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Sombra is cute!

Jamison Fawkes!

if you dont do 20 push-ups right now you will lose 200 competitive points by the end of the day

I want to see widowmaker and gérards domestic life.

50 coming right up.

Why are Symmetra's spicy thigh so great?

I don't think she had blue hair back then.

quick, buffer your image uses so you can delete them when these retards hit image limit again with shipping faggotry

Start the thread the right way!

>start making some headway with my SR
>suddenly start getting moronic team after moronic team that can't be saved from themselves
>end up back where I started

Probably not. I just want to see her when she was still happy in a loving relationship.

>shitty fucking DPS, including a Pharah, somehow someway cannot kill a fucking junkrat

I cannot make this shit up. Get me out of this fucking elo hell.

Huh, I just realized she and Junkrat are the only characters with any skin of their legs visible.

>When the Hog is bad enough where you can bust out reaper
>He still lands the occasional brainless kill because you can't fuck up the hook

>robotic limb
>exposed leg

match made in heaven


Are you gayposters women or homosexual men?

What do you think?

gay women

big gay frogs mostly

gay men
fujos go and stay go

Almost invariably men.

Real women don't find homosexuality all that attractive. Nowhere near the level of men who find female homosexuality attractive, that's for sure.

I am now officially one loss from gold.



And both place on the spectrum.

>tfw you get your first legendary card

Who wants to argue about Chu confirming there is indeed a romance somewhere between Reaper, 76 and Ana.
The Ana76 fags have been suspiciously quite despite this. This pertains to you guys too.

>Main Rein
>Am getting sick of him
>Try to play Reaper because he seems ok
>Try to play McCree
>Try to play Soldier

>open my first ever loot box

>legendary skin

>slipshot lucio

Fuck, I'd rather cybergoth tumblrya to be honest.

Junkrat is not autistic! He's just a little insane because of the radiation, that's all.

I'm not gay posting persay but I'm definitely thirsty for some of the male overwatches

Predictions on how ptr changes will shake up the meta:

>Orisa gets reasonable usage as a snowballing tank
>Ana is still S+ tier
>Lucio stays A tier and becomes a fucking nightmare at high level play
>Winston stays in shittertown because literally everything on the enemy team is a tank

Adhd and high functioning autism.

Not bullying. But the signs are there.

You're not trying out new heroes in comp are you?

Flankers would see more use on 2CP maps

I want to see another Amélie short with Amélie living her previous life and getting brainwashed into Bloo.

I'll grant ADHD because that wouldn't really surprise me. I don't think he has autism, though, he's just addled.

I want to become good friends with Sombra and go shopping with her.

>no junk x sombra art


I'm sorry, user. I only have this one, but I hope it helps!

>Hacking lasts 2 seconds longer
>Can hack through shields
>When hacked deployed shields fizzle out and can't be re-deployed until hack status ends (includes things such as Winston barrier and Zarya bubble)

How badly would this fuck up the game? I hate barrierwatch.

Mccree x sombra is the better ship.

Come to think of it I have never seen a single thing that ships sombra with a man.


Iunno, I've seen loads of sombra x d.va personally.

Not at all. The trade-off for dealing with a barrier is losing a lot DPS, but Blizzard is dumb

The enemy has a teleporteur.

I see Sombra coming more into vogue, especially since she'll be both a counter and a compliment to Orisa.

Aren't all female hackers lesbians or asexuals anyway?


Not dressed like that she's not. Put some damn clothes on young lady!

how about now?


Where do I practice then

Sombra is for breeding

Who is that guy?

Yay we have just killed previous thread's image limit with gayshit.
Let us continue posting this crap no one here ever saw.




The stretched one is funny but this one looks just disgusting with her dwarf leg.

Quick play, dipshit.

Comp is for bringing your A game holy shit I hate people like you


Phara's lore says she comes from a long line of soldiers

Which side do you think her family was on during the Second Libyan Civil War? ISIS or Egypt?

Zenyatta is the medication that will induce gitgudness in your body. The process will be painful. The results will be real.


Good idea I'll go practice in a shit fest.


New Lucio just shits all over Winston
>Amp it up for complete immunity to his weapon
>Able to stay out of reach anywhere there's a surface to wallride on (everywhere)
>Faster gun makes spamming his headbox easier


Orisa is the purest!

