What can you say about this man?
What can you say about this man?
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Sharp dresser.
He has his fans and his haters - and both would probably be sorta right and sorta wrong.
He was a great offensive tactician.
He liked taking risks and going on the offensive - and German High Command stuck him in Africa and told him he couldn't do any offensives ever while his logistics were constantly compromised by the RN prowling the Mediterranean.
He disregarded those orders and we all know how that went. Did he bleed out his equipment and supplies for very little gain? Yes. Did his dashing style make him popular and respected with his troops and his adversaries? Also yes.
Strategically his management of the defense of France wasn't all that bad, to be honest. His leadership just suffered from SS and Wehrmacht infighting. Also, he got strafed in his staff car so that didn't turn out too well.
A shining example of the Peter Principle, promoted beyond his level of competence.
>He liked taking risks and going on the offensive - and German High Command stuck him in Africa and told him he couldn't do any offensives ever while his logistics were constantly compromised by the RN prowling the Mediterranean.
His logistical compromising was more due to the expanses of desert he had to cross on the basis of almost no established infrastructure. The amount of supplies lost to RN raiding is generally overstated.
>Strategically his management of the defense of France wasn't all that bad, to be honest.
The plan he advocated didn't work at Salerno. Why would it work in Normandy?
Now I know why he was called desert "fox"
Shit general
>Did his dashing style make him popular and respected with his troops and his adversaries?
His troops hated him for throwing their lives away in pointless attacks, they called him "the butcher"
Did he want to kill Hitler? He loved Germany better than Hitler.
Why did Hitler send him to Africa, but not to Russia? He wanted to kill Rommel first?
cause he had a pet fox I believe
If you haven't noticed Hitler made a series of autistic moves that real life Generals and not make-believe one's (I got injured delivering a package in ww1 guys, I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!) would have never done
r u a grill?
If so, please be in Boston
>post on history and humanities forum
>guy INSTANTLY asks you to meet up
This is what autistic r9kers really think
Yes, but I live in London
Mirin the chin and bone structure
at least you caught the meme
For one, in 1941, Hitler and Rommel were on very good terms. Rommel was one of a number of young up and coming interwar officers, whose loyalty and aggression Hitler could count on, and were a break from the sort of thinking that was around in WW1, which Hitler had bad memories of.
Secondly, he was thought to be independently minded, the sort that wouldn't need to check back with OKW all the time, which in Hitler's mind made him the perfect chocie for a theater that was going to be a long way from the center of things, where whomever he'd sent would have to be on their own most of the time.
I´ve noticed. Red Army was lucky he didn´t command Eastern Front, he could capture Moscow. I think Hitler hated him.
Capable field commander, didn't have the mind for high command though. Kesselring had a good measure of the man.
He was also consistently put on defensive fronts when he the man thoroughly believed the best defense is a good offense, regardless of his logistical capabilities.
Still he was a proper officer, a clever armor and combined arms tactician, and a respectable opponent. He had flaws but ultimately its easy to see how why he came to be romanticized.
No idea who he is and I don't care because whoever he is, he's ultimately a beta fuck loser.
Overrated traitor
He was not a perfect choice. Soldiers like Hans-Ulrich Rudel were better for propaganda.
Meme general
>Rommel was one of a number of young up and coming interwar officers
Nothing could be more far away of the truth. Rommel was a product of the first World War. There he learned everything he used later in the second world war. Besides the influence on his tactics, the end of WW1 also resulted in him supporting anyone who tried to reverse Versailles (eg. Hitler).
for all the wanking over him he sure was pretty high in drinking the nazi koolaid
he was a 5'6" manlet