some unnamed third party's, obviously
Joshua James
>duck fucking end my life
Ryder Rogers
Quack, quack motherfucka.
Charles Edwards
Ryuji rides Anne HARD
Nathaniel Wilson
>Mass Effect Andromeda gets actual sex scenes with nudity >Persona gets fade to black hand holding
Samuel Jenkins
The problem here is that the Mass Effect scenes are so overdone they're unintentionally hilarious
I'd rather have a fade to black than seeing two mannequins try to make out and awkwardly grind against eachother
Nolan Morales
Aren't Nip censors extremely strict about that stuff? I know stuff like Witcher gets its nudity censored there.
Blake Flores
But the girls in ME looks so ugly
Nathan Bailey
Google translate Chinese and hear the pronunciation.
Jack Hughes
Anne loves colored men. The most.
Cameron Davis
>tfw colored man
Mason Green
feels good senpai
Joshua Rivera
What did you think of this game?
Charles Bennett
>game comes out in 2 weeks >nothing but meme posting at 2 posts per hour
where did things go wrong
Leo Martinez
Why isn't this in the smt gen? seems like a waste
Austin Watson
Ps3 because I'm poor
Isaiah Watson
it's shit
/smt/ doesn't like us
Camden Thompson
Effing anne like he effs those shitty adults
Elijah Murphy
Caleb Collins
i love anne's jacket
Alexander Brooks
I love you
Benjamin Garcia
So what do all the different "Great Sin" status ailments in the Yaldy fight actually do?
Ayden Brown
distorted lust: afflicts one person with lust status, may leave that person unable to act distorted vanity: makes one person weak to everything distorted gluttony: doubles sp costs for your whole team for one turn distorted wrath: inflicts one person with rage, raises their offense but lowers their defense distorted greed: inflicts one person with hunger, drops their offense significantly distorted envy: inflicts one person with envy, will make them go berserk sometimes distorted pride: puts the book of commandments into a counter stance, if you hit it yaldy retaliate with divine punishment (damage to sp)
think that was it
Colton Reed
Anne is lust afflicted!
Luke Gomez
>muh seven sins
what is with japs and christian mythology
Adam Mitchell
It's exotic to them.
Austin Ward
It's the only true religion.
Aaron Clark
Hiruta-sensei and Joker!
Aaron Allen
Didn't realize it was September 1.
Adam Adams
Why is he attacking his student?
Luis Lopez
>distorted lust Doujin where Joker has to quickly sate their lust so they can get back to the battle when
Hilarity ensues when everyone except him gets afflicted
Gavin Ortiz
Can Goro be there?
Liam Edwards
Now see, this is the sort of shit that should get doujins, but instead we get fat faceless men.
Nolan Wood
Could we commission a doujin author to get this done?