Ever bishop is in persona Christi

>ever bishop is in persona Christi
"every bishop is Christ in person"

This is a Catholic doctrine.

The Orthodox think it's extremely wrong: anastasias-corner.blogspot.com/2008/06/in-persona-christi-capitis.html

Could some Catholic give me the justification the RCC uses for it?

Hi Constantine. Nice day, wasn't it?

It means that the priest stands in for Christ during Eucharist.
Which he does, nothing blasphemous in that.

That would be Christ vicarious, not Christ in persona.

>every Christian should be persona Christi.

We are taught to imitate God.

There is no justification for the evils of the RCC. None.

I don't understand what this political cartoon is trying to convey.

Your latin is bad and you should feel bad.

"In persona Christi" = "in the character OF Christ".

god will literally kick trump's ass if he insults the pope.

not that'd he'd ever do that though

That God has the pope's back; that the pope is literally Jesus on earth, and the Father will swat anyone who says different.

The pope is the false prophet of Mystery Babylon, an infidel and a traitor.

>Latin matters in the Kingdom of God.

A bit dumb since it was Trump who managed to PR shame Francis into an apology.

It's a passive aggressive thread between two cults vying for cult supremacy, who are in reality being merged together as we post. Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Both lost as lost can be.

So how you parse the three personas of the Trinity?


How hard was that?

I mean what do you think "persona" means in this context, in Ecclesiastical Latin?

I think it means the person has absolutely no idea who the Holy Spirit of God is.

The Orthodox think that Jesus was born from fucking anal sex rape. Fuck what they think.

What? Where did you get this?


Who the fuck is Constantine?

The Roman Emperor who legalized and supported Christianity, and the first Emperor to convert (although not until his deathbed). Christian sectarian was getting really out of hand, so he called all the bishops together and told them to come up with a unified position: that was called the Council of Nicaea, and it gave us the Nicene Creed, which, among other things, affirmed that the Son is literally God (in contrast with Arianism, which affirmed he was created).

Nutty broad who posts pro-Orthodoxy here.

Constantine the Orthodox trip posted it.

>Constantine the Orthodox trap posted it.

He didn't, the guy who posted it used a different trip code.

>Constantine will never be the Ariadne to your (Nietzschean) Dionysus
It is night: now do all leaping fountains speak louder. And my soul too is a leaping fountain.

It is night: only now do all songs of lovers awaken. And my soul too is the song of a lover.
