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KOTL pickers should be killed

>About to push high ground
>kotl can solo defend by blasting creep waves from other side of map

what is the best hero to fuck with greedy junglers?


Bounty Hunter, Riki, anyone that has invisibility and poke potential built in. make sure to ward their camps too.

How can someone be that bad after playing so long?

that's like.... 10,000 hours of dota, maybe more

enchant is fun too, you also get to steal the creeps they were farming and then clear the rest of the camp

frog1 are you out there my dude?

>tfw you BTFO GrandGranT's stack in Overthrow

so, notail played ck with hotd. teamwork and sick phantasms aside and build echo saber, is he solid safelaner? 1-10, how would you rate him as core?

never learned anyone but Riki?
is a peruvian?

>Have a jugg who builds 3 battle fury's with a Mag on our team
>obviously the game is 100% loss
>they go all in, mag hits a 5 man rp and they wipe
>we win the game without taking 2 lanes t1s and any baracks

Damn what a meme

He's no rtz, but considering he's in one of the top 3 teams currently, I'd say he's pretty damn good

Every single event his teams have won, he has been carried to a victory. How this fucker isn't removed from his teams is beyond me

>picking in overthrow

right here my man

Is Troll Warlord good.

why is blademail, a 2200g item literally uncounterable?

>literally uncounterable

Just euls the blademail you fucking idiot

just let me have my one minute of glory lad

He's okay, but kind of weak early, does well against slark and AM

this. riki is THE guy for ruining jungler's games, one fucked me over as beastmaster

This kotl on illidans stream is so cancerous

Is Alchemist good?

No, that hero's trash

6.5 or 7.5 at his best
can't do jack shit without freefarm or campstack, just like your run-of-the-mill pub carries

Batrider? Enigma? Gyrocopter? Arc Warden? Sven?

Would the concept of Wraith King be better if he was the spirit of an evil king possesing an old suit of armor?

Also, no face, and scattering upon death.

Yeah. The only thing that makes sense reassembling back alive are bones or a suit of armor

Just what we need... More suits of armor characters.

the counter is disable him, don't hit him for a few seconds, then murderize his fucking ass

shit pubstomper
only good with teamwork
liquid shit
glass melee carry

So who is le free MMR man this patch?

Why don't people buy MoM on lifestealer and just purge the silence with his Q? It gives magic immunity after all

Are there only like 10 viable heroes in this game?

Come on now I shit on noTIs too but the shit one is Ana
>always loses the lane despite jerax and fly babysitting him
how does that happen?

cant purge that shit user
not even the minus armor

They can both be shit user

S4 and Jerax do a lot of heavy lifting from the 3,4 position


Pudge, literally the only "support" that matters any more

hahahahaha good one reddit!!!!!

redpill me on elder titan


If you just passively play, aka casuals, you can reach really high number i know because i need to learn the game again after 4k hours

Pretty meh tier support

Other supports do what he does much better.

redpill me on wraith king

lmao aghs two rapiers and BoT

I figured out how to fix shrines.

All shrines can be used by both teams with separate cd for teams.

Repick the hero

impossible to land ultimate

>siege high ground of which ever team
>dive into their t4s and dont die because 5 shrines in THEIR base

>defending high ground at 20 min
>entire enemy team teleports behind u
>clicks your shrine
heh. nothing personnel.....kid

I always see people failing with him and is because he is slow as fuck, dont have anything good since other heros can do what he does better.

Okay, you tell me any other hero that can stack two or three rapiers and never lose them.



>ebola spirit dagon

Is it viable?

Thats the new meta or are you trying to cheat on me? dolan.jpg

Nothing is viable with Earth Spirit.

Aghs BoT Daedelus
Silver Edge Rapier Rapier

get memed on kiddos, aghs WK is the way of the future

I meant Ember Shaker

you want me to call 911 for you, user?

Ana is better than n0brain any day of the week

N-no thanks u :D

Rapier Rapier Rapier
Rapier Rapier Linkansphea!
what pokemon i?


Rapier Butterfly Manta EBlade MKB BoT (refresher)(BKB)(Moonshard2)

i had an idea for a new hero

>q - no target ability that launches a projectile at the closest enemy, dealing an initial burst damage then damage over time while also breaking passives. after casting and before the projectile hits its target you gain a 60% speed boost and invisibilty.

>w- launch two projectiles that converge upon a target point. each deals damage in an area around them as they travel. if they both strike an enemy at the same time it will be stunned and take extra damage.

>e- enchant an allied hero's next spell to deal a multiplier of its primary attribute as bonus pure damage in an area around the target unit or point.

>r- toggle on to disarm yourself until toggled off. during this time you gain 1/2/3% spell amp, spell lifesteal, and cooldown reduction for every 10 attack damage you have.

If you think n0tail is better than ana you actually have brain damage

what if I think Eternal Envy is the best player in the world?

utter cancer

you also haven't listed cd's, mana costs, statgain, base move speed, base damage or anything else.

>arc farms all game with midas/BoTs, etc.
>right click rhasta solokills him 45 mins in
How is this allowed?

sorry your splitpush strat doesn't work every single game

>expecting Veeky Forums to show up on Veeky Forums
you're delusional

im the rhasta dingus


>Sumail AM vs Cr1t Axe mid
what strange times we live in

You have picked a melee core
The other team picks an axe
axe just runs at you, ignoring the creepwave attacking him
your support can't do anything
when his creeps get to your tower, he starts diving you

What do you do /d2g/ ?

I shit on you.


So the highest damage potential for jugg is going to be Treads/Echo/Diffusal (Yasha optional) for more mid game items

and for late game items

Manta Illusions hitting a target for 10 seconds is the highest damage potential

However Mjolnir instead of manta is obviously going to be more consistent, and that's not counting mjolnir's active procs for bonus damage

the choice seems to come down to mjolnir or manta depending on the game, though manta is more likely to be the average purchase


I use pit firestorm to build atrophy aura charges off the creepwave and use pit to fuck with him
my stout shield, PMS and Vitality booster let me tank his attacks and return with my charged up atrophy aura

i see this comin from a mile away befor the game starts by lookin at my hero and potential enemy offlane heroes because I'm not retarded

>make him spin the creep wave
>shadow wave!

3 years ago you could try those things in pubs

but nowadays if u buy an echo saber on jugg people WILL walk down mid and feed and you WILL go to low prio

abaddon offlane is not working guys, i keep losing

>tfw pubs are no longer viable for funbuilds
I just want to enjoy this game every once in a while, is that too much to ask? Sure my aghs rush soft carry lion might not work, but why would you report a pub game for that? You'll never know if you don't try.

Good for you faggot

jedi jugg will get my to lp?
must try

So are they never going to nerf this pos broken hero?

How exactly is he broken

>*buys glimmer cape*
>*buys linkens*
>*picks bane*
>*picks dazzle or oracle*
pfft.... nothen personall kid...

>vit booster in the laning phase

you picked first, axe picked later

welcome to drafting friend, if you wanna early pick then focus on things that arent fucked over by a single strong offlaner

You buy 2 sets of tangos, and a stout shield, in the very initial part of the laning stage (assuming you get bounty) scrounge enough money to buy a PMS.

If axe is diving you and he is level 3, he has won the lane, let him farm, let him creep cut even (if the mid is unwilling to gank), and go tank and farm creeps under tower, buying a third set of tangos if necessary, try and get as much farm as you can, get your support to farm the jungle camps.

Axe before level 3 isn't incredibly strong, you must zone him as hard as possible with your support (bonus points if its a venge with blight stone, or another support that can amplify damage in lane), and try to send him back. He is like Timber, not actually very tanky as long as he doesn't get levels

t. upper 2k mmr

>not having good farming efficiency
>not building an early Atos on Underlord
Its like you like running out of mana and being bad

Welcome to pubbing my friend, things dont always go your way and you are only in control of your own pick. This whole "Dont pick a hero that is fucked over by a strong offlaner" doesn't really apply by the given scenario

You forgot SD, OD, Aba and Omni.

And if you farm an Agh's also Phoenix and Weaver.

>This whole "Dont pick a hero that is fucked over by a strong offlaner" doesn't really apply by the given scenario
it obviously does when you pick the carry and dont know what you're facing in the offlane
like, thats what drafting is, if you dont have support(s) that can deal with bullying offlaners then youre asking for it by picking a pressumably squishy melee carry that is weak at early levels
for example, a jugg could simply wait for creeps to die then spin the axe down for 500 dmg at lvl 1, and use healig ward to keep himself up whilst easily lasthitting under tower, farm phase boots, get lvl 3 and then the axe can just fuck off