Efi put an onahole inside her

Roadhog is my most played tank

Zen is my most played support

McCree is my most played dps

what does this say about me?

>get a four-stack of friends
>inevitably one of them is shit and we lose

Fucking clockwork.

And it's never been used.

>be me
>playing attack torb/symm/widow/junkrat
>having fun
>somebody tells me to switch
>i don't, even if i would have before, i stay locked on to that character for the remainder of the match

who /spiteful/ here

Nah fuck it, no more comp for me. The only thing I've worked toward is a Golden weapon, I'm 20 wins away from one, but I'll have enough if I just wait for the season to end. So fuck this until then.

Help me

I'm healing retards every fucking game

Literal retards picking hanzo and junkrat as our fucking damage dealers and begging me, the solo healing ana to kill the pharah every game

I don't deserve this

I used it earlier. It's part of the sexual relief program.

You want to kill.



As opposed to turning comp into a shitfest because of people like you

2 months m8

Stop ban evading.


I love D Va.

We need more D Va threads.

>lowest ranking one insists his defense tracer will be amazing

Stop playing support? The biggest fallacy in ELO hell is that you can just teamfill and make it work. Sometimes you just have to go full retard and enable the shitter on your team. Go a third DPS if you have to.

The Rooster Epics were so fucking good. Sad I got none of them but I had just spent all my shekels on the Christmas event.

as a Roadhog main I hate Ana with a passion! Her grenade negates my heal, I am a giant sleep dart target, when I do manage to hook her, her hitbox is so janky that I usually can't kill her in one hit and get slept and naded anyway. I am going to be cucked even further when Orisa is live....

But that's not what I want to do, I'm good at support. I thought "you must carry as dps" was a meme from league of legends

It's funny because I thought all the Rooster Epics were great, but also all the Legendaries were shit.

>enable the shooters on your team
That is Ana
Ana can carry hard, and nobody will notice its Ana carrying, she is like a silent hero
The difference I've seen between plat Anas and diamond Anas is that diamonds use the grenade to anti heal whenever possible instead of just for healing and they land clutch sleep darts a lot more
Btw I got to diamond with Ana

That's a meme from Dota 2.

Well as that image shows, so would I if my diamond game didn't have a kid that threw himself off a cliff all game saying "ez trolled"

After that it's just been a downward slump of similar shit

Also positioniong and diamond anas can 1v1 200hp heroes and win a lot of the time
A good Ana makes you consider wether its a good idea to engage 1v1

Enemy Rein:

>Nails all his fire strikes
>has ult every minute
>multi-track drifts charges into optimal positions to kill key targets (Ulting Genji/McMeme/Soldier) without putting himself in too big of danger
>perfectly balances sheild time versus recharge time
>will run forward to save over extending/out of place team-mates and escort them to safety
>will probably hunt you down and castrate you if you hurt his support
>probably actually a crusader

Your Rein:
>Firestrikes into blocking D.Va's/Genjis
>gives enemy ult every minute
>charges off cliffs/into bastions/the entire enemy team/ulting roadhogs and is melted instantly
>Doesn't know how to right click
>will run forward to swing uselessly at backpedaling enemies and die without landing a hit
>Will probably high five you if you kill his support
>porbably actually a crayon eating retard

Why are Full Tilt Rein's so hard to deal with?

My best reccomendation is duo or triple queue with somebody you know is not a shitter
Statistically it lessens the likelihood that you will have shitters on your team and most of the time comp is just a matter of who has less shitters on the team

Will I ever get out of gold? Will my aim ever improve? Will my Reins stop yolo charging, my Hogs stop playing like Reapers? Will my Pharahs and Junkrats ever be good or will my enemy's ever be be bad? Should I drop Lucio? Should I drop supports altogether? Should I mute everyone and ignore chat entirely? Should I stop playing drunk? Should I stop playing everyone but Winston? Should I force myself into QP when I lose 2+ in a row? Should I stop trying to argue that Orisa has an ugly design and too much kit overlap? Should I put down this game forever?

If you're stuck in plat/diamond that means you aren't improving.
The best way to climb to master is to record your games an reflect on YOUR mistakes

You aint lying mate
I take on hogs by myself after he whiffs the hook if I'm stuck in a 1v1 situation
I've also worked my way out of 2v1 situations with effective tranq darts, using the biotic grenade properly and landing shots
I had a mei and soldier try to jump me and killed them both