>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
This banner is garbage
the next banner is garbage
you will never get your waifu
Benny is a pretty cool dude, I guess.
>buying gaiden
here's the (You) you're horny for now fuck off
I love Beruka
Should I focus on getting all my units to 5*, or is getting a bunch of units to 4* better? I kind of want to max everyone eventually, but I'm hesitant to spend my feathers on
Pre-orders when? I want that LE, but can't find it up anywhere.
>genealogy remake may happen in your lifetime
>also seiken densetsu 3 on switch
thank goodness for boats
The future of gaiden
The maps in 4 are huge though, dunno how they'd do it.
Camilla a best!
>Summoning characters
>"Oh shit"
>Suicide postponed
>Check IVs
>Sheena is +Spd -Atk
>Chrom is +HP -Atk
>Hinoka is +Def -Atk
Not only is my suicide resumed, I'm probably shooting a kindergarten or bombing an orphanage as well.
My Olwen and Camilla are also -Atk, there's quite literally no fucking way this shit isn't rigged, 5 fucking banes and it's almost as if my fucking units all gathered up for a meeting to dicsuss which one would fuck me up the most just so they all could have it, motherfucking hell everything sucks, this niggas better implement a way to fix IVs real fucking soon. Yes, I'm mad
What is with reviewer's obsession with dark souls? They have to mention it in every review.
They'd just do what Gaiden does and remake the maps as is. They might do a few movement tweaks or allow inbattle saving on any mode/difficulty to alleviate the length.
>"Pillars of Modern Warfare such as pair-ups and predictable archers have no place in Valentia!"
>"Pillars of Modern Warfare such as pair-ups and predictable archers have no place in Valentia!"
>"Pillars of Modern Warfare such as pair-ups and predictable archers have no place in Valentia!"
They can either do it on the switch or they could segment the maps into smaller maps as chapters to make the game "seem longer" I guess. It'd most likely be the latter.
>release babby emblem on phone
>sinplify game so much that gaiden will seem much more complex than it is
Nintendo is smart
game version of buzzword
elicits reaction w/o substance, allows thhe to review w/o playing
Good skillset for michalis ?
Am I retarded enough ?
How do you feel about Echoes so far?
AHHHHHHHHHHH IVE WASTED ROLLS ON THIS FUCKING "pull once to see if it has the color you need" MEME
Something, something, moeblobs reeeee. I'd probably play it if I had a 3DS.
Filthy plebs that don't have major Hezul blood flowing through their veins aren't allowed to wield the Mystletainn.
What's the best boon and bane for Jeorge?
Could be good, could be bad. I'm indecisive at the moment
I like the art, I like seeing the dumb gameplay quirks from Gaiden, but I don't like the maps I've seen at all
Look's pretty cool.
I like how they aren't trying to make it some kind of "EPIC JOURNEY OF THE CHOSEN ONE" kind of thing. I mean, it was fine in Awakening, but in Fates? It just felt really obnoxious.
I hope it does well.
will echoes be dual audio?
It looks really, really nice.
But Gaiden plays like a piece of shit, so I'm hoping they fix that. I mean, no new classes, wide empty maps, small unit pool, throws waves of enemy units at you. I fear it's going to be Birthright 2.0.
It looks really good
I wonder how it plays, though.
No. Considering the game is fully voiced I can understand why it isn't
But why Dark Souls? Surely other games with unforgiving gameplay existed before hand. I remember reviewers giving radiant dawn shit for its difficutly. Why is DS so different.
How do YOU feel about unreleased, unplayed game #123 so far? oWo
Unlikely to actually be good, as the base game is bad.
I'll emulate it come May.
It's Sacred Stones ver 1.0
Sacred Stones is Awakening 1.0
Awakening is Birthrout 1.0
It's all the same shit.
Fire Emblem games released near the end of console lifetimes tend to have bad track record sales wise.
Dark Souls can be cheesed by multiple methods. Games that cannot be cheesed as easily as Natural Doctrine and Monster Hunter get bad reviews from Western reviewers as a result.
>not april
Lucina won't be getting any birthday threads will all the echoes discussion and datamining that will be happening.
It's a fucking shitfest.
The only people who are excited for it are awakening/fates-babies who don't know Gaiden, like some of the other people who responded to your post.
They aren't changing any of the core mechanics or maps, which is enough to make it garbage.
The tide of pseudo elitist gamers who pretend they have fun playing "hardcore" games reach its apex with DS and got mindlessly shilled by everyone and their mother.
I'll enjoy it on my Switch
Where were you when children were confirmed for Echoes? ;)
But that's the last one which usually resulted in marriage in the old games.
I'm unironically looking forward to this prologue
It's being as different from other 3DS FE as it can get away with without significantly impacting sales so that automatically makes it great for simply not being just anohter 3DS FE.
>mobile poster
>apple cuck
>ironic shitposting
Holy shit. I bet you're Australian too.
worse than unreleased, unplayed game #46 but better than unreleased, unplayed game #97
So I've got a Shanna ready for someone to inherit Desperation. Who would be best with that type of skill or should I just trash her?
At least they can build supports.
What are some good skills my wife can inherit?
It's too late to delete my post?
I need echoes to come out so I can give up on this phone crap
If I merge a lv40+3 unit into a lv40+1 unit, will the +1 unit become +4 or +2?
So what's your favourite music from fe? mine is this one, the music of the newer games doesn't even come close
dumb telliusfag
I played conquest first just for this.
I'm already starting to lose almost all enjoyment from Heroes. I noticed it would take like two and a half months to upgrade all the units I want to for inheritance.
I guess the new trailer and the reveal of the Limited Edition are this week's Echoes highlights. Odd for Famitsu to be going bi-weekly with this, the game still has a lot of unanswered questions, and weekly updates could've benefitted Echoes a lot in that regard.
Allright, /feg/. Convince me to challenge the whale-infested arena.
I want to love loli Faye and gain her trust for when she becomes a young adult of good breeding age.
hey i know gaiden and was dumb enough to enjoy it
Radiant Dawn has my favorite ost, but I've been really enjoying Conquest's music
>whale infested
Just dont be a idiot and inflate your BST like crazy
Bros I just nearly died that fucking voice actor HAHAHAHA
he sounds like the fucking dbz abridged guys, I'm actually crying is this some kind of joke why can't they hire a rea voice actor
>Man whose ending is to marry the game's heroine can support the game's Catria who worships him
Oh boy, IS is feeling really cruel this time.
What the fuck does BST even mean?!
I'm the user that was destroyed by Effie. I finally finished my killstreak and wow, it wasn't easy. Eldigan is a pain in the ass.
Anna healed the whole time the other units with Reciprocal Aid. Not bad not great but she was "only" at 4*
Big Sexy Tiddies
yeah dude
best wyvern rider
Whats this boat meme?
I've never played Gaiden are there a fuckton of boat levels?
It's so painful to hear people claim that SMT is a Persona spinoff. I've heard it multiple times, even from people who I thought were my friends.
It -is- Pokemon-esque, though, although it's more appropriate to say that Pokemon is SMT-esque.
It's a Berserk reference
I have a kagero and am wondering this too
Have the game split into parts, with each capture having a mini indoors chapter where you kill the boss and his goons to actually capture the castle.
>who I thought were my friends
Purity spiraling against your friends over petty shit like this.
SMTfags, I swear.
Death blow, lnd3, fury
Anything to boost her 1 shotting power
Wouldn't Anna have killed the Effie with Rally attack?
Eirika's Atk buff is only +3
Yes, there are a ton of Boat levels midgame.
The worst thing is, for a time whenever I tried to look up anything about an SMT game, every single time this turd of an article would appear on the first page of Google.
And I mean, it's not incorrect to state that SMT IV is a difficult game at first for newcomers. There's grinding and it's very easy to get wiped out if you don't save often and take precautions. But the game does allow you to save after every random battle and also warns you whenever there's a boss coming up. It requires some trial and error but once you get out of the tower the game is pretty much a cakewalk.
Groomer pedos aren't actually much better, you know.
Is that from Kotaku?
SMT should be more like Apocalypse in the future. Much more light hearted and enjoyable.
>Reciprocal Aid
that's actually a very clever way to make bonus units a bit better than complete benchwarmers. Neat.
SMT should stay in /smtg/. Those games are garbage.
My Sharena has Rally Speed now, so idk. I let Anna use Vantage and Effie survived with 4 HP.
Unfortunately my Anna isn't perfect (4*, Fury 2, no C skill and a shitty special)
This skill can save your run sometimes ! Anna's HP are high.
Yes it is.
To summarize, he turned the game to easy mode after failing to git gud.
>But here’s the real kicker: I still die from time to time. Even on easy, Shin Megami Tensei IV is still a difficult JRPG.
This is my wife, and we have been happily married for years. Say something nice about her.