/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1310

O N E H U N D R E D N' F I F T Y
>Free Quest Guide

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/18 - 3/26 - New Skyfarer Special (1/2 Off Free/Special Quests, 50%+ EXP)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Juliet isn't core! Just get a Chev harp instead!


First for never getting a 5* GW character.

Song is pretty.

Dj and Vira slammin clams doujin when

And what if I want to cuck Romeo? What then, nerd?

Grind for you silver weapon during half AP, unless you want to regret it later

Mmmm, clammy dyke vagoo

Thats already out there user

Ha, just you wait
Getting 5* Song is one of my goals now.
Fuck wind and dirt pools, I want Song's 5*.


Catbros when?

Song is for Silva!

i sure love how i cant fucking hit a single debuff on the fate episode jewtenshoe, AND when they do land they still hit their triple attacks through blind to kill me from half health



>Not sisters

Same. I'm halting all non GW chara-related grinds.

ChocoCats SOON

>Tier A GW


Thanks random Michael on raid list

>still no proof

You can do that, but enjoy not being core!

>mention dlf/mahira/halle would be a great tez team near her release
>get shitposted

>still giving autist-kun his (you)s

Shadowverse outfits when

>Tier B GW

repostan since old thread:

It actually dropped from EX+, didn't think that was possible.

Too bad I chose dagger this time but next GW I wanted to go for Esser anyway so that's fine.

>Didn't Qualify


>her third skill becomes a spear DI3
>first skill gives self echo

>didn't even qualify

>tfw Six is immune to Blind

>having to qualify

at least you have time to do other things now

When Erika makes it over during the second collab, hopefully with a better story this time

>Qualified in past GWs
>Still losing in tier B

Gief code


Sorry I don't even know I just saved that picture

We don't need another dyke.

What's the code? These signs are my fetish


Yuri is the purest form of love

Do you know what's worse than a guild that fights back?
An EOP guild that fights back.

who /stillwearingthedressafter5*announcement/ here?

one day you'll have song so you can actually confirm instead of just shitposting shitposting-kun

Yurishit ruins a great character like Silva.

Dunno, anything that makes it so I don't have to bother with Tyler Durden sounds fine by me.

Guys help me

Earth is my "main" element and I've always liked DLF because she's CUTE

I want to do a 10-roll now but I KNOW I should wait until legfest


>Be in tier B
>All guilds fight back even if they have no chance

You'll get her.

>didn't think that was possible
Not sure what made you think that.

>Vira, Granblue's flagship dyke, accepts Gran's chocolates.
>Ange, who has shown bisexual conducts, doesn't
>Cordelia, on the other hand, shows no interest in women is kind of happy to receive chocolates in white day for a change.

Guess you can't judge a book by its cover, huh.

wait next tix


>fighting back in tier B is doing one ex plus per hour
must be tough

anyone with a half working brain could have seen that one working, you could even make a small sacrifice and run ayyer/dlf/something else, dlf is just too good and what soilniggers needed for so long, plus not limited


Don't do it user! Save for legfest! Save until you get a ticket! If you roll now you won't ever get her!

NM E7996B42

How good is elysium? Worth getting harps for every element?

You have a higher chance of getting DLF now than during legfest.

>people are different and sometimes don't conform to their tropes

You should have gotten them for nearly every element anyway.

Unironically saved Earth and changed the Light core (again). Probably really good for Water too.

>tfw joined for the cute female(female) grills
>literally /lgbt/blue fantasy
just end my suffering kmr-sama

I can't fucking believe that KMR is going to get away with this. He should be lynched already.

Thought it was nightmare or higher drop

Erika isn't gay, can't girls be close friends without /u/ propping up inserting their lesbo delusions between whatever relationship they see

I did a 10-roll and got Silva instead of DLF

Not if you're in the top end. They actually do hells. It nothing serious, but its enough that you have to actually fight back.

stop with this meme

Mostly an Earth thing becuase they have such a good harp to work with.

who got kicked out?


Juliet. Elysium can do its own impression of her Skill1, but better.

What's the Light core now? What's it look like without Lucio as well?


>changed the Light core (again)

love this meme, keep it up

No one, people are just memeing.

Sandalphone isn't gay, can't angels be close friends and mentors without /y/ propping up inserting their homo delusions between whatever relationship they see

he got away with forcing everyone to farm six times more pools, do your seriously think he wouldn't get away with this?
he could just put a fucking dick as a ssr limited as long as it was core and people would go with it at this point.

>Elysium saves Earth
>Okto literally synergizes perfectly with super Song of Grande, Vohu harp, and insta death SS
>meanwhile Sarasa

Raphael DF4DA664


Who do you use then? Jeanne?

Juliet is pretty tanky too which seems to matter more.


stop posting romeo

meant for

Katalina is heterosexual though, and so is most of the female cast.

Delet this pic Sandy is pure

>name is elysion
>everyone calls it elysium


cant fire also elysium pretty effectively even with agni?

>forcing everyone to farm six times more pools
You mean playing the game how it was supposed to be played?

no I mean stop the Yuri is pure meme its annoying

Thanks for anime.

Yes but why would you? Just run Apsaras and mainhand your Xeno-Ifrit Axe.