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hello gamers

a tribute to jinx

xth for Rumble

>had kata AD on bottom last night vs. poke lane
>think she'll feed
>she kills the botlane first
>then kills everyone else
What is this champion.

anything can get fed in silver my friend, you should know this by now


why do you always post this? mental illness? kill yourself

anyone else think surrender@20 has a terrible ui

comfy bfs~

what happened to the picture archive on eyosongive.us?

You know what the worst part about Camille is? Her ultimate actually represents what the game needs more of. Combat aids that aren't just giant AoE fuckfests, big multiman AoEs or huge single target nukes.

What they should have done is given Camille's ultimate to a support. You know require some sort of coordination between the support isolating a target and then another champion actually fighting the isolated target. It doesn't make sense to make a 1v1 me you won't ult, but then give it to the single most powerful duelist in the game designed to win 1v1s who can initiate the ult on her terms.

i could get a pentakill in silver with crit AS galio

hey fuck you gay

>bot lane gives first blood on level 2
>are told to not engage in a fight
>do it anyway
>die again right after getting back to lane
Do people not realize that other players buy items, how do you outplay items, why do people think that you can somehow outplay autos, what the fuck.

>Ryze has the worst performance of all the champions in the game

Who is ready for the next champion rework, Ryze?

>point and click snare (his core problem) will remain
>shield and ms boost after Xspells will remain
>Q as a nuke and E as a enhancer will remain
>effort wasted for no reason
>still no udyr buffs
sad desu

sorry im a top only, if youre willing to bottom we might be able to work~

>play support
>always behind on XP
>have no abilities to clear waves with
>no way of gaining additional XP
>somehow supposed to support the team with shitty base stat abilities and low income items
this role is cancer

>not playing zyra, brand or vel'koz

Fuck off you entitled piece of shit. I remember when supports didn't have items and the entire role was balanced around the ability to function with no items whatsoever because your entire budget was for wards.


>play adc in bot
>get 1 kill and 1 assist and ~15 cs more than enemy adc
>they get level 6 first
I don't understand.

>comparing the dark ages to the burst fest today
Back then supports had actual relevance and didn't get nerfed 5 times in a row so they had to put in items and masteries to put them onto the same level as more relevant non-support champions.

Post fiora

posting shitty webms


>malz cancels his own ult

that malz cancelled his ult, right

they really are shitty webms

This is my pre-30 account so I try not to judge players too hard

does spider form Q proc on hits?

and yet you go through the effort of making a webm to highlight how shitty the lee is, sounds legit :)

hey i warned u

Tell your support to back the fuck off the wave whenever it's uncontested to get as much solo XP as possible

>taliyah gets three qs off on that zed with ZERO cooldown in between

what the fuck is that shit?

It was funny though, not judging just laughing

>tries to dive without ult
>doesn't auto tower to lower Q cooldown if he can't catch blitz
>runs in a straight line at the end
this is why people think yi players are degenerate, feels bad

People think Yi players are degenerate because he require no skill, not because retards play him sometimes

he's one of the most mechanical champions in the game actually, but you'll never believe it because you're stubborn and bronze, oh well :)

Dude wanted everyone to see how flashy his plays were, I'm just helping him get the exposure he deserves


>1.65s cooldown at 45% CDR
>CD starts on cast not when last rock is thrown
>420+120%AP for hitting every stone
Taliyah is fucking busted but don't tell anyone it's a secret. People haven't caught on because she has a non-damaging ult.

>right click for damage
>targeted invulnerbility

yi takes less skill than udyr


>45% cdr on anyone but supports and GP

I really hope people dont do this

yi players are something else

its "balanced" around worked ground

taliyah did shit that webm tho

>yi is easy because he pubstomps silver players like me

a master yi player will never get above gold tier if he can't Q dodge malph ults, riven ults, veigar ults, etc. with quick reflexes

I actually take the 45% CDR mastery for the early game, since I take 10% flat CDR in runes.

I know that doesn't sound like it makes a lot of sense because the alternative hybrid penetration is strongest early game, but I prefer the CDR on champs who have abilities with utility aside from damage where the CDR helps but pen doesn't.

How does it feel you knowing you will NEVER have gamesense as good as mine?

>anyone above silver retarding around one of the most useless champions in the game

you would know a lot about silver wouldnt you yi main?

yi takes a lot more skill than the large majority of champions

if you think something like ryze, veig, ahri, lux, annie, cait, jinx, etc. is more mechanically complex than yi you're fucking braindead

He just seems simple because his kit seems simple and if he's ahead he can QER and go afk while he gets kills

>yi is as simple as X amount of simple champions

dont call your champ skillful when he is a little bit harder to play than garen

the only reason your champion is hard is because youre handicapping yourself by PICKING him in the first place

uhh yes he is useless in the hands of most players and only becomes relevant if you have godlike mechanics. you just confirmed what i said with your own post.

being this unintelligent is a crime, just shoot yourself please

Yi has extremely low mechanical difficulty but his decision-making is hard as fuck compared to, say, you average mage whose game plan is "stay away from bad guys and spam spells."


No, it's just a dash/ execute

>cdr for earlygame where you have no mana to spam abilities

Is this game any good yet

yeah, im mostly useless and make webms of other people carrying me

No it's not

Watching a fight doing nothing until everyone's used their key cc isn't hard retard, you're not some master tactician

>people still clueless about yi's mechanical potential
Is this season 3? This is why EU players are looked down upon lol

>Also retarded

go figure

I wish this was S3. AP Yi was cool.

Taliyah specifically has a Mana refund on Q although I wasn't specifically talking about Taliyah.

I mostly play manaless cancer like top cock croc and Numéro uno.

lol who brought everyone to low enough hp for riven then
the ezreal that threw 2 qs?

So, when the fuck is Riot starting to ban people who go afk by saying the magic word "Open" even though the game is 8-12 and their 4 teammates want to play?

>whaa those are also simple champions
okay I'll make it easier for you
every single champion you play takes is less complex than yi



The fact that you don't know how mechanical Yi can potentially be means you've never seen a high level one since you're low elo.

bait's getting too obvious now fuck off

im glad people are talking about the game because of that dumb yi
now i present to you guys this katarina

>Add bronze player
>Spectate him

I didn't realise it got this bad

ayy lmao

Are Kat's blinks just free now?

>not just walking 5 units down to lose turret aggro and then give chase
>diving that in the first place
>guy is plat 3

platinium players everyone

Got to pick up that dagger bro


>Enemy bot is pushed up
>3 of them take drag
>THEN decide to gank bot

the decision making here is absurdly hillarious

Lulu is my STAR!


Oh, I was getting trolled the whole time. You got me good haha! Glad you were just joking about Yi being easy.

go away
i mean it

How's that working out for you? Being mentally ill? Is it the norm where you live? Must suck.

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

stop harassing me this is lolgen comfy hours

I wanna go swimming with Lulu!

more quality webms coming up

then stop shitposting

Camille is a better j4 prove me wrong

>320 + 180% AD + 12(+3 per 100 AD)% Max hp

you're the one shitposting loser

xth for Syndra

who the fuck are you talking about

Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!

Camille revolves around 1V1 me you won't faggot and does extended trades using her Ultimate to isolate targets where as J4 builds full Lethality/AD and tries to explode multiple targets stacked on top of each other in 0.1s with burst, the walls of his ultimate are basically cosmetic ideally he kills them with his initial jump.

>poppy flashes in the direction she was already walking
uh no...and why didn't you show us the part where she kills your kha and walks away?

Tell me about your parents. How did you become like this? Any past traumas?


I love lulu! She's flawless